Why do Leftists make everything lame and gay?


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> Oakland chapter had a queer burlesque fundraiser where we raffled off bats and a barbed-wire scourge, and then gave that money to a gender-affirming martial arts instructor who taught us the secret bro art of Brazilian jiu-jitsu (one of the smarter things we’ve done, considering we seem to have a proclivity for chasing nazi scum around San Francisco). There are some stickers going around this season for harassing organizations like The Salvation Army, which claim to do good but actually hate on queers.

> Honestly, our most effective project is just wearing our back-panels around town to make other femmes and queers feel safer, and posting lots of pictures on Instagram to help isolated queers across the country feel like there’s at least somebody out there visibly fighting for them.

This is hard to watch.

Looks like they're doing some cultural appropriation

Hulk Hogan is on their sign.
What did they mean by that?

Meanwhile, Chads being Chads

Compare that to this:


If they could do things competently, they wouldn't be leftists. Raise your daughter well, don't feed her junk food, and she will not become a leftist.

>"Stronger people are harder to kill"
I don't think they understand ballistics.

>Teleports behind you
>Stabs you 40 times in self defense

because leftists are lame and gay. just fucking look at them.

woman of color owned business. Apparently very lightly brown is now considered "of color". Lord help us.

Ahh yes, the great European style of Mauy Thai

SJW are literary "no fun allowed"

Why do they all have dead eyes and such low energy? How medicated are they?

>we seem to have a proclivity for chasing nazi scum around San Francisco

Yeah, I had been hearing that San Fran was a Nazi hotbed.

Because they are literally lame and gay.

What a fucking NEET.

>jiu jitsu
>chasing people

Taking the martial and the art out of martial arts.

"C'mere and let me get in your guard - nazi scum! lay down! Seriously, lay down! No, stop. Lay down! I command you to lay down!"

"what are you doing ?? bad nazi ! bad! stop it !!"

I know, not enough dick punching

At least they're getting exercise of some sort

> woman of color
> woc
Basically anything not white male

Notice how none of the people in that video are actually fit? That's because fit people don't need stupid group activity bullshit in order to move their ass away from the couch.

They'll never make it.

You mean white people?
I have no clue

What the fuck did I just watch?
How does any red-blooded man become a liberal if they're this fucking effeminate?

Das it mayng. Classes that promote acceptance just mean lower expectations.

No proper martial arts gym is going to discriminate if you actually make an attempt to keep up with the class

(((liberal men)))
> From The Gym To The Gun Range, Here's Where Antifa Learn To Fight
> archive.is/3DqfW
> one of the gym’s organizers, who goes by Meyer Lanski, holds out a kick shield and braces himself to receive their blows. Even some of the new participants are landing their kicks. Within the hour, the women and men start sparring, learning self-defense tactics they can use in their private lives, or at protests.

It's not even about that, really.
If you want to get fit, have a good body, get in shape, how hard is it to understand that you just need to lift heavy shit over and over? Like, fuck this crossfit "let's make exercise PHUN!" nonsense.
Just lift heavy shit, with proper form and within months, you'll be able to lift even heavier shit! Amazing concept, I know.

It's to the point where you can sense what is political propaganda even when they tried to hide their power level, simply because something is lame and gay. Mass Effect? I could tell it was leftist propaganda by how bad the gameplay was in the first 10 minutes.

>bunch of trannies pretending to martial arts
watch out fagtifa is upping their game

Anons should skateboard. It makes you tough as nails and learn the value of self-improvement. It's also an american white people invention.

Your tribe caused this.

>meanwhile in Europe
When the Great Jewnited State Vs European Empire breaks out, you're in for a bad time. Our whole continent are ITCHING for muttocaust

I live near there, what do? I think they might be pathetic enough already though.


Go train there. Do it.

I don't think I could hide my disgust for them.



hmmm philosophers stone in their logo interesting

There may be hope for Sweden in the Golden One.

I had to take breathers every once in a while but I've sat through the whole thing

>gym to gunrange
>none of these people have any sort of military experience

imagine my shook


How long before the increased testosterone from actually exercising kicks in and begins to overwhelm their leftist indoctrination?
