Be honest
Why is there hate for the Czechs?
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I don't hate them. I just don't like the fact that if I ever visit Czech and try to hook up with a woman, she'd most likely had been in a public porn video.
desu I get it - the only thing we are known for in the world is fucking alcohol, drugs and whores
it's not like they are wrong - 80 fucking years of plundering by jews on the one hand and internationalist liberals on the other one fucked this republic pretty badly
and our education system is a joke
Didn't realise there was much hate towards Czechs. Visited a friend in Prague recently, he and his buds all seemed quite red pilled. Beautiful city too.
*80 fucking years of plundering by jews on the one hand by commies and liberals on the other one
they are white and kinky as fuck, a mutt should be happy
I like Czechs but they are very opportunistic. That causes an instability in relations with them because you can never be sure if they wont completely change the direction.
Who are you calling a mutt, NIGGER? I'll have you know I'm pale white with blonde hair and blue eyes and my great-grandfather was a Nazi soldier.
Who gave you that belief that czechs are hated?
Great beer, never heard of Czech hate
they are atheist the country. they don't have any moral values.
Recommend me some Czech books. So far I've read and liked: Kafka, Nezval, and Kapek. I've got one of Škvorecký books to read also but I have liked what I have read from your country.
Becus their wamyn have the best tiddies of all
their czech masage porn keeps me from doing NOFAP!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>tfw new videos come out every wednesday
Ayyy lmao
Oh boy... Someone meme their flag ball into this kek.
I like Czechs, they make good guns.
Czech em
Because czechs migrant loving cucks.
Just kidding, I like it here.
benes decrees
Dobrodružství vojáka Švejka za světové války by Jaroslav Hašek. The greatest book ever written.
>the only thing we are known for
sure, okay, maybe, usually the first three things I said would the the first ones to pop into average foreigners mind
thats artificial hate. we never in our history did anything to deserve real hate
>would fug most Czech womens
those are fake. Ive seen established porn actresses doing the ole "well I dont know sir, I have boyfriend and stuff"
Also why the fuck would you pay some random womyn all these money, when merely one of those banknotes can get you a willing whore for an hour? This kind of videos must be some fetish
I've been seeing that getting shilled a lot lately when it wasn't previously getting attention a couple years ago, what sparked the rise in popularity?
I don't. Can't hate on something that won't even cross my mind.
its a czech classic, always popular here. But have no idea why it should be shilled towards Bongs
The Good Soldier Švejk for sure as other czechanon pointed out
Bohumil Hrabal is pretty gud
That is true actually, a lot of Czechs hate Poles and I have absolutely no idea why.
Their service in restaurants and bars is really rude sometimes.. and they have a 'leave me alone' attitude. They have great beer though and good craftsmen
Czech view of polaks is...complicated.
great czech dream is to catch up with germany and austria economically (which will never happen because Germans own our industry and they will get richer from it on our behalf).
So czechs sometimes shit on Poland as backward country. Its a coping mechanism to feel better about us being backward to Germans. I would say similar to Polak Ukrainian relationship
Also few years ago there has been controversy over Poland, because there was a string of scandals when it was discovered multiple times that Polish distributors send subpar food products to our market. Since then, nobody wants to touch any food from poland as it basically means to them "shit quality and also a health risks," (please dont start with the "poland has great food." I was there and I know its true. But the stuff your distributors send here is just bad)
Very recently, public opinion is more positive towards poland because of the whole refugee stuff. You will often hear people say stuff like "look at Polaks. They got the right idea."
We are similar, yet were also different in many aspects (for instance not bowing down to nazis and commies in 1939 is often seen as pointless bravado that only lead to near destruction of the nation). I would say most of the time czechs dont think about polaks at all and often know very little about them
Not always, I've found a classmate of mine in Czech Casting. Some of that stuff is real, man.
i don't hate you
why should i?
Because they are rich, successful Slavs. And according to the Anglos that's a big nono! Also they have a clean history and according to "them" that's also a big nono!
I typically don't see people trashing them. Usually it's Eastern Slavs and it's the typical "Anyone East of Germany isn't white" faggots.
i don't mind;)
there was an incident with alcohol (supposedly from CZ republic) that made people go blind. At least this is what our media claimed, which is more than often total bullshit.
I wouldnt say were very successful, but were doing ok bruh. The thing about anglos is that they are subconsciously very racist towards slavs. I didnt research this too much to know where is the origin of this. Maybe crimean war propaganda, maybe the great game (Russian and British standoff for rule of central asia). Maybe propaganda during soviet times. But generally anglo thinks if its slav its wrong. They will gladly import millions of 80iq pakis to London because they came from "their" empire. Yet they murder Poles in the streets. They are OK if millions of blacks live off their gibs, but mention "Bulgarian hordes coming to London" and suddenly even Brits vote for brexit. This British hate of slavs is a real thing
Not only blind, some even died I think. And yes, it was a thing, some asshole in the middle of nowhere was selling poisoned liquor. Pretty sure they caught them, not sure tho. If someone has more info please update me.
If the eternal Anglo hates you, you must be doing something right.
Cause they keep making shit threads
you mean in poland? we had it few years ago, some people went blind, some died. Apparently police found out that the alcohol came from poland and there was methanol in it. This is one of the scandals, I would say the biggest one. Others were road salt in food or more water than meat in chickens from poland. generally people dont believe polish food too much. There is way around this. If you bring carloads of food products to czechia and pack it here, you can claim its a czech product. (pretty retarded).
Also one more thing about poles. I would say that main aspect of our relationship towards poles is complete lack of interest. I once read interview with a professor of local philosophical faculty and he lamented that there is not a single professor of polish studies in Czechia. Czechs just dont care about poles, probably because they see no use in it. If czechs wants to make more money, he can go to Germany. Just about everything about poland sounds to us wierd and incomprehensible. Your language, history, religion and many more. Czechs know very little about poland and dont care enough about poland to make something about it
ok so it werent polaks but czechs. they got prison for life. maybe try some googling next time, fellow citizen
that happens allmost all over the world a couple of times, just google and you will see , this is why i never drink something cheap.
>the only thing we are known for in the world is fucking alcohol, drugs and whores
Still better than Russians
Retarded thread.
Noone hates the Czechs, the Swiss however are Germans in denial that need to learn their place.
Recently some Swede has been shilling it in his threads and that Russian above always shares the same image in those. Sad they don't have anything better to do than waste their time on our irrelevant shithole.
"Anything that is pronounced like a quantity of fiat is in fact a jew" - Malcom X, 1943, Apr 1
Im half czech and half polish. I like the poles much better than you porn addict atheists
I wasn't aware they was any? I like their guns, Im carrying an sp01 right now at work... I mean the spray paint finish is kinda sad but whatever it shoots good.
I know brother. Anglos are the lowest of the low. You have to be in order to attain such levels of wealth. That's also why the chosen people like their company.
What hate? They gave us CZ-25. That alone should give them an eternal exempt from malevolence
Apparently we're also decently known for our guns too, seems like a lot of foreigners like the CZ handguns, among others.
Czechs are to Europe's culture what jews are to American.
Drugs, homosex, degeneracy, porn, whores, abortion. You go to Czech only to drink anf fuck cheap sluts. 90% of Czech population is working in porn.
I completely agree with you. I visited Prague for 4 days and there was at least 5 different situations in which czech people were really rude with me without any clear reason. Whereas I live in Germany for a whole year and had met something like 2 or 3 rude germans.
czechs hate everyone but czechs so fuck them
maybe theyre rude because youre butthurt pszonek
I've was living in Ostrava ( which accordingly to Ostravians isn't w whorehouse like Prague ) and the thing I hated was the abundance of gypsie shit all over the place. Ahojki are cool thou. Sometimes they struck me as politically unaware.
Ostrava is literally full of whores
nah m8, Praha is the prime whorehouse of our country, maybe even of central yurop.
gypsies infestation is rampant. They didnt do much problems under communism, when law treated all as equals. If you didnt work you were enemy of the state and police kicked your teeth out.
Now gypsies need special treatment and free housing with them programs. They got into Ostrava like this
>Ostrava is city of coal miners, they live in commie flats
>theyre big guys with decent money, therefore they spawn things like whorehouses and lots of pubs and bars
>suddenly, coal runs out
>somebody gets genius idea. lets move gypsies there
>gypsies not working plus whores and too many pubs=crime
Bohemia is only cool when it is under Germany
I think I saw one video of that girl but she was pregnant.
Slovakian residing in the Czech Republic here, my people hate the Czechs because of their shenanigans regarding our sovereignty circa 1900s. Also, while people in the Czech Republic lean more towards communists, Slovaks lean more towards Nazis. Tension is there because the Czech Republic got BTFOd by the Third Reich while Slovakia got free gibs.
Personally, I think the tension is silly. We are all part of the White race.
sure, Prague is fucking cesspit of degeneracy but women in Ostrava are literally all well dressed, nice looking whores, fucking drug cartels, fucking mafia and pedophiles run fucking rampant in Ostrava and police doesn't give a shit