Everyone is welcome. Discuss news, ask question, give answers, be kind to one another, and above all assist one another in living the virtuous life. If you feel something is missing, please ask for it to be included while providing a link. As usual, we will be assisting with answering questions.
What steps do I need to take to start becoming a deacon?
Nathaniel Ortiz
Daily reminder that the final fight between God and Satan will be fought along the lines of the family.
Marxist beware, final judgment is near.
Jaxon Cooper
""" 31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Go ahead, then, and complete what your ancestors started!
33 “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?""" My favorite verse about the communist leadership in the USSR. If you know what I mean.
Elijah Thompson
See you all at Chartres this year Catholads. Cardinal Sarah is saying the culminating Pontifical mass
Also, what happened to the Latin Mass lists from the old OP? >Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (U.K) lms.org.uk/mass-listings >Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (U.S/Can) ecclesiadei.org/masses.cfm
Jace Edwards
Is it possible to be a Catholic and a white nationalist. Ive heard some Catholics say it's a sin, but I try not to hate people based on their race and only want what's best for my people, and I see nothing sinful about that.
Lucas Taylor
Same words used by Jessica Gregori. She and her family have been warmed by the Virgin in the Civitavecchia appearances after a little statuette of the Virgin began to cry blood in their home. It's a very well know miracle here in italy, seems that even the Pope GPII prayed on that statue.
Isaiah Adams
Cain did noting wrong
Logan Bailey
The movie pastebin needs the next titles added.
"For greater glory/Cristiada" It shows the communist attacks on Catholics in Mexico and the Catholics succesfully fighting back.
"The Rite" Movie about the battle of a priest performing exorcisms.
Also lectures about Exorcism by renowned Exorcist Priest, Fr. Jose Fortea.
Also, what's the best response to Sup Forumstards who post anti-Catholic spam, and call the Holy Father a marxist and post pictures of him doing the Holy thursday mass?
Juan Martin
>call the Holy Father a marxist
Bergoglio can't possibly be the Pope because the Pope can't possibly be heretic.
"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Mt 24:21)
Antipopes have been there before, I don't know why people nowadays refuse the ideia that a man can claim to be the Pope without in fact being it.
Brayden Bell
Eli Murphy
Leo Long
A "church" means a gathering of people. The Catholic Church is the gathering of people who believe in Jesus Christ. Gathered by together by Peter as ordered by Jesus. Wether or not the leadership accurately represents the teachings of Christ. The Catholic Church evolves not about them. It's about Christ and his followers. Did the apostles abandon Jesus because of a Judas ?
Ian Brooks
how do i become catholic senpai?
Connor Wilson
Go to Catholic Church ( preferrably find on where they still hold the latin mass ), repent from your sins, Denounce the devil and all his works, ask to be baptized.
Why ? did you join freemasons ? Excommunication is a warning that you have crossed the boundaries, but can be undone through confession and repentance.
Charles Barnes
Joseph Thompson
Gabriel Thompson
Mason Martinez
Ayden Long
Brody Evans
online.brescia.edu/theology-news/how-to-become-a-catholic-deacon/ but check your local archdiocesan site or call the chancery. White nationalist, mayyybe, white supremacist no. St. Augustine says Cain prefigured the Jews, who killed their younger brother (Christ, the new man, who incorporates the Gentiles) and now wander the earth, cursed, but protected by God. Go to a Latin Mass finder and call your parish. You usually have to go through classes, then at Easter or Pentecost you will be baptized (if you're not) and confirmed. latinmassdir.org ecclesiadei.org/masses.cfm fssp.org/en/messes.htm sspx.org/en/community/priories Stop committing apostasy.
Luis Allen
St. Athanasius Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church, who defeated Arianism and wrote the Nicene Creed. >For in other matters also which go to make up life, we shall find differences according to circumstances. For example, it is not right to kill, yet in war it is lawful and praiseworthy to destroy the enemy...So that the same act is at one time and under some circumstances unlawful, while under others, and at the right time, it is lawful and permissible. Letter To Amun
Jace Cox
Acts 12:23 also recorded with the historian Jospephus >And forthwith an angel of the Lord struck him [King Herod], because he had not given the honour to God: and being eaten up by worms, he gave up the ghost.
Joseph Turner
Brandon Turner
I stopped. For turning into an atheist for some years. Apostasy is cause of excommunication latae sententiae and is not lifteys through a regular confession if I'm not mistaken. I'll go talk to my priest about it as soon as possible.
Lucas Robinson
maybe, but i don't really see it as something that goes along with catholicism
Zachary Gray
Wisdom of Solomon 1:13,16 >For God made not death, neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the living >But the wicked with works and words have called it to them >and esteeming it a friend have fallen away and have made a covenant with it >for they are worthy to be of the part thereof
Sirach 22:11-13 >Weep but a little for the dead, for he is at rest >For the wicked life of a wicked fool is worse than death. >The mourning of the dead is seven days >but for a fool and an ungodly man all the days of their life.
Henry James
The Catholic Church labeled just anger, which is not ruled by passion, but a rational desire is called Zealotry and where most people get the term Religious Zealot from
St. Thomas Aquinas >If it is interpreted concerning righteous anger it is not simply permitted, like the first, but imperative. Be angry against your sins....Now, some are doubtless of the opinion that a man can be mad at himself for his own sins safely, but that this does not hold true concerning his neighbors and their sins. This is false; a man can be mad at himself for his own sins, and at his fellow man because of his sins. Therefore, zealously be angry at other people’s offenses. “Phinees hath turned away my wrath from the children of Israel because he was moved with my zeal against them” (Num. 25:11). And Elias said: ‘With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord God of Hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant” (3 Kg. 19:10). By following the dictates of reason, rather than acting before [reason has had time to reflect], you sin not. “Let every man be swift to hear, but slow to speak, and slow to anger” (Jas. 1:19). Comm. on Ephs 4:26
Cooper Gutierrez
St. Gregory the Nazianzen aka The Theologian: Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church >Nor indeed is there any distinction between the state of the people and that of the priesthood: but it seems to me to be a simple fulfilment of the ancient curse, As with the people so with the priest. Nor again are the great and eminent men affected otherwise than the majority; nay, they are openly at war with the priests, and their piety is an aid to their powers of persuasion. And indeed, provided that it be on behalf of the faith, and of the highest and most important questions, let them be thus disposed, and I blame them not; nay, to say the truth, I go so far as to praise and congratulate them. Yea! Would that I were one of those who contend and incur hatred for the truth's sake: or rather, I can boast of being one of them. For better is a laudable war than a peace which severs a man from God: and therefore it is that the Spirit arms the gentle warrior, as one who is able to wage war in a good cause. Oration 2:82
Jayden Perry
catholic doctrine is not necessarily rationalist, dont use it to justify your philosophical views
Henry Moore
I never said that it was rationalist. Rationalism is techically founded on circular logic. What Thomas is talking about is "rational anger" meaning you and your reasons are in control not passion
Adrian Rodriguez
Sup niggers, nice religion you got there, would be a shame if something were to happen to it.
Adam Cruz
>But at the present time there are some who go to war even about small matters and to no purpose, and, with great ignorance and audacity, accept, as an associate in their ill-doing, anyone whoever he may be. Then everyone makes the faith his pretext, and this venerable name is dragged into their private quarrels. Consequently, as was probable, we are hated, even among the Gentiles, and, what is harder still, we cannot say that this is without just cause. Nay, even the best of our own people are scandalized, while this result is not surprising in the case of the multitude, who are ill-disposed to accept anything that is good. Oration 2:83 St. Gregory the Nazianzen
Matthew Gomez
St. John of Chrysostom Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church >“I came not to bring peace but a sword.” How then did He enjoin them to pronounce peace on entering into each house? And again, how did the angels say, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace? Luke 2:14 And how came all the prophets too to publish it for good tidings? Because this more than anything is peace, when the diseased is cut off, when the mutinous is removed. For thus it is possible for Heaven to be united to earth. Since the physician too in this way preserves the rest of the body, when he amputates the incurable part; and the general, when he has brought to a separation them that were agreed in mischief. Thus it came to pass also in the case of that famous tower; for their evil peace Genesis 11:7-8 was ended by their good discord, and peace made thereby. Thus Paul also divided them that were conspiring against him. Acts 23:6-7 And in Naboth's case that agreement was at the same time more grievous than any war. 1 Kings xxi For concord is not in every case a good thing, since even robbers agree together. Mat. 10:34 quoted in Thomas Aquinas Catena Aurea
>The war is not then the effect of His purpose, but of their temper. For His will indeed was that all should agree in the word of godliness; but because they fell to dissension, war arises. Yet He spoke not so; but what says He? I am not come to send peace; comforting them. As if He said, For think not that you are to blame for these things; it is I who order them so, because men are so disposed. Be not ye therefore confounded, as though the events happened against expectation. To this end am I come, to send war among men; for this is my will. Be not ye therefore troubled, when the earth is at war, as though it were subject to some hostile device. For when the worse part is rent away, then after that Heaven is knit unto the better. Mat. 10:34 quoted in Thomas Aquinas Catena Aurea St. John Chrysostom
Eli Parker
Wisdom 3 -4 But the children of adulterers will remain without issue, and the progeny of an unlawful bed will disappear. For should they attain long life, they will be held in no esteem, and dishonored will their old age be in the end; Should they die abruptly, they will have no hope nor comfort in the day of scrutiny; for dire is the end of the wicked generation. But the numerous progeny of the wicked shall be of no avail their spurious offspring shall not strike deep root. Their twigs shall be broken off untimely and their fruit be useless unripe for eating and fit for nothing For children born of a lawless union give evidence of the wickedness of their parents When they are examined.
Wyatt Martinez
Liam Carter
Well, technically, if you commited apostasy, the one who excomunicated you was yourself. That's the goal of apostasy nowadays.
Nolan Wilson
Catholics end up in hell because of their false gospel.
Cooper Sanchez
Luke King
>muh filioque butthurt regardless you are going to hell cause of heretical nikons reforms
John Peterson
Clement of Alexandria’s definition (Paed. Ill.4, 26): “The true eunuch is not he who cannot but he who will not indulge himself.”
Sirach 9:2,6 >Give not thy soul to harlots in any part lest thou destroy thyself and THY INHERITANCE
>Give not the power of thy soul to a woman lest she enter upon thy strength and thou be confounded
Mason Jones
I'm saved by the righteousness of Christ and I cannot lose my salvation.
Jeremiah Evans
More from Sirach, also known as Ecclesiasticus, not to be counfused with Solomon's Ecclesiastes, but both are very much the same advice
>Do not fear death’s decree for you; >remember, it embraces those before you and those to come. >This decree for all flesh is from God; >why then should you reject a law of the Most High? >Whether one has lived a thousand years, a hundred, or ten, >in Sheol there are no arguments about life.
>Now I am the last to keep vigil, >like a gleaner following the grape-pickers; >Since by the Lord’s blessing I have made progress >till like a grape-picker I have filled my wine press, >Consider that not for myself only have I labored, >but for all who seek instruction.
Luis Rodriguez
>I'm saved by the righteousness of Christ and I cannot lose my salvation. >t. nikonist call me when you convert to actual orthodoxy
Easton Torres
"Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth – in a word, to know himself – so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves."
- Pope John Paul II
Though faith is above reason, there can never be any real discrepancy between faith and reason. Since the same God who reveals mysteries and infuses faith has bestowed the light of reason on the human mind, God cannot deny himself, nor can truth ever contradict truth. ... Consequently, methodical research in all branches of knowledge, provided it is carried out in a truly scientific manner and does not override moral laws, can never conflict with the faith, because the things of the world and the things of faith derive from the same God. The humble and persevering investigator of the secrets of nature is being led, as it were, by the hand of God in spite of himself, for it is God, the conserver of all things, who made them what they are
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
There is no faith without reason and no reason without faith. This is why Protestantism has led to complete lunacy, like young earth creationism, flat earth, and so on, while the Catholic church gave birth to modern science, like the fields of genetics and big bang cosmology.
Jacob Sullivan
Why should I join the Catholic Church if it is so infiltrated with freemasons, commies, liberals and other satanic influences?
I was raised Baptist but believe the Catholic Church to be the one true Church. Should I join anyway and just work toward rooting out the evil?
Caleb Stewart
Ecclesiastes 9 >For even the living know that they shall die but the dead know nothing, neither have they a reward any more, for their memory is forgotten
This about mystery cults promising to get people out of judgement in the afterlife because they would aquire "secret knowledge" that allow them to pass over judgement. Solomon through his strange wives had errd and joined some of these sorts of cults as recorded in the bible. Now at the end of his life he looks back and calls it all meaningless nonsense
> I Turned to another thing and I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong nor bread to the wise nor riches to the learned nor favor to the skilful but time and chance all
Xavier Campbell
>Pope John Paul II forgive me if i dont take modernists who believe in universal salvation seriously
>Catechism of the 2nd vatican also ftfy
Brayden Rodriguez
>orthodoxy Just as bad as the catholic church.
Nicholas Baker
St. Ambrose 1st Great Latin Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church >It is a duty, then, to take care of and to restore what has been entrusted to us. I,50,263
St. Jerome 2nd Great Latin Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church >Let us not lose by hollow peace what we have preserved by war. Against Pelagians Prologue
St. Ambrose 1st Great Latin Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church >It is clear, then, that these and the remaining virtues are related to one another. For courage, which in war preserves one's country from the barbarians, or at home defends the weak, or comrades from robbers, is full of justice; and to know on what plan to defend and to give help, how to make use of opportunities of time and place, is the part of prudence and moderation, and temperance itself cannot observe due measure without prudence. On the Duties of the Clergy I,27,129 -On the barbarian invasion of Rome
Ryan Price
then what are you?
Carter Nelson
The above two quotes are simply mirroring the history the history of the Catholic church, which has been the biggest supporter of science and reason in human history. Arguably, people like Thomas Aquinas laid the foundation for modern science.
Thomas Brooks
He's an edgy meme kid that doesn't know what he believes.
Wyatt Hill
you dont have to follow thomistic thought if you are a catholic
Jonathan Davis
St. Thomas Aquinas Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church >In the case of love and hatred: for we love someone, in so far as we wish some good to be in him; and we hate someone, in so far as we wish some evil to be in him Summa Theologicae 1st pt of 2nd pt Q46 A2
Glossa Ordinara >But it should be known, that in the whole body of the Law it is no where written, Thou shalt hate thy enemy. But it is to be referred to the tradition of the Scribes, who thought good to add this to the Law, because the Lord bade the children of Israel pursue their enemies, and destroy Amalek from under heaven.
Liam Evans
No you don't, and that's not what I'm talking about.
Carson Bennett
Ayden Brown
If we have to consult concerning military affairs, the opinion of a man experienced in warfare should be waited for, and his counsel be followed; when the question concerns religion, think upon God. No one is injured because God is set before him. He keeps his own opinion. You do not compel a man against his will to worship what he dislikes. Let the same liberty be given to you, O Emperor, and let every one bear it with patience, if he cannot extort from the Emperor what he would take it ill if the Emperor desired to extort from him. A shuffling spirit is displeasing to the heathen themselves, for everyone ought freely to defend and maintain the faith and purpose of his own mind.
St Ambrose to the Roman Emperor Letter 17
Jose Price
im personally more fond of anselm than rationalist nonsense
Ian Long
lol so you're a fucking meme
Caleb Barnes
>baptist in bulgaria Kek. Baptist churches are literally money making schemes for charlatans that spend their money on fine suits, Rolex watches, and Mercedes cars.
Joshua Rogers
I compiled all these quotes not from meme websites but from me reading all these things of the Church Fathers and the Bible
Wisdom of Solomon The spirit of the Lord fills the world. is all embracing and knows what a man says Therefore no now who utters wicked things can go unnoticed nor will chastising condemnation pass him by
Sirach 18 >What are mortals? What are they worth? What is good in them, and what is evil?The number of their days seems great if it reaches a hundred years. Like a drop of water from the sea and a grain of sand, so are these few years among the days of eternity. That is why the Lord is patient with them and pours out his mercy on them. He sees and understands that their death is wretched, and so he forgives them all the more. Their compassion is for their neighbor, but the Lord’s compassion reaches all flesh, Reproving, admonishing, teaching, and turning them back, as a shepherd his flock. He has compassion on those who accept his discipline, who are eager for his precepts.
Samuel Hernandez
>Anselm >not a rationalist
Parker Gutierrez
Join for what the Popes and Church Doctors and Saints defined it to be. Communism is still a mortal sin in teh Chuch and Free masons are defined as not being real Christians. Every organization including those ordained by God will struggle with wicked influences, just look at King David's descendants, there were quite a few idolatrous kings
Ryan Long
by your logic we could call everything and everyone rationalist
Nicholas Clark
Verses proving salvation to anyone that believes and not of works. youtu.be/V8xZTVKx0Dc
If you use reason and knowledge, you're a rationalist. I'm not referring to the epistemological theory.
Thomas Allen
This just makes everybody angry, you need a screencap because everybody scrolls past this
Sebastian Cooper
Men are going to make mistakes everywhere, the CC is ruled by Christ and served by men so its integrity is guaranteed despite men. Eucharist is the bread of life you can't skip it the moment you learn it's not a symbol. miracolieucaristici.org
Daniel Flores
>If you use reason and knowledge, you're a rationalist. i dont think it works that way everyone uses reason and knowledge
Alexander Powell
No they don't. There is no reason or knowledge involved in the flat earth promoted by baptist lunatics. It's pure emotion.
Carson Garcia
i dont think we are on the same page user
Hudson Allen
I'm using a general dictionary definition of rationalism, not the philosophical school of thought. What are you talking about, then?
Nolan Ortiz
There it is, the dead kike on a stick. You retards will worship anything, wallowing in your own stupidity, like a pig in its own filth.
Jack Smith
St Gregory NAZIanzus >These three things God required of all the baptized: right heart, truth on the toungue, temperance of the body >The whole life of a man is but one single day for those who are working hard with longing
Job on the wagecuck life. >The life of a man upon the earth is a warfare, and his days are like the days of a hireling >As a servant longeth for the shade, as the hireling looketh for the end of his work >So I have also had empty months and have numbered to myself wearisome nights >If I lie down to sleep, I shall say: WHen shall I arise? and again I shall look for the evening and shall be filled with sorrows even till darkness.
Job 7
Jose Thompson
everyone is rational to a certain degree, there is no point in discussing it from that angle
Zachary Roberts
I'm obviously talking in the context of arriving at scientific 'truths'.