Bill Burr BTFO bootlickers and welfare queen vets. The absolute madman did it. He questioned the unquestionable.
Bill Burr BTFO bootlickers and welfare queen vets. The absolute madman did it. He questioned the unquestionable
i can't believe he's become such a cuck in general. seemed like the last guy it'd happen to a decade ago.
Bill Burr is the same guy. It's you, the far right snowflake who has changed.
he was right
t. veteran
Snowflake as a pejorative means someone who wants to be perceived as unique and actively tries to put that impression across.
Weird. I wonder what changed.
That part about who is really a hero and who isn't makes a lot of sense. The pilot is a hero, deck crew fag isn't.
hes always been a niggerloving cuck
He didn't have a truly cucked mindset back then.
Someone has to make the quadroon qt3.14s a you all love to dream about
Oh no no no xD
Bill was based until I found out his nigger fetish xD
comedy is dead thanks to lynchmob warriors taking offense at everything
not available in my country
wtf canada
Everything BURR said is 10000% True. The right (non-Snowflakes) (Supposedly) has gotten as soft, if not softer than the left... Can't even joke anymore. And I'm a funny guy. I'd be hung in public if the kikes ever let me on a stage.
Thank you. Everyone fucks this up to mean fragile.
This. This is the ultimate redpill fetish. Negresses LOVE DEM A WITE BOIII. They GO WAYYYY OUT there way to please a white boi.... It's a Master/Slave Type Situation.
Tell us a joke. (Original)
But it doesn't even have a concrete meaning because its a slang meme word. You saying there's some definition is just autistic and try hard
Even better is that his wife is full on twitter SJW herself. She flips her shit any time he opens his mouth; I've heard her on his podcast a few times.
Yes it does. Stop using the word wrong.
Slang words also have concrete definitions
lmao stupid chimp xD
You're welcome leaf
He also mentioned Bilderberg and Conan got upset
Dude who hasn't fucked a black girl get over yourself.
This was hilarious, I would love to see his new special blaming women for sexual harassment and making fun of the navy
Conan went to Harvard and had worked in tv for 30 years. There’s no way he doesn’t know what that’s about.
ya i thought by him being with a blackie he would change, nope just as funny as ever. lmao.
Not really. You make it a "fetish" which is kind of abnormal. It make sense.
He puts her in her place on the podcast on a regular basis.
Bill Burr is horribly overrated.
>dude with East Coast accent complains about things
Quaint. Stale. He's too bitchy to be as funny as people make him out to be.
Burr is a 100% right. First off vets of this generation, unless they joined for attention, hate being thanked. It's appreciated, but also a bit annoying be stopped and pulled into a convo. Just smile, that's all we need to get that you support us. Second of all, not all are heroes. I'm glad he's pointing this out. I hate faggots who are a cook and post themselves in a uniform on social media trying to look cool. That is why we shit on them and refer to him as POGs. We need this type of checks and balances from him to make sure us on the right don't get soft by playing the 'you can't say that' game. Burr is a God and I give him permission to make fun of us in the military. He even said he did it in front of vets to make sure it was cool
>Military fags think it takes bravery to drop missles on people from a helicopter 10,000 feet in the air
Such heroes.
Thank you for your service.
That was a good joke.
>t. Marine
>The pilot is a hero, deck crew fag isn't.
Eh, piloting during these wars, especially fixed wing is only dangerous due to pilot error.
>themselves in a uniform on social media trying to look cool. That is why we shit on them and refer to him as POGs. We need this type of checks and
thank you for your service, user
this man. i mean there certainly are heros in war, but it's not like it was in WWII where armies of equal mass and outfitting were literally clashing against each other.
Now it's literally the wealthiest nation in the world with the most expensive and advanced armaments, mostly dropping bomb on poor religious extremists who sometimes make bombs to blow themselves and other poor people up.
it's not some noble myth of warriors meeting on a field to do battle anymore. people only pretend it is because they want to be thanked, since they never once felt special in their lives, or they're afraid of not being seen as a patriot.
either way Bill Burr has always made me laugh, even when i don't agree with him. (crazy thought i know, but you don't have to agree with everything somebody thinks to enjoy the shit they sell).
they are right, though. it was originally directed at the tumblr community where no two users were the same. made up pronouns and made up genders and sexual orientations and self diagnosed mental illnesses = 1 special snowflake.
he got blacked; opinion discarded
takes a special kind of nutjob to defend sandniggers over your own kin
Thank you for your service.
What does Sup Forums think will happen to Billy boy?
How many of them have you married?
cheers cunt
Carlin was the master of complaining without just being the angry guy.
Burr isn't subtle or use creative ways to get his point across.
Same with Doug Stanhope. They are just ranters. not funny.
Actually Satan, technically speaking if the marriage statistics infographics that get posted here are to be believed, WMBF marriages have a statistically lower chance of divorce than WMWF marriages.
I wonder how this will play out for Bill.
t. non-combat veteran.
>"chickenhead" isn't in the dictionary
>I therefore declare it to mean "supreme glorious military dictator"
I'm right because slang.
>implying he didn't just ethnicly cleanse her then piss her off so much she took the half niggers so he can make more white race winners.
bill burr is a real normie who sees both sides but is also a businessman and has to walk the edge to not get crucified as a white male. more and more often he is talking about how bad things are becoming, while always maintaining the stance of the liberal, and talking to liberals. hes like tylenol redpill for kids, out there giving a liberal point of view on why liberal points of view are stupid
EX-wife that he pissed on the whole way after he ethicly cleansed her utterus soon after getting a divorce.
based Bill
How dare he makes fun of Israels private army.
Behead those who insult amerimutts.
Oh shit did he actually divorce Nia?
yep and she took the niglets
>did he actually divorce Nia?
>Thank you for your service
Get outta the pool