>Jordan Peterson's thought is filled with pseudo-science, bad pop psychology, and deep irrationalism. In other words, he’s full of shit.
Why does Sup Forums defend this loser? He has been exposed as a fraud again and again.
>Jordan Peterson's thought is filled with pseudo-science, bad pop psychology, and deep irrationalism. In other words, he’s full of shit.
Why does Sup Forums defend this loser? He has been exposed as a fraud again and again.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Our tragedy as human beings is much more banal than Peterson’s romanticism would have it. We do contend with a fundamental irrationalism, but it doesn’t come from an inherently unknowable and mysterious world. Rather, it comes from capitalism.
Peterson is a massive opponent against the neo-left. Anyone with a brain stem realises that you don't have to agree with every single thing a person says in order to support them. People on Sup Forums who aren't shills and terrified lefties will typically support most of what Peterson is saying. Philosophy aside, he's one of the most cited clinical psychologists on the planet, and is in clear opposition to the corruption and destruction of free speech - which is sacrosanct.
I just finished making a video that is going to destroy Peterstein's career.
He's finished.
>literally all of psychology is wrong
>the real problem is capitalism
>muh alienation muh exploitation (both intellectually shallow memes)
No wonder people call Marxism the "creation science" of the social sciences, you start from the premise that Marx was correct, then critique and interpret all the data according to that universal truth.
Watch the shills pile in and use this article as evidence for why Peterstein is /ourshabbosgoy/ because he assblasted a braindead Marxist.
delet this
>Why does Sup Forums defend this loser?
I don't. I've been telling you idiots he's just as waffly and full of nonsense as the marxists he criticises for half a year.
All he's got going for him is being an ally of circumstance when he attacks the marxists. It doesn't mean the rest of what he says is right. It doesn't mean his shilling recycled NLP and jungian analysis isn't absolute horseshit. It doesn't mean his influence and young male fanbase isn't a fucking cancer.
For gods sake learn to recognize these burned out academics regurgitating absolute nonsense about archetypes and collective subconscious. Even fedoras like Sam Harris fall into the trap of navel gazing about consciousness and talk up how great it is to dissociate yourself from your own identity because they took LSD once.
These are the people employed at Jacobin. Take their anmes, google their twitters and just have a look at the things that they tweet. I wonder which side of the political spectrum that they fall into.
You're wearing a Nazi flag and defending a communist who hails Marx as a paragon of virtue.
>Rather, it comes from capitalism.
>anti Jordan threads all the time
>who the fuck is Jordan
>check out one of his videos
now i understand the panicked shills, the dude is a beast.
you cant win this war mr.trans lover.
dont fucking waste your time reading this article its fucking hot garbage.
soyboys getting mad cause a leaf is smarter and more successful then them.
Clear your room lobster-cuck
Holy fuck dude i think you need to easy up on huffing those whip-its, this autism is off the spectrum!
Leftists spotted, disregard this fucking article.
Is this just a communist shill site?
Yes it is, if you don't recognize "Jacobin" as a leftist terrorist organization, you need to read up on your history. They were the absolute worst part of the French Revolution.
>You're wearing a Nazi flag and defending a communist who hails Marx as a paragon of virtue.
Where did I defend Marxist cuck?
Called it right here:
>Clear your room
>Peterson’s writings are a hodgepodge of Christian existentialism, Donald Trump’s The Art of the Deal, and E. O. Wilson. But the main philosophical issue is his Nietzschean conception of power. Only a strong will, exercising itself against a contingent and meaningless world — and against the weak — can ever hope to flourish.
Really prompts one to ponder...
>commies mad there's people out there who call them on their murderous bullshit ideology
>Jordan Peterson
stopped reading there
Peterson is a faggot
>bitter post full of purple prose attacking "absolute nonsense"
Swedes truly are the most insufferable Europeans
hey it's the same flag like in every other thread, try changing up your meme flags sometimes
>nonargument reply
Try again mutt.
>bitter post full of purple prose attacking "absolute nonsense"
JP is about as bitter as a mango. You'd think after years of drinking buckets of sandnigger semen you'd know the meaning of bitter.
Says the guy who didn't argue any of Peterson's points but instead called them all garbage as if it's some universal truth. Try explaining yourself first
How much do you get paid to be a faggot?
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Also the roughly a third of all posts in these Peterson threads come from the same person who is regurgitating stale pasta, spamming the same images, greentext screeching, and creates strawmen out of whoever he's replying to.
Just like anything else do your own research and make up your own mind.
>Harrison Fluss is a corresponding editor with Historical Materialism and a lecturer in philosophy at St. John's University and Manhattan College
>But he knows more about psychology than the clinical psychologist.
Is there anything more arrogant than a philosophy major who thinks he understands more than he does?
>I got my degree in THINKING! That means I know about everything!
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Can you into English, Hans? Who are you talking about
>Why don't you hate this guy redpilling normies?
>He's so stupid ha ha!
>Please agree with me
BASED user.
Support irrationalism bc its bad for your enemies, lets see where that goes.. Protip, nazi regime was a short lived failure
Haha. These guys are like walking parodies at this point. The Left actually used to have some genuine almond-activating thinkers, now they are all just superficial, stupid and vain--walking caricatures.
Hates sjw's, seems immune to typical left wing baiting, too well informed to be debated with, sounds like Kermit the frog, he's a prophet of Kek
Does it have Alzheimer’s in it?
I haven’t seen these so called twitches
Take a wild guess. I replied to one person. Apply your common core.
>who didn't argue any of Peterson's points but
Do you understand Peterson talks a mile a minute and has 200 "points" that he's also willing to concede in the same talk? What fucking point are you talking about specifically, twatface?
I'm actually addressing his underlying rationale for his opinions, which is based on jungian analysis. You don't even seem to understand what that is.
> but instead called them all garbage as if it's some universal truth
If you actually knew what jungian analysis was you'd actually be forced to admit that it's just more of the soft science make believe bullshit, or you'd need to invent a special pleading for why Peterson's brand of making shit up non-science is somehow different than the marxists version of the same thing.
I've been painstakingly laying this out on Sup Forums to complete idiots for a while now and all it shows is how bad Sup Forums is at academia. Which is ironic since you are all hero worshipping a man who represents the worst of it.
>entire article fails to make a point
its just using jbp as a way to tell the intellectual history of hoaxing panhumanist moral imperatives
fake and gay. sage
lol just like GLOMMFOFPF right
no (You) try harder
Kys retard.
peterson's cultists are assblassted because every point made by the commie in the article is true. and the fact that the author plagiarized every one of his critiques from comments made on Sup Forums doesn't bother me one bit. peterson's worldview is informed largely by his own existential crisis, a manifestation, in large part, of his admitted mental illness. this is true of many psychologists, which is why no normal person takes them seriously.
Hello, my son recently left for guangzhou (a city in china)
I found his browsing history and this is the only website he visited.
could you sum up this website in 10 words?
take care.
>literally apologia for soft science gibberish
The ironic part is where you think you're somehow opposing marxism. You're everything they want in an ally. You've already bought into "personal truth" and reality being relative.
They need no other foundation. You've ceded the most important point to them already.
I knew, I felt the anti-peterson shilling was not natural, thank you. The man is not perfect, but jesus, that amount of pettiness/hatred in one poster, it's crazy....
>guys this religious apologist as actually not bright
What else were you expecting?
>a stupid person attacking a smart person
the more these people try to dogpile peterson, the more they reveal themselves for who they are. JP is incredibly reasonable in every appearance he has been in, and normies are on his side
kek, had to give a page view to see if this was true...
A competent writer doesn't need to resort to swearing like an emotionally volatile teenager.
This is the most subversive shit I’ve ever read.
“WOW he’s right guys! It’s all soft science bullshit! Let’s start shilling fir the commies now, hard science demands it!”
>because every point made by the commie in the article is true
The comments about how western culture is being undermined are absolutely true, he just fails to make a compelling case as to how Peterson is an agent of this destruction.
It's classic subversion, user. Provide just enough of the truth.
I don't give a shit about Peterson: I just think people like you are braindead and completely illiterate in anything that grounds your underlying assumptions.
Everything about reality is relative; unless you admit something transcendent and above the perspectival nature of the cosmos, then chaos and relativity is all there is. Science is one of the major things that pushes this impression. To not recognise that positivistic and scientistic ways of conceiving reality have fed into Marxism and similar ideological currents is to not know anything. Marxism itself claims "dialectical materialism" as the scientific and objective understanding of historical progression. Modern liberal ideology claims much the same for itself--i.e we "progress" from a to b, and this is necessary and inevitable, measured with various arbitrary empirical measures like "GDP" or "equality", etc.
(((Jacobin))) literally citing a commie website.
>It's classic subversion, user. Provide just enough of the truth.
I won't go that far. I don't believe peterson is deliberately trying to subvert anything, he probably means well. he's probably ignorant of the fact that his deconstruction of the bible in his lectures is pure commie tier, and undermines the faith of christians.
Have you watched the lectures?
These are all Hasbara shills.
So guess what kikes? I just finished a video that exposes Peterstein as a Zionist agent once and for all. It's uploading to several different video sharing sites as I type this.
It is going to ruin Peterstein's career, and it is also going to expose thousands of people to the reality of the JQ and Zionism simultaneously. There is nothing you can do to stop this, it's already too late. Tell your shekelmasters that you are going to need to clock in overtime this week doing damage control. No need to thank me for the extra time you will be billing, though I imagine it is going to shave about a year off of your lifespan due to how it will affect your blood pressure.
Prepare to be on suicide watch, and for Peterstein to actually kill himself.
This subversive jewish plant has exposed himself once and for all as a pawn of the kikes. He is openly Zionist:
Here is a video of Peterson giving an hour long speech with his buddy Ezra Levant at last year's 100th year anniversary celebration of the founding of Israel, 'Canadians for Balfour 100':
At this timestamp you can see a jew he was on stage with state that: "Antisemitism is a 2000 year old disease." And watch Juden B. Peterstein nod his head furiously in agreement:
That's a different user. I am also eagerly awaiting that video.
While I was making this video however, I did notice weird spasms in Peterstein's hands.
It's only a matter of time until the final ovens.
Wow, commie faggots hate him. Imagine my shark.
> pls respond
You faggots are pathetic. Everyone knows he isn't anti Jewish but most people aren't. The fact that he doesn't feel ill will towards the likes doesn't make me hate him, just like the fact that Thomas sowell has no ill will towards the likes doesn't make me hate him. You commies are so fucking retarded that you can't address any of the points he makes is like all unprincipled leftwing scum you just lie about him. Have you faggots ever considered that if you have to lie and post a fucking nazi meme flag to pretend to be on our side that maybe your ideology is a crock of shit?
pretentious af bruv
>mfw this faggot shill posts again
Give me a criticism of his message of personal responsibility to young men.
Give a criticism that isn't related to jews or selling a rug.
You can't, because you're a faggot shill.
yes. watched his bible series, read maps of meaning, read his doctoral dissertation on sons of male alcoholics and a few other of his papers. I'm very familiar with his body of work.
*Fart noises*
*Unintelligible sputtering and groaning*
*Slow drooling and random giggling*
Oh I'm sorry, what was that? We're you saying something?
Fucking millenials.
this author is a professor at john hopkins and you can tell he just copied whats written about Peterson on wikipedia with the introduction as 'peterson is stupid' and the conclusion is 'peterson is stupid'
Nothing in the article actually explains why Peterson is stupid, it just sums up Petersons perceptions...as if the author just read the wikipedia article on him and changed a bunch of words around like what you do when your 14 and in high school writing a paper due the next day.
Just ordered his book two nights ago. I wasn't going to but the left is so pissed about it I figured it must be something worth reading.
OP you keep selling JPs book for him.
Streisand effect incoming
Sort yourself out
i'm about as concerned with the numale beard as i am with the yarmulke
>A clearly partisan article on a website named after an early, emergent radical left-wing movement
Everything he says is patently false REEEE
fucking kek. I don't even like Peterson but this makes me want to spam his YouTube with views.
>>Jordan Peterson's thought is filled with pseudo-science, bad pop psychology, and deep irrationalism. In other words, he’s full of shit.
>thousands of citations
Rly meks ya dink
goddamn swedes are insufferable. I guarantee you haven't read nor understand any Jung. You just hate Peterson because you're assblasted that he doesn't worship at the altar of almighty science like an aspergers soy cuck.
>inb4 hurr durr 56%
this is some stratospheric autism right here mane
Breivik was absolutely right.
I just read the article. It's ridiculous, it intentionally misunderstands him, and it throws around a bunch of baseless accusations.
It implies that mutual aid in the animal kingdom undermines Peterson's points on social hierarchy, despite the fact that social hierarchy has never stood in opposition to mutual aid in any way.
It literally says Trump's The Art of the Deal is a key philosophical influence on Peterson, which is absurd. In a fair critique, they wouldn't need to throw these distracting assertions in.
The The Jacobin is the most significant Marxist magazine in the United States. The "Consider Humanity" section can't resist turning this into an anti-capitalism tirade. It talks about how enslaving the capitalist system is, as if it thinks Peterson needs to rail against capitalism. Ridiculous. It then goes on to criticize George Orwell for his criticisms of the left, despite the fact that Orwell himself was a leftist (which it never mentions). It insinuates that Peterson calling communism murderous is absurd and extreme, as if Stalin and Mao never existed.
Pseudo-intellectual article by a shitty magazine. There's plenty to criticize Peterson for, and this article utterly fails.
t. Left-liberal grad student mostly here to troll fascists
Peterson BTFO by based leftists! Fuck capitalism and fuck white people!
>Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.
Whatcha doin there, Rabbi?
>t. Left-liberal grad student mostly here to troll fascists
t. babby
I'm not a fascist, I just think posting swastikas are a mongolian throat singing forum is funny. What's your next move? To tell me they're not?
this is a fedora tipper thinking he's a tough guy now that he's resisting out-and-out marxism, now after other people have knocked the leftists down from their pedestals. plenty of those in this country now - all internet tough guys, none of them ever expresses their beliefs in public...
that guy said jordan peterson represents all that's bad in academia these days. not peterson's work, but he himself. let that sink in.
Read up on this faggot.
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Peterson is not just some half-baked eceleb who "says some good things that upset the left". Peterstein is openly Zionist and is being propped up by the jewish media machine. His rise to fame was artificial.
He is not "useful to the cause" because he does a decent job explaining what Marxism is. He is controlled opposition, that's what controlled opposition does, it takes jabs at the other side to give itself the illusion of being legitimate.
Peterson has explicitly stated the following:
A. His main focus is on preventing young White men from becoming disillusioned with the state of our nations and "redoing 1930s Germany". Please take the time to carefully think about this:
The man has *explicitly* stated that his primary focus is on preventing WHITE MEN (and ONLY White men) from rebelling against the jewish power structure.
B. That we must never again return to racial or ethnic tribalism, because we "have too many powerful weapons now". That is his main argument against White nationalism, that if Whites were to reassert control of their nations that White nations would be too powerful on the world stage and could pose a threat to other nation like Israel.
C. That if you have a problem with jews "being successful" in your nation, that you are simply a resentful, envious, murderous bigot who should in reality be very thankful you have a genetically superior minority using their genius to contribute to your nation. This is the only way that Peterstein "addresses the JQ". Peterstein cult followers will say "he's playing 4D chess, he can't address the JQ he'll get fired lol!", when in reality he does not avoid the JQ at all, but instead intentionally lies about the jews to protect their power, and pathologizes "antisemitism" as per Frankfurt School protocols.
That's a bit rich coming from the side that rejects biological sex.
For the rest of you who think "well he's a good redpill on some things and we can redpill his followers the rest of the way", you have no idea what you what you're talking about, you have no idea the power that cult personalities have, and how fucking difficult it is to break people away from the brainwashing that Peterstein is performing on our brethren.
The danger of the insidious nature of his teachings cannot be understated. I have seen many, many of his followers threatening people online, saying things like "after we kill all the Marxists, you """identitarians""" are next, all collectivists are my enemy", regurgitating perfectly the propaganda that they've been drilling into their brains for months by listening to multiple hours of this manipulative shuckster's words every single day while they take the bus to work or are on lunch.
Peterstein goes to great lengths to classify any White people who want to work together to stop White genocide as just as evil and dangerous an the Marxists in Archipelago, and this is not a simple neurological connection to sever in these people's minds, and Peterstein uses his deep understanding of the human mind to very artfully create and reinforce this connection over and over and over again throughout his (((lectures))).
The danger cannot be overstated.
damn i guess /imwithher/ now
This shill comes into ever Peterstein thread and tries to convince everyone to DELET THIS and also that "blaming the jews for white genocide is a conspiracy theory and you need to clean your room".
They're so easy to spot.
This is why you buy Petey rugs.
>Despite Newman’s relatively polite behavior
Yeah, that interview was anything but "polite".
Are you illiterate? That is not the point of my post.
I don't understand how you came to the conclusion the Biblical lectures undermined Christian faith and is commie tier.
He made a strong case for the Bible being a foundation for western thought in terms of the individual while showing it's utility to secular people.