>480 BC pot of a subsaharan negro (left) and greek woman (right)
Stop stealing everyone ELSES cultures you fucking niggers. You have no place in civilized historical societies except as slaves.
We wuz Greekz n shieeeet
Blake Ortiz
Caleb Russell
You werent vikings
>pic related
Jacob Gomez
And you werent celts.
>pic related
Nicholas Lewis
And you werent egyptians.
>pic related
Isaiah Fisher
And you werent german
>pic related
Nathaniel Cooper
u mad whiteboi?
Levi Bell
You werent from babylon
>pic related
Tyler Wright
Youre not from Ur
Nathan Rodriguez
You werent minoans
>pic related
Jaxon Thompson
That is a counterfeit. I can tell from the pixels.
Lincoln Thomas
And i cant stress enough... not egyptian
Elijah Perry
Not egyptian
Thomas Cook
Cracker please
Carson Barnes
Very bad photoshop
Jaxon Brooks
Gabriel Roberts
Not egyptian
Nathan Turner
Kayden Nguyen
6000 year old pre dynastic egyptian head also shows you werent egyptians either
Dominic Hall
Not sumerians
Andrew Lopez
Evan Baker
Not roman
Brayden Howard
Not philistines
Hudson Allen
Ahhh here we go. We finally found some negros.
Pic related shows black NUBIANS being massacred by the white egyptian tutankhamun.