Is Trump truly /ourguy/?
Trump ‘Truly Napoleon-Like’ – ‘We Have a Napoleon in the Making Here’
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I sense a new meme coming
>trying to make him sound awesome
If I was more tinfoil I’d say that Dems were controlled opposition to make a Trump win
wait, i thought he was hitler.
Hitler, nixon, who can keep up with these fucking delusions.
Little hand syndrome
There are some blackpilled democrats that believe that.
Now you guys need to photoshop Trump's face in and we'll have new meme trending
Hitler didn’t stick
Let’s make him Napoleon
Fun fact: in the French version of the book Animal Farm, the pig Napoleon is translated as Cesar.
Calling it now
So Trump, Hitler, Napoleon, and Voldemort walk into a bar.... Napoleon an insult now?
I know right? It's literally a compliment and upgrade status from Hitler
Hello, my son recently left for guangzhou (a city in china).
I found his browsing history and this is the only website he visited
could you sum up this website in 10 words?
take care.
Sum up: Xi Jinping is watching you traitor
that's a compliment right? they know how successful napoleon was and how important he was to the development of europe?
Not to mention Napoleon is one of the first emperors to treat Jewish people very well, give them citizenship status equal to other people.
Dems really fuck up this one.
>Revolutionary France enacted laws that first emancipated Jews in France, establishing them as equal citizens to other Frenchmen. In countries that Napoleon Bonaparte's ensuing First French Empire conquered during the Napoleonic Wars, he emancipated the Jews and introduced other ideas of freedom from the French Revolution. For instance, he overrode old laws restricting Jews to reside in ghettos, as well as lifting laws that limited Jews' rights to property, worship, and certain occupations.
how is that a bad thing?
can we invade canada?
why else would democrats force hillary down their throats?
napoleon was literally hitler you bigot.
What the fuck did you just say to me, bitch?
Napoleon sold us the Louisiana Territory, more than doubling our size as a country and setting the stage for manifest destiny. And he did it for real cheap too. He's okay with me.
And absolutely light up the night
He didn't do it out of kindness though, he wanted to make sure jews wouldn't jew him
She's trying to make Macron jealous.
Let's start new Trump-Napoleon meme trending
>Trump is Napoleon
Sweet. Trump to invade Egypt
Thread theme song:
I love when liberals confuse their great leaders and think Napoleon was a bad guy.
If not for Islamic Revolutions in the 1900s, the entire Arab world would be fully modernized and westernized because this fucker decided to invade Egypt for no other reasons than to study Ancient Egypt and spread the ideas of the French Revolution.
Every single Egyptian artifact and monument and tomb would literally be under sand today if not for Napoleon. Niggers wouldn't even have their KWEEN statue of Nefertiti if not for this white man.
They're making more sense than they know. Spengler predicted this in the Decline of the West. The Age of Ceasers he called it.
Nah, he seems like more of a French Vanilla guy, than napoleon ice cream
hmmm... maybe so...
Spengler is great but this format is horrendous.
Is this suppose to be a bad thing or what?
>muh wall
They thought it was bad but it backfires...
I think you got it wrong here
how? I just copied from google
That's Louis XIV lad, I don't know how you could confuse Napoleon with him
k thanks. Just forget about that pic then
>Anglos Still butthurt over Napoleon
My sides
as if that has ever worked
Is this Napoleon???
wait, is that bad?
I mean sure Napoleon fucked up in Russia but i didn't think he was that bad a guy over all
GTFO macron. The Don is in here now.
Thanks to Napoleon's loss against Britain that kickstart Rothschild's first significant wealthy investment
Wait do people actually hate Napoleon? I’m British and I would say he’s one of the greatest men in history.
OP listens to anderson pooper and a witch? baka
No that's from Breitbart senpai
When will he proclaim the empire?
It’s that British propaganda always with the fake news.
I would enlist in any unit stood up by Trump.
Napoleon was the only thing that pulled France together after the murderous frenzy of jacobinism destroyed all social order and sense of propriety, and left France helplessly in the control of whoever was ruthless enough to seize power for the moment.
I hope he conquers Africa. I'd love to become American.
The troops better be learning the goose step.
They are all the same person.
We see how well that worked out for the world.
>tfw everyone is literally Hitler
Can we get some Macron memes.
No. It's Trump time now.
Macron is the true God Emperor though
>implying Napoleon wasn't the greatest European leader since Gustavus Adolphus
Yes, a Rothschild agent is a God Emperor...
They just keep talking without saying anything. But hey, they're saying exactly what their base wants to hear. Too bad for them that base is going to be the downfall of their party.
>Rothchild agent
Literally comparing Trump to Napoleon is the greatest compliment Dems have ever given Trump
Oh shit sorry forgot about the Bogpill
Don't forget Putin, and the Antichrist.
Not the way they mean it. They're implying he has a "little man" complex.
a month ago he was incompetent and two months ago he was evil, Scott Adam's really predicted it all
Which has surely backfired on them.
>If you want to kill your Emperor, here I am
then he left.
Man, young Napoleon looks like Reinhard von Lohengramm.
It's time we return to the 1871-1914 Golden Age of the West motherfuckers
Spoiler: he got jew'd
It’s a difficult situation
Are you stupid? He invaded Egypt to cut of the UK’s supply to India, Bonaparte didn’t give a fuck about Egypt he left 20,000 men stranded after he had lost, and went home and acted like a hero.
Notice how the Golden Age coincided with Germany ruling as sole power of Europe and Bismarck keeping the peace.
If by conquer you mean completely exterminate of human life ok
It coincided with a lot of things user
That guy is top 5 most evil people of the 20th Century
Except trump is 6'4 and towers over most people he meets
The bartender asks: Where's Obama?
>the joker
Which one is it, faggot CNN?