correct me
Correct me
whiter than you amigo
Tbh i dont really mind not being white, spain never was white at the very best celtic [spoiler]Astyr.[/spoiler] What I really hope for spain is to go back to their pure nationalistic roots from Primo, not necessarily fascist. We can´t long for a ethno-nationalism that we never had, but for the spanish people to close themselves agains outer dangers to its life as a nation, and work to saty in route for real progress and not Europe's commands.
Pretty correct, although I wouldn't call Azerbaijan white
This early in the morning and you're already falling for Jewish tricks?
The problem with the Mediterranean is that it's not consistent. You can find meds that look like they just arrived from the Classical period and then you'll find meds that are brown odd looking potato people with some kind of mystery admixture that will make you question whether you're even the same species.
t. med
coming from a new worlder that means absolutely nothing. Go die in a ditch proto mutt
hi jew
El goblino...
finns are not white you racist fucker
>posting from a commie bloc
heaven on earth
Tbqh I gotta look at a map and see which one of these non-countries you are calling not white.
Sarajevo was so long ago, Kosovo is finally free, how can you possibly still be mad?
rope yourself mudskin
slav(e)s aren't wh*Te
This. We are BLACK.
El Atrocidad de Kroatia
i Know but still not on sweden lvl
I'm from Portugal and i'm as white as an English turning red on summer.
Someone should put an amerrimutt on the same side as the jew.
White than you Cabron
because whole America lives in suburban houses with 4 bedrooms
Look nice and festy,clearly not near some industrial waste and the buildings ain't even half broken,seen worse commie blocks
Denmark and Norway is definitely in the purple category. Also:
I cannot comprehend how retarded you have to be in modern age to believe in Nazi crap from bygone era.
Slavs are the whitest people in Europe, along with Balts and Fingols.
CheddarMan pls go
Is this just me who notice that those threads allways have fp amerimutt saying who is and who isnt white ?
The only not-so-white feature i have - hazel eyes.
>Whitest people in Europe
>African economy
>African civil society
Makes you think...
> bigger GDP than russia
> african economy
> less than 30k asians + niggers with 40kk population of whites
eat shit and die mohmed
>those empty Slav eyes
Ivan, you aren't white, ask babuska why she fucked Ahmed?
>African composure
It's not brown, it's hazel.
Make iceland pink and its true
georgia is white
norway is white
otherwise, nice job
it looks bad becouse weather is bad.
In such poor light you would look like wesley snipes
how is Georgia white, they don't even look white they basically look like gypsies.
There is one that includes a bunch of other figures but it includes a Pole for some reason so it kind of defeats the point
Your weather is no excuse
I lived in Poland for 16 years and there's more niggers on your picture than I've seen there, counting tourists.
I don't know a single person who knows a polish-speaking nigger.
Kurwa Ameryka będzie wypominać Polsce czarnuchów XDDDDDDDD
u hate us cuz u aint us
>t. 65%
They look like decent humans when wearing glasses.
Been in poland 3 months, living in gdansk during summer Tourist Season, the only niggers I saw were tourists and even then in 3 monthsI saw less than 10. Real only migrants in poland Are middle eastern selling kebab but Even then they Are so few you can easily pass Weeks without seing one. And remember, this is in one of The supposedly biggest more degenerate cities
user we all know that spanish have white blood due to roman and greek ancestors but you cant deny it was invaded by the emirate of Al-andaluz and there where a prominent population of jewish merchants as well, before the "Reconquista" and the exile of the jews by Ferdinand and Isabel. Not to mention the current of hispanic immigrants from the south american colonies. It could be worse anyways, the averge spanird IQ rounds around 100 which is quite good, it increases around the north where the most prestigious colleges stand, so there are better demographics based on the area.
same here
Moldova should be more white than Romania
Finland and Hungary should be as white as Estonia (or vice versa). The rest is good.
Peoples living in the north of Spain (especially parts of Galicia) are very white, and IIRC they have Celtic blood as well.
Why is Africa colors in your flag?
Hi nigger, see you changed your flag again.
So hazel is not white?
No. Blue, green and grey are "light" eyes. Brown, hazel and amber are "dark"
Pretty accurate desu
Ireland (which for some reason is united), Denmark and Norway should be cucked white if the others are, Portugal and Spain should be white.
Its "sorta" white, like the orange area of map in op.
Switzerland and Northern Italy should be cucked white as well
I don't see how hazel can't be white. I don't see niggers, middle easterns, some asians with hazal.
100% accurate
it's the eye colour of mutts caused by higher levels of melanin in the iris
It can be, depends on the rest of your genetics. Lots of nigs with blue eyes, doesn't meant they are white.
*greater Lithuania* is not a conspiracy mate
Who dont know a Lithuania in 1918 had a plan B in event of foreigner intervention so they made a escape plan to africa form all population shame only goverment managed to do it
U wat?
I made an island nation off the coast of Europe. I call it Beaunce, and it's an ethnic White state with rich culture and speaks a French-Germanic language. You like?
(((La creatura)))
el ogro de las americas...
very nice, user
>Estonia, Finland
fuck off with that shit
Mongol pride worldwide
How many years you were looking for these nogs in Poland? There arent any niggers. I have found only niggers from USA which are tourists. mr (((La creatura))). This is what they will do to your grandchildren when you will have more of them in your burgerland you silly faggot.
hrvatski labeling albanians not white, you're a fucking retard.
>croats white
>Bosnians and Serbs not white
Nice try kolega
t. 52% mutt
Barely white/ not white
Endless shit posting about "whiteness" for years.
Do we need a sticky?
this guy gets it, we are black now
why do these threads get replies?
>Pic related
Ireland's PM (or President) is literally a homosexual indian. JUST
Because people don't sage Jewish threads
Yes lad.
poles are the designated mutts of europe though, what sort of meme maps is this
either Sup Forums is mostly shills themselves or maybe they are touching a real delicate point
obviously none of this would happen if Europeans themselves stopped drinking the american kool aid and identifying with a meme term like "white"
as long as dumbass Europeans keep using such a vague and etymologically poor word like "white", endless discussions will follow
that's what happens when you want to reduce the vast differences in Europe to such a poor meme term
Probably SA or Rhodesia farmer murders