Oy Vey Denmark! Why are you goyim such islamophobes?

>Denmark poised to ban Islamic full-face veils

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Oh well. There goes freedom of religion. Terrifying development.

My gf is from there. She said disgust for those head towels is common. They are based.

Denmark is the only based Nordic country


Well we tried to tell them wearing trashbags were unhealthy and since our hospitals are tax funded we didn't want to pay for their stupidity so we had to ban it in the end since they refused to stop.

Muhammad detected

I mean anything that pisses off muslims is good, but its just empty symptom politics, im gonna get equally replaced by shitskins wether or not their face is covered arent I?

We wouldent have a problem with hijabs if we dident have shitskin muslims here

killing people is part of my religion. Any attempts to arrest me are sick violation against my right to freedom of religion!

We need to do something my brother, but so far even if the SD is immigrant skeptic (at least claim so) getting an SD prime minister would mean a left government and all the rest of the lefty reds jerk off to cuck and blacked porn.


>forbyder muslimske torklæder
>ikke-vestlige muslimer strommer stadig til landet


I highly doubt can vote our way out of this, broder.

This will get ugly AF, better prepare for it.

Also, you should listen to Radio266b and read Dagensblæser.net if you are interested in danish fash

>oy vei there goes freedom of religion.
>every church that tried to fight the gay got shut down.

"Freedom" means nothing for you.

No, not really.

wrong nigga

DF is bleeding members, so we need to do something other than just sit on this Korean stamp collection site.

>the veils are incompatible

Pussy Nord cucks

Islam is incompatible with your values speak the fucking truth.

Good, DF is doing fuck all. What we need is either a complete breakdown and civil war, or some sort of ethno-nationalist popular rising.

Also, danish /ourguys/ are already grouping up


They are cucks, they are gonna accept it sooner or later.

Det vil ikke være muligt at få et hojreorienteret parti som flertal via. demokratisk valg i Danmark. Vi er alt for splittede.

De ældre cuckservative bedsteforældre stemmer DF. Trendy "civic-nationalister" stemmer Nye Borgerlige, og den minimale radikale hojrefloj (dem som overhovedet stemmer) vælger Danskernes Parti.

Maybe, but voting for a party that will put more restrictions on immigration, make life harder for mudslimes may not solve the problem entirely, but it will buy us time and we need it. We don't need another Nordfront REEEE fest with cardboard shields and 10 dudes getting smacked down by 2-3 police officers.

Then what is the plan then? We have until 2019 to figure something out to buy us more time and I highly doubt a civil war or ethno state will rise before then.

Well Nordfront is definetly doing some good, what we need is to group up, socialise and spread our ideas to young normies.

>This will get ugly AF, better prepare for it.

Nordfront blew it's load too early. It's scaring most young normies who aren't already leaning that direction. You got to slowly redpill people and frankly having to explain every time I say I'm anti immigration I'm not some evil facist or basically sterilize my words so much is no ideal.

>implying it's not just a ploy to pick away at your ability to stay anonymous anywhere at all

How will they ever follow these wise teachings

Quran (24:31) - "And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known."

>Well we tried to tell them wearing trashbags were unhealthy
Explain further please.

pretty self-explanatory mate