Is WMAF truly the best pairing?
It angers:
- white roasties
- niggers and """BBC""" cuckbois
- Jews
- SJWs
White Men East Asian Women Alliance FTW!
Is WMAF truly the best pairing?
It angers:
- white roasties
- niggers and """BBC""" cuckbois
- Jews
- SJWs
White Men East Asian Women Alliance FTW!
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off kike shill, sage.
Triggered roasties
Why have WMAF threads gotten so popular recently? Is it shills?
No way have dating trends shifted this radically in the past couple months.
>Shit appears out of nowhere.
>Multiple threads a day.
>No basis in happenings.
Definitely shills, or reddit fags. Either way best ignored.
Anything that evolves straight white males being alpha angers SJWs, Jews, niggers and cucks
even if it was why would I sage my own thread?
white to white
yellow to yellow
black to black
red to red
Learn the reality or get out, we don't want a race of ugly supreme gentlemen running around. Also why would a white man find a flat face attractive? Good lord they look like monkeys.
I advise not to race mix and ruin your genetic makeup. Yes both cultures are advanced but no.
Everyone on Sup Forums agrees that White male Asian female is the only acceptable form of racemixing
Speak for yourself weeb.
Anyone who picks flat chested, no ass, mongoloid gook skanks is as deserving of the rope as any other race traitor.
You're not a white supremacist if you go around thinking about fucking gooks you fucking disgrace.
The Alt-Right is a fucking joke, off yourself.
Implying that anyone but other whites give a shit about your delusional race mixing.
A-are mischlinge allowed in the ethnostate desu?
2nd Generation WMAF hapas. East Asian women can save the wite race!
>White Men East Asian Women Alliance FTW!
Yes! But we don't have much time left.
Yeah, if you think the white race should look like Turkic Central Asians, then yeah they can.
White men are more valuable than white women who are more valuable than anybody, you're not going to wake up roasties you fool DO NOT RACEMIX future generations genetic passports depend on you user
Cant wait for the roastie rage this thread will have. Said it before but my kids look pretty much like pic related. I'm living a great life here.
How can western women even compete
Korea Japan China are white
By being white.
This. WMAF is redpilled af.
Like this?
The state of white women is really sad then, if all you can come back with is "white". lol
The last time I dated a white girl she couldnt even cook. Put stuff in her microwave and called it a dish.
Can we please start deleting these? What does this have to do with politics?
Complaining about off topic threads on Sup Forums.
How new are you. Lean back and enjoy the ride or hide the thread.
Actually interesting insightful threads are the ones who go to /bant/.
Every WM/AF couple I see is disgusting literally every woman AND man in sight is cringing and laughing at you for not being able to get a white women and having to settle for a 4ft8 chink like a fucking pedophile, you really think white girls could give a fuck about a “man” like you?
Yes, because all Asians in the world are pornstars or very attractive. Two can play that game by googling my guy.
But you see, just as these other yellow fever fetishists you have to think further than your nose goes "Oh this one didn't do that" or "Oh I seen a picture on the internet" does not make it a universal thing among white women. So you don't like it because this one couldn't cook but all I've been with so far can indeed cook very well. But becuase it happened to you it is more real? You have to think further than your nose goes. And yes, White is enough of a comeback when talking to the retarded alt-right "pro-white" who fetish Asian women not because they love an Asian woman but because they think they are some uber-proto-woman which does everything their little weeb mouths say. You feel?
>does not make it a universal thing among white women.
what are you talking about.its just data.
White women have a over 40% divorce chance. While asian women are at 20%.
And that is from 2009, recently it looks even worse for white women.
One, do not believe everything you read on the internet.
Two, that has nothing to do with race which my statement is about (the "white supremacists" who wanna fuck gooks) it has to do with the West where globalization and "modern" times allows them to do this bullshit.
Western women just like the jews fear the samurai
Its government statistics, U.S. Census Bureau. I dont know what to tell you man.
Divide and conquer. The more race-mixing propaganda, the more the two races will hate each other.
>Using stats from -America-
Don't need to tell me anything, we're done here.
>Trading European culture for East asian
Fucking faggot cuck
Fucking cuck, you can't get a normal western GF becose your a loser NEET and thats why your so aproving of east asian woman mixing with western men it fitts your agenda.
So, you want white men to sleep with asian girls? Wouldn’t you rather have asian males sleep with white women? The latter sounds best.
What about Latin women?
I got a chance to hook up with a fine THICC Puerto Rican girl. Should i Sup Forums?
Well there is really nothing in europe to compare white women to no?
Apart from muslims. And I have a hunch that they dont divorce that often lol
Does it make you more mad I'm originally from a german speaking area?
> becose your a loser NEET
roastie detected.
Thats right. I'm a loser NEET. you got me.
You made me see the superiority of european culture.
Even fucking worse, their average IQ is one of lowest in world
You're really conflicting, spit mindless Sup Forums meme tier sentences about Europe and European culture but you want European men to fuck Asians?
"It's afraid"
My roomate has a japanese american gf. I've known her a long time, she's really into the environment and as such is a liberal (the environment is pretty much the only thing she cares about, so it's easy to strawman republicans about the issue.) even still, she's racist as fuck about the chinese
>don't compare me to those insect people
She kind of baffles me honestly.
>german speaking area
Of Riga?But there are not many Baltic germans left in Latvia, about 2000.
>You made me see the superiority of european culture.
At least you should of taken your asian GF to West and tought her the way of westerners but instead you move to Japan and LARP by dressing in jap clothes, fucking cuck.
Your no better then niggers who come to Europe
Who cares? Us men have lost our way. The weak have inherited the earth.
>Big tities
>Thick ass
>Cute face
>Slim waist
That's all a man can ask for.
Would rather kill myself than not procreate with my own
> you want European men to fuck Asians?
>So, you want white men to sleep with asian girls?
Thats a weird question. I dont "want" it.
I think its a reasonable choice and it worked out great for me.
>tought her the way of westerners
I'm honestly curious what that means to you.
I am a man, woman to men ratio in /oil/ is what 1 woman for 10 men?
Don’t listen to that fag. I bet she has a high IQ too. The latin iq stats are nostly lies and exaggerations— the real average iq for latins is 100 sp basically they are whites with a tan. Go for it bro, you two should hitch!
>I'm honestly curious what that means to you.
Your mentaly retarded or something?
Maybe. What is the way of westerners?
fucking mutts
>basically they are whites with a tan.
So you want it? That is why you are gere posting. You want to brainwash people towards your view. Everyone knows Asian male white female are objectively better.
Sertinetly Not beeing a cuck who speaks Japanise and wears traditional Japanise clothing thats what.
Fuck off cuck
Pick one
It should be a two way street in reality.
Asain men and White women
White men and Asian women
All we have to gain from this is a higher IQ and better beauty standards. It won't muddy our gene pool like the Negroids would and we would still be able to retain blue eyes, blonde hair, red hair etc etc.
Jews hate him! Is he the most alpha man alive? Click here to find out more!
Thats what I should have told my wife while we traveled around europe?
>Look, listen. I'm gonna teach you about the way of the westerners.
>Now to start of, certainly its about not being a cuck who speaks japanese, or even worse, wears TRADITIONAL JAPANESE CLOTHING while speaking japanese.
>Ok, got that? Thats the way we live from now on.
>Everyone knows Asian male white female are objectively better.
Statistically? Yeah, of course. One of the lowest divorce I think.
>So you want it? That is why you are gere posting.
You got me. I'm extremly erect and hard imagining all those young white boys becoming asian racemixers.
but you'll ruin the asian's genes. please don't be niggers
You’re right. It should be a two way street. Except for the White Male/ Asian Female category.
Asian Male/ White Female
Jewish Male/ Asian Female of Japanese/Korean/Northeast Chinese
White Male/ Cambodian/Philip/Viet/Thai
It's easier to bleach and restore the white race w/ Hapas than it is w/ albino nigger children who are susceptible of chiming out.
japanese porn laws are so strange.
>mixing two races and destroying asian culture
pick one degenerate faggot
White Male/Phillipine woman is a hit or miss but if done right can win you 3 Miss Universe's etc.
>pic related raise a good point. this may be why. i respect both whites and asians but we should NEVER racemix
the woman is not full asian and the child on the left looks like a blonde gook
Pick one
The funniest part is you actually do get hard. That was not sarcasm.
I just get so pissed when I see a white guy dating a southeast asian, because i know that they are thinking they are better than everyone and they are doing some science experiment to produce a better kid—-they are basically supremacists. The reality is, they are pretentious rejects with some underlying mental disease.
Besides, most white guys go for the southern asians rather than the northern counter parts.
jokes on you. samurai originally white europeans.
so? At least white women don't put living cats into microwaves and call it a dish like asian women
>japanese porn laws are so strange.
Woudl have given a link but its marked as spam.
Article 175 was given to japan by yours truly after WW2.
In Norway, WMAF is cope for those who didn't make it. There are some exceptions.
Of course we shouldn't but it's pretty obvious that white women are brainwashed by (((them))). And I guarantee you the average white roastie/single mom has Jamal's dna inside her from unprotected sex and spawning.
>Putting frozen shit into the microwave and call it a dish
True story
>Strawman about putting cats in microwaves
You got me!
>The reality is, they are pretentious rejects with some underlying mental disease.
Says the guy on Sup Forums who calls latins IQ fake and "basically whites with a tan."
Ayy hol up.
Are you Asians ready to be ENRICHED
>yes, goyim
>mix those white genes with asian genes
>white women are ugly
>yes goyim continue to subsidize white whores by marrying roasties or never pass on your genes
Japs are whiteDes~
Hello, fellow goy- i mean, white man.
I am a white man as well.
We should racemix with asian women, don't you think?
That is true. Latins have an iq average of 100. They really are just white with a tan. It’s just true. Don’t know what else to tell ya.
Also, I’m in better shape than a weeb on Sup Forums spreading low grade wm/af memes. Seriously, there is a reason why white guys hook up with the southern variant. While the white girls end up with north eastern asian men.
Look at this face and tell me she isn’t white des~
That mostly goes for mail order brides, asian girls who’re born and grown up here usually have a higher status.
>They really are just white with a tan. It’s just true. Don’t know what else to tell ya.
Jesus that shit is embarassing.
I'm the race mixer here and I need to post the DNA map of europe. Dude.
Not white. Looks latin. Maybe greek.
Yeah you’ll find that latins mostly have 70 percent european dna. Also, I wouldn’t take these infograph as definitive proof, as it is tempting to believe because of how simple it is.
Trust me, if it’s too simple it is not true.
Oh, and latins are hapas already hence the 100 iq. Because the amerindian side came from asia. So, there you go, latins are hapas.
>that chick is hot
>oh wait she's black
>but it's ok she's actually just white with a tan haha
Yeah, even the Fins are just asian with a ghoulish complexion.
and? that's your problem. not asians. don't be niggers