>shaking hands and wearing ties is something important to learn
Shaking hands and wearing ties is something important to learn
it is though, I would support this club. It looks like it could do wonders for these kids.
>niglets having father figures and role models is somehow a bad thing
mexican intellectuals
>government have to give little nigs their fathers lel
I know American culture must be strange to you juan. Yes, learning how to observe norms and function in society is important. People need a common set of rules to follow in order to prevent us from becoming shitholes like africa or mexico.
>that one white kid without a dad
I feel double sorry for him: for not having a good home to come back to and to have to endure classes with a bunch of potential criminals.
>Black boys are so bereft of positive male role models that handshaking and eye contact is seen as revolutionary
That’s actually really sad. The black community is in a really bad state but their leaders are only interested in blaming whites.
is this a boy
hes just mad cali or jewyork never do that shit and 1 of 2 states with the confederate flag on their statehouse grounds does it
and yes it was moved back from the heritage building to the statehouse grounds not long after it was moved off the statehouse grounds
you are an absolute fool if you think this is a bad thing.
....is op trying to knock this? cause if so OP is a faggot.
>OP is a faggot xD
i hope he is, just to spite you
An actual hero trying to make a difference. Black people not having a father figure has been catastrophic for everyone. No positive father figure will result in kids seeking out negative ones in things like gangs. This is a good thing
He isn't a father figure. He's really just dressing them up like fucboi niggers and creating the next generation of KANGZ
The sad thing is most modern nigs would consider this race treason.
Just keep moving people,nothing worth even typing about.
Hanging around with men and learning to be a man is important.
Single Mothers are socially destructive.
>poor little whiteboi
This is good?? Stop being a faggot OP
But that's good. They just want to make black people out of nigglets.
Hey man, now THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT.
God bless these teachers! They're showing kids very early on that they can be professionals! Bankers, scientists, doctors, or just blue collar dudes who carry themselves with an inner-strength and dignity and respect for all fellow citizens. Self-respect is the greatest take-away from this exercise. I salute these teachers and I hope it's duplicated in elementary schools across America!
Actually not a bad thing at all. He's teaching them how to function in society and is basically filling in as a male role model for all of them. They will identify with him as they are dressed like him, whether they know it or not, and pick up male responsibility a lot quicker.
There is literally nothing wrong with this and it's a genius approach.
Build the wall.
>i hope he is, just to spite you
well then I guess you and he have something in common
You can't give a suit and jacket to a nigger. They will never appreciate it. They will wear it and pretend they are worth more than they actually are valued.
Nah the teacher guys are just going to end up muh dicking the kids moms, then abandoning them leaving the kids fatherless yet again.
its a step in the civilized direction
keep it up
not bad, pretty basic
solid 6/10
>mexicans have no manners, probably spit on ground and never says thank you
Jackets and ties are made for the White men. Look at those little shits they are either fat or skinny like a stick...these clothes were never made for them. Makes me sick.
It won't. I live near DC and mandatory dress code wearing shirt and tie is standard there among public niglet schools for the past 20+ years. It hasn't changed them.
it kind of is though
being able to tie your own tie and dress for a decent job is good
also a real handshake rather than the nig fist bump and hand gymnastics routine is big
nothing worse than a weak limp handshake from a man
fuckin oreos acting white again
race traitors
Atleast they're trying. Those niglets need to join the Nation of Islam if they wanna be proper black men.
>nothing worse than a weak limp handshake from a man
boomer detected.
worse yet probably dicking the little oroes
that's likely
Based comment here!!!!
>mfw working on job site on benning rd and central avenue
>damn near worst part of city
>niggletts run across street all wearing school uniforms..look decent.
>mfw go into back of van to grab supplies and hear slide pull back on gun
>mfw I turn around its 13 year old niggletts pulling a gun outta his hip.
>mfw take impact drill out back of van...lunge it at niggers face and blew his teeth out. Hopped in van immediately left and called police.
Shittiest feeling...the nigger had a fucking SMILE on his face. They do not value human life and do it for the lulz
The kid isn't white. It's an albino black kid
>shitskin always sticks up for the white subhuman until he finds out he's actually black
People can be so hollow like you its sad
Fantastic idea. Good on the teacher for trying to give them a healthy male role model.
It's polishing turds.
It is if you ever want to have a job on the books, Pedro.
Fuck me, I tought he was finnish.
Oh well, my mistake anyway. Finns aren't white so I think I made 2 mistakes in one sentence.
Tumblr just love this.
>shitskin always sticks up for the white
What world are you living in?
There's literally nothing wrong with training animals
>that one white kid
Let me guess, this picture got taken in America
It's not a bad thing either Jorgito, training animals so that they don't kill each other it's an important procedure in zoos
that kid doesn't even look white
Fuck you this is a heartwarming image. That guy is personally is reducing the number of dindus in the world and your lardass is jacking to anime and bitching about other races doing good shit
>dress up, shake hands, eye contact etc
wtf pedo
>he also has spare jackets
wtf pedo
>teaching little niggers not to behave like little niggers
I fail to see the problem
>That guy is personally is reducing the number of dindus
he is also killing them???
citation needed
>at least i still have the constitution
>assuming a female could be this qt
Fucking shill bots. They can produce unlimited variations on superficially plausible, yet toxic, divisive, stupid threads all day long. And never get the least tired.
This is great. We need more stuff like this so we can start churning out civilized human beings instead of niggers
He’s teaching them proper court room attire Goya faggot
>instead of niggers
>picture is full of niggers
There’s a diffence between black men and niggers and if you don’t know that then you haven’t met enough black people
I am all for this. Bettering themselves and their community needs to be pushed.
I still don’t want them dating my daughters.
Ive seen these in Bama too.
Its kind of sad really. There are white kids in them too.Its supposed to teach them manners, but its not what you think of as 'manners'.
Its not like etiquette class or finishing school. They are basically doing the job of a parent to keep them from being knuckle dragging wild childs like you might imagine a 10 year old Tarzan. Even jungle tribes raise their kids better than the parents of these kids. They would otherwise literally revert to somewhat enhanced apes with some speech ability.
This isnt learning the difference between the dinner fork and salad fork or where to place your napkin. This is teaching them the napkin isnt a hat and that you dont leap from the table with your fork to chase the cat because it knows where food is.
You would be horrified to learn how many shitty moms dont even teach their kids how to use utensils any more.
>There’s a diffence between black men and niggers
they look like good black people in this picture
>gentleman’s club
This is what happens when you let whores fuck any guy she wants whilst enabling all her destructive behaviour.
Thanks whores for killing the Family. Whites a few decades away from becoming like the African American community.
As long as it isn't government funded I'm for it too.
Yes, op. There are things people learn from their dads and one is how to present yourself like a man.
All nigger jokes aside I have great respect for these men.
>shaking hands and wearing ties is something important to learn
It is unless you spend your days picking berries in a field like your family.
this is good, faggot
i dont care
>this is good
literal waste of time, money and jackets.
both of you just need to leave. You fucking idiots have no idea about niggers at all. You still fucking believe DRESS THEM UP THEY'LL BE GUD BOIS bullshit.
white girls be ready to get conquered by BBC
??? ????
Wait? Kids don't shake their hands anymore? Always did it with friends.
But its ok for you to believe if it has tits then its not gay or that the husky was seducing you so its not cruelty?
you stupid beaner, this is actually a good thing,
go get your heart cut out by some filthy cartel nigger
says the user posting bait threads
pick one
what the fuck are you even saying here?
you a yiffhead focker?
A well behaved dog is better than a rabid one. As much as you want to believe it’s all genetic, there are some environmental factors at play.
Look at all of these niggers with their suits and ties acting like they own the place...
Actually, I can't be mad. This is actually a great way to teach black kids (and some white)to break the chain of growing up to be a thug.
yiff in hell
what the fuck? Niggers are rabid dogs no matter what you do.
its really great. but its such a shame there are people who dont understand this
No u
i know niggers. they may be stupid but they can learn.
haha the fucking few outliers that arent out raping and looting.
no they cant.
Look. You can take a white kid and give him faggy lesbo adopted parents with an agenda to turn him weak, or you can give him a nuclear hardworking mom and dad withgood ol fashion American values. There is going to be some differences.
The fuck?
That's great.
look at this nigger. he is more smarter than most whites and he is black.
I'm sorry to inform you but that white kid will most likely turn out to be fairly normal and most likely a 50/50 chance he hates his faggot parents. The white kid can be taught. niggers cannot.
>i unironically support this
making an attempt is better than nothing
everyone one we don't need to cull is ammo saved