>Implying all fascists are racists
>implying they aren't
Congratulations Sup Forums, you ruined Wojak. Retarded Wojak has three months at best yet you already ruined it. And for what? Some caveman joke straight out of a 60’s comic strip?
>HAHA grug no like thing grug smash
What is your goal, getting published in the newspapers?
Retarded Wojak wasn’t fun because it was stupid. It was funny because of how stupidity was expressed. Sometimes there was an infinite void in the head, other times a whole range of facial deformations, and so on.
Grugposters, on the other hand, are so creatively bankrupt they can’t but post the same picture all over again. The only difference being the color of grug’s pelt, sometimes adorned with the symbol of some group the author happens to disagree with. So not only it is the Marvel of memes but also an I AM SILLY argument. Bravo.
But things may be better that way in the end. At least such posters can be identified with ease, in order to make sure they never come close to any other meme again.
Now please pack your shit and walk back to 9gag, or Facebook or whatever trash hole you came from. And take grug with you.
Good riddance
Multicultural facism ?
So roman style ?
I thought all cavemen were black Africans?
That's what you anti-racists keep telling me.
we're cavemen niggers, or did they hate niggers.
I dont even know what the leftist position is anymore.
GRUG makes a good point though.
grugg see dum dum thread, dum sage
Greg sees dark-skinned people chimp out for no reason.
Greg becomes angry.
>leftypol fucks up a meme
Yes, what is wrong with that?
Are you also mad ad GRUG when he sees an animal to hunt and hunts it?
Just because our ancestors did it doesn't make it wrong...
>grug invites dark tribe to gangbang his wife
>grug's tribe ceases to exist
Ah, yeah. That's much better, right?
Like it or not, but grug has more brains than all of you leftshit morons combined.
Dont worry, the future is pretty white.
Based Grug
>see a hostile foreigner
>is cautious and doesn't trust them
And that's why GRUG and his tribe survived and left descendants on this earth.
Meanwhile SOYUG and his ilk are all extinct.
Hello, my son recently left for guangzhou (a city in china)
I found his browsing history and this is the only website he visited
could you sum up this website in 10 words?
take care.
Grug right, dark skin must leave and create its own civilization. Instead, dark skin come to Grug home and leech off Grug, living better lives without having to work at all, while Grug tries his hardest every day to make a living. Cut the welfare, Grug, and the dark skins will fall
Ooga booga nigga muffuga muh dik
Is Grug, dare I say, /ourguy/?
>Racist caveman stereotype
Wtf I’m leftist now
how did you get the faceapp race filter?
>implying racism is bad
>implying you arn't a jew
>Grug see dark skin
>Grug angry
>Grug kill
>Grug happy
>Grug laugh
>Mug see dark skin
>Mug happy
>Mug give food
>Mug share cave
>Mug dead now
>Dark skins laugh
>meme flag
interesting digits
also not an argument
This is Grug. Copy and paste him so he can take over eBaum's World.
That's Grugs biology. It helps Grug survive.