White people not being aloud to say the word nigger purely because they are white is more racist than the word nigger itself.
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White people not being aloud to say the word nigger purely because they are white is more racist than the word nigger itself.
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It's not a case of blame. It's a case of us still benefiting from the shit done in the 17th century.
And they benefited from their parents crimes.
Exactly, how can someone be so delusional to the point of thinking that excluding whites from doing anything because they're white is not racist and actually is fight racism, makes no sense.
Modern day blacks arguably benefited more from slavery and colonialism than modern day whites.
Nowhere near as much, and for far fewer people
do something about it white boi
pro-tip : you cant because you're a pussy
No. The colonial systens are still in place for much of Africa, and in many places while leaving we fucked their shit up. China and Japan both serve as examples of what happened when backwards countries came into contact with the west peacefully.
If western colonists never colonized then those countries would have stayed 3rd world tier nations.
Actually most of them still are because they're not capable of innovating on their own.
Historical revisionism is to make the white man view himself as immoral and therefore lose his will to fight.
It is all fake. Read john locke and the founders. Read the white mans burden.
Everything they are telling you is a lie meant to demoralize.
So we're responsible for China, Iran and Japan colonizing Africa?
What are we supposed to do, breast feed every African child, defend their borders for them, give them our homes? Will the middles easterners and asians have to do the same?
Why can't Africa do shit in their own, learn from their hardships and be all the stronger for being independent for once?
You have to be 18+ to post here.
Keep moving those goal posts.
>while leaving we fucked their shit up
By creating businesses and infrastructure and introducing world class technology, and a modern legal system? Yeah, maybe they're incompatible with civilization and should be kept like zoo animals in their tribes.
By leaving a power vacuum? Not really an argument seeing as how every country has had civil war and regime change at some point.
By creating artificial borders that cause ethnic strife? Yeah I can sympathize with that, we should have somehow let them decide how to make their new borders.
Actually nations in africa where imperialism was most implemented are the most advanced nations in africa now. Imperialism doesn't work unless you develop the infrastructure and government of the nation you are going to practice imperialism in. Neighboring nations will see the development and get jealous. War breaks out over jealousy very quickly...this is what ends up destroying some of the nations, not the nation that practiced imperialism.
shit waiting on my white privilege check
it's very late
being sent to america was like winning the lottery
Honestly.... the west should have quarantined Africa. They should have never touched it, no one goes in - no one comes out. Essentially make it a continental park to preserve the native lands.
But sooner or later an AK-47 would accidentally land in Afrika. Then suddenly crates fall from the sky full of weapons and ammunition. All it takes is a few tribes to harness the power of wood and metal to dominate other tribes. War would have broken out sooner or later.
The west would still be blamed for this. Some cultures just aren't meant to live in the modern world, never have and never will.
How does anyone genuinely get upset about about shit that happened hundreds of years ago? I struggle to care about about shit that happened yesterday
Human history has been a history of conquest. Africans should stop crying because we were the best at it. In fact, we were the ones who generously put an end to empires and slavery. Things they themselves practiced, albeit to a much smaller degree due to their inferiority.
jokes on them, my dad has traced our family tree back far enough to find a slave owner
get fucked niggers
Can you explain to me how I am benefiting from slavery? Is it only Americans? Southern Americans? Do blacks benefit from it or only Whites? Does having my family only come here in 1830 still mean i owned niggers?
Copper: "Alright, punk, you're under arrest! Now where's that 2.56 million dollars you stole?"
Spic: "I gave it to my son."
Copper: "Well, shit, I guess it's his now. Sucks for America."
key word here
Let's compare: Development of the west before the slave trade and the development of the west after the slave trade.
Yep not much difference. Everything we achieved, we would have achieved regardless of slavery even if it was at a slightly slower pace.
They were free labour. That was it. They weren't innovators.
So what's the game then? Just faux outrage for compensation? Financially motivated anti white racism?
Oh yeah all that cotton is swelling my bank account right now
Yeah whatever colonial systems are so strong in Africa that you will be murdered for being white.
Just because they are incapable of succeeding doesn't mean it's whiteys responsibility
Why don't they blame the African Kangs that went out and captured their neighbors to sell them to the slave traders
And your literally retarded if you think China and the West have had a peaceful past. Retarded communist scum sack
Who the fuck is we, meme cunt?
Aid given per year by the west: 130.81 billion.
I wonder if anyone has actually calculated how much financial benefit we gained from slavery and colonialism (minus costs) and then compared it to the amount of aid we've provided.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they owe us.
Most Whites are related to the colonists, most are just unaware. Doesn't make us responsible for the slave trade though, most people's ancestors were indentured themselves
>What is Pearl Harbor
>What is Mao purge
>What is child labor
>What is degenerate anime porn
>What is 80% illiterate
>What is emasculated
You commies are absolutely fucking retarded. At least fascists embrace their fucked up history you on the other hand avoid it like job applications in the ghettos. Then perpetuate this false notion of "it wasn't real communism". I'm from the Soviet Union nigger. I saw the pictures, heard the stories. You sent my great grandfather to a labor camp for preaching the word of Christ. You sent my grandfather to prison to be "rehabilitated" aka watch 12 straight hours of Marxist propaganda on some shitty Uzbek manufactured TV. You sent my father you prison for the first 2 years of my life because he brought me to church when I was 6 weeks old to have the church and pastor pray for my well being and future.
I swear to God I hope this world crumbles within the next 20 years so my son and I can extract the revenge owed to us at the hands of you communist dogs. I fucking hate you so much I would shove whale hooks down your throats, latch then to your rib cages, then string you up from every conceivable public moment for all to see.
Its a whole different animal
The word nigger is definitely making a comeback amongst the whites that I know.
Its a fun word to say!
So you're saying that beautiful ideology of moving to America, working for 5 years and then sending half the money they make back to Mexico to help their families isn't significant. Just because there was a slave trade of millions of white slaves in northern Africa and the middle east?
??? Africa's doing shit because of their lack of roads, lack of deep shores, and lack of willingness to want to learn.
White people can say nigger as much as they want to. They just better be in physical shape and be able to throw a few punches. If you're a skinny twig boi, yeah you probably shouldn't go around saying nigger.
If you're 200 pounds of muscle, then go for it. Who's gonna stop you?
You're a nigger
I shout NIGGER when I stub my toe and otherwise fuck up
Please kids, pay attention in school or you might grow up to be an illiterate moron like our baby boomer faggot OP here.
Your Jewish overlords.
democrats put japanese in fuckin concentration camps during wwii and they are just fine now. nigs are still living in mud huts in detroit. explain
>White people not being aloud to say the word nigger purely because they are white is more racist than the word nigger itself.
This. Absolutely.
Nigger is just a word. A word tinged with derision, sure. But lots of words are.
No word should be taboo in a free society.