>You are not real conservatives.
>You are globalists.
>You support gun control.
>Every neocon or neoliberal (which is almost the same thing in what we get) tacitally supports Hillary, Bush, Obama and any other deep state figure. I mean the neocon politicians. The plebs who support this are just retards.
>You lick Israel's butt.
>You constantly violate the constitution.
>You do not stand for the american dream.
>Kys and leave Sup Forums or leave Sup Forums first and then kys.
Neocons need to be purged from Sup Forums
agreed but its too late, trump has taken his cult and moved the overton window towards neoconservatism because they're blindly loyal no matter what. Good luck getting r/t_d to go home.
We need the american dream to start beating in people's hearts again!
>being this far behind
kys you faggot leaf
>in all fields
truth hurts doesnt it mutt
The term Neocons makes me laugh
Stop dude, you make the rest of us look bad
It is deceptive.
Fucking neo conservatives.
Fuck them all to hell.
>t. bush voter boomer
t. pic related
You're canadian, you cant speak about Trump the God-King like that!
>t. r/the_donald nigger
>the leaf is right for once but will be spammed by the_donald autistically screeching leaf because they can’t find a downvote button
Neo liberal trash.
Being nazi it's to hardcore(anti semitic) they will pass hate laws and jail the wrong thinkers.
Just ask Cantwell.
These faggots suck Trump's dick so much and do not even see that his whole team is full of neocons like I posted. Oh well, at least he is better then Hillary. Oh wait, she is a neocon/neoliberal too.
American politics are neoconservative cause the oligarchs are.
They are a diverse group from many nationalities that hate normal people but have lgbt relatives, so they promote multiculturalism as they marry among the world's richest and sjw crap cause that what rich bitches want.
But how do we back to politics people like the founding fathers?
I've been talking with /trash/ anons for a while and we've agreed that Sup Forums needs to become a furry/pony porn board just like how it did with /mlpol/
>Kys namefag