Blond women
>lowest IQ of the white race
Ginger men
>highest IQ of the white race
Gingers also have unique biology distinct from everyone else.
>Gingers have fewer hairs on their heads, but thicker hair.
>Gingers are less likely to go bald. Gingers maintain hair color til around 60, then get white hair. While blondes and brunettes go gray.
>gingers are more resistant to temperatures and have higher cold survivability
>gingers produce higher amounts of vitamin D naturally, and so need less sun (most suitable for northern climates).
>despite gingers burning easily from the sun, they are actually 3 times less likely to die of skin cancer than brunettes and blondes
Nazis are retarded for focusing on blondes
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't worry, as soon as you find a girl that you love and settle down you wont be so annoyed to see a black man with a blond woman.
Celts are the master race
Gingers are evil soul less demon spawns from Hell
>Richard the Lionheart
>Henry 8th
>Elizabeth I
>Horatio Nelson
>george washington
>thomas jefferson
>alexander the great
>emperor domitian
>st. Thomas aquinas
>mark twain
>Ramses II
>Judas iscariot
>Christopher Columbus
>emily dickinson
>vincent van gogh
>eric the red
>robert roy mcgregor
>mary queen of scots
>frederik barbarossa
>michel Ney
>catherine of aragon
>joanna I of castile
>queen maragaret of scotland, maid of norway
>D.H Lawrence
>Dwight Eisenhower
>florence nightingale
>alexander II
>isabella I of castile
>henry II
>Karel IX, Koning van Frankrijk
>otto II
>william rufus
>James 6 of scotland
>james 1 of england
>Ulysses S. grant
>General Custer
>George Bernard Shaw
>Marie Antoinette
Has there ever been a more obvious jidf kike thread? Fucking kike.
Whiter than you Pablo.
Found the common haired mongrel.
>found the ginger
So on top of having the lowest iq they are also coalburners?
Why were blondes ever considered masterrace?
I cant think of a single important blomde historical figure...
Nice picture of a brown haired mongrel .
Middle is you
>Found OP
New study finds gingers have more sex, and higher testosterone
Red heads are gorgeous
Same girl as above
With her Asian boyfriend
How cute, he posted the same recycled coppercab image who trolled millions of common haired and became rich and got his own tv show.
Even the one fat ginger is more successful than you. Sad
I have nothing against gingers nor blondes, and I'm called a piece of shit nazi scum all the time.
>High IQ
If they were high iq they'd know that no one likes gingers except for people with a distinct fetish for gingers.
Probably a jew scheme somehow.
Her hair is dyed kiddo. Thats brunette
His own tv show? Isn't he a balding tranny now?
Those are statistics of the people, not the effects that ginger hair has, retard. Brown hair is prominent throughout Europe and then generalising that is just dumb, there are people with brown hair that aren't white and don't live in northern Europe. Does that mean that people with brown hair are less white, have lower IQs and can't live in the cold?
Beautiful. Sup Forums should post more images like this. But instead it's always baits with niggers, mexicans, Asians and other subhumans.
inb4 someone posts her nigger boyfriend
On the beaches of Mexico
>Does that mean that people with brown hair are less white, have lower IQs and can't live in the cold?
You seriously still think hes being serious? Are you actually retarded lmao?
All he had to do was act like an idiot and scream, instant rich boi. Gullible.
Genuine question here. Why are gingers either really hot or utter monstrosities? There seems to be very little middle ground.
With her Asian boyfriend
nazis are for germans
we can start our own pan-european movement
If gingers are so smart, why does Ireland and Scotland have among the lowest IQs in Western Europe? Also most of their great figures weren't gingers.
>Gingers have fewer hairs on their heads, but thicker hair.
Like Asians?
>I-I was only pretending to be retarded!!!
Wheres your proof of tv show?
>despite gingers burning easily from the sun, they are actually 3 times less likely to die of skin cancer than brunettes and blondes
1: who the fuck dies of skin cancer? That's the easiest shit to treat.
2: It's because you just need to get burned once as a ginger to never EVER do that shit again. Jesus Christ it burns like Satan's chipotle diarrhea.
Ginger female + Asian male family
White Women have already been declared enemies of the State
why are reds more likely to race mix?
it's sad
This is a lie. You dont get out much huh?
80% of european mummies had red hair. Black hair is a nigger trait, and the purest whitest trait is red hair.
That's why none of them are in the E.U. Down with the Eurocrats
ginger bitches make fine sex pets
ginger "males" are abominations and should be left to the wolves right after birth
Amazing. There's zero of their mother in those kids. Whites truly must be perfect, since any deviation whatsoever is for the worse.
You gave him money because youre just that stupid
because they have selfesteem issues (my sister) always dyed her hair to brown and racemixed with an asian i hate her for that and she knows it.
that pic is funny because both foxes and gingers smell really bad
I live in Scotland you absolute mongoloid. I've probably seen more gingers than you've had dicks in your mouth.
Asian guy asking redhead to the prom
The whiter the skin, the more MSM pressures you to whore yourself. And redheads have the whitest of skins.
>Asian guy asking redhead to the prom
>he doesnt realize nigger moors gave pierre his black hair
Youre literaly a nigger friend
Ginger + East Asian male wedding
I'm Normand
I don't have black hair, merry mongrel
Can you just kill yourself already?
Ive been to redhead day.
Dont be jealous ugly nigger hair
>Nazis only focus on blondes
You do realize that a vast majority of Nazis aren't blonde and that the "blonde hair blue eyes" propoganda is a myth
Mfw i'm dating aredhead
Yea i'm kinda wondering the same thing. What's his focus on asians for?
Pic related is joanna of castile
Half the kings and queens of spain and france had red hair. Then the niggers came and raped you, now youre all mongrels
What ultimately maters is who you marry. I used to be into redheads, but they didn't give me the time of day in college as I was working hard on my degree to get a great job, also poor as fuck.
The Asian girls (studying abroad) literally sought me out, wanted to invest in me, a male they saw the future prospects of, not the now now now that white women see. I ended up marrying my 3.14qt Chinese waifu who scouted me as such.
It doesn't matter: blonde, redhead, whatever. If you want white girls marrying white men, you have to get them to WANT white men more than the competition. Wanting only established white men is what kills the white race, is what lets the Asians and Latinas get to us first.
What I'm saying is that that is the average brown haired person, not something that applies to a person; just because you have brown hair, you don't have a lower iq, dummy.
So youre denying genetic differences in IQ?
Ginger girl and her Asian boyfriend
Some of us are just mongrels ... can’t tell ya why
My nigga: average does not mean effect.
Just because niggers have black hair does not mean that a white person with black hair has a lower IQ. The niggers pull down the average.
So you admit the genetic washups are the ones who racemix because they cant get a white girl?
Thats good. We dont want your shit genes then
Loving red-haired mother and her child. Oh wai-
I agree but we need to protect all fair skinned groups
My family teached me that gingers are evil creatures.
Lovely red-head in a summerly dress. I wonder what her boyfriend looks like?
BTW look in the background of this pic and see what kind of hobbies she is into
>Lovely red-head in a summerly dress. I wonder what her boyfriend looks like?
As a ginger man, I can confirm all of this
Well basically the pond scum is too weak / ugly / poor to procreate with prime meat. So the rejects go to asian women instead. Thus weeding out the weak inferior genes from our race. Which is a good thing
>you are a nigger
>la creatura
This is what italians used to look like.
Kek... not anymore. Half nigger
Ginger is an anagram for nigger. They are pretty much the same subspecies.
So, indistinguishable from americans?
Turns out blondes are some of the smartest people on the planet. Kill yourself, kike
t. asianmasc headcase fighting a battle that was over years ago
Blonde, Ginger or Brunette
I am not prejudiced neither of these during a blowjob session
Real Aryans are dark hair you muttnigger
56% is better than 0% montenigger. You arent even white
Jesus man, thats pretty pathetic
Jamal agrees
Try 49% wew.
>joanna of castile
black hair, turned into venetian blonde by coloration, like was so fashionable, you dumb merry monkeys
I have blue eyes and red hair, im whiter than snow :)
You are brown eyed black haired brown skinned sub IQ turk rape babies.
Hows it feel?
Here are some actual IQ stats. Scandinavia has the highest % of blondes while Ireland has the highest% of gingers.
Scotland has highest percent of gingers, followed by russia and then ireland..
Absolute pleb
too bad cute gingers are hard to find
It's hard enough to find a ginger girl, but they also have a coin flip chance that they're either 8,9,10/10 or 1/10
Ginger men have it worse unless they are chads
Pic related
>blue eyes
that's a sign of still too much melanine
actual Whites have grey eyes, not blue
I for one have grey eyes and blond hair
I may take your females as sex pets, though, if they're not ugly and too smelly
Nice drawing.
>ywn be white