Jesse Ventura should be the next US President.
>anti bullshit
>against big government
>Vietnam vet
>political experience
>believes in personal liberty
Jesse Ventura should be the next US President.
>anti bullshit
>against big government
>Vietnam vet
>political experience
>believes in personal liberty
Other urls found in this thread:
>Anti capitalist.
get a load of this slack jawed faggot
you forgot
>part of mexican biker gang
He'll betray the US.
Capitalism is objectively a bad thing.
It's just far less of a bad thing than any other socio-economic system. Capitalism is like being kicked in the balls repeatedly. Centrally planned economies are like having your balls cut off and bleeding to death. I'd rather not get kicked in the balls every day, but I'd prefer that over castration.
He has to wrestle The Rock. Winner goes up against Oprah. Then The Cunt will steal the nomination again.
>another badass white dude leading the charge against jews and globalism and miscgenation
I like it.
He aint no sexual tyranasaurus like me!
>Facts hurt my feelings
he didnt have the balls to stand up to (((them))) when he was approached for a 2nd term, not my fucking president. he said they left him alone the first year as a fluke, when it was re-election time they approached him and said it was play ball or nothing. he isnt smart enough to play this in endgame. i'd share a beer with him, that is all.
Nah, triple threat cage match between him, The Rock and Oprah.
The Body and The Rock unite to take down Oprah, then The Rock retires so that Jesse can have his two terms before he dies.
This is why I think he'd be great for America. He doesn't want the power, he just wants to ride his bike and shoot his guns. Unlike Trump or Hillary who are basically using the Presidency as ego validation...
>it's less bad than other systems
people keep saying that but im not so sure. just look at china. they are somewhat communist and they are kicking our asses right now. their cities are light years ahead of ours in the US. Their economies dwarf ours. They have basically 0 unemployed. Meanwhile in the US our cities are falling apart. Unemployment while touted as low still doesn't seem to ever go away. Healthcare is nonexistant unless your wealthy or work of a major company.
I like this idea. Im all for Alex Jones being vice president. Joe Rogan secretary of defense, dispensing brutal leg kicks
He is anti capitalist, to a degree. He's said before that he's in favor of a broad federal salary cap for all citizens, said "Why does anyone need more than 100 million dollars?"
As an economy and as a total sustem they're doing well, but would you want to live there? Be a little tiny cog in their giant machine?
I'd rather work 8 hours a day for Mr. Shekelsberg than 14 hours a day for Comrade Chang
negative, we need trump or the dragon is going to fuck us when ww3 comes. if it fucks us, you will be soon to follow. ww3 is coming either way, nothing is going to stop it. i agree hes a nice guy, loves his land and his people. but there are far bigger things at work here, and they arent stopping for anyone. it can either be on our terms, or (((theirs))). we've already delayed it by keeping that murderous cunt out.
>is in a Mexican biker gang
Fuck off foreigner
Years ago i really used to like this guy, especially on the anti-neocon & 911 & Bush issues, but as of recently he seems to have become an SJW + he's not a Race-Realist meaning that he doesn't want to clean & save America, eventually doing what the Jews are trying to do now ... hijacking White countries from the Whites that built them ... not going to happen
>against big government
>pro socialism
so he's a retard, then?
If there is a shooting world war it doesn't matter who has power, at least for us in the UK. Russia could turn the entire UK into a glowing wasteland with just 5% of its nuclear arsenal.
hes a fucking bernie bro fag
Jesse Ventura is redpilled as fuck
Have you ever seen his conspiracy show?
im honestly hoping we fuck the dragon with the bear, i believe putin is/was a spook, but i also believe hes a nationalist spook that loves trump, just like we do.
really though, how cool would it be to fuck a dragon with a bear.
Yea pretty based, read his biography 'Ain't got time to bleed' last year and agree.
Like if your dick turned into a full size, sentient bear when you got an erection?
well if putin wants to pretend to be my penis, hes certainly pocket sized. im ok with that. nah i mean a gangbung. we cant take gina alone, we need the bear. we all know the fucking kikes are going to play both sides, its them that set all this up.
He has some good policies, but he's quite fucking dumb. Sounds fairly intelligent when he's just speaking alone to the camera, but with someone else, another conservative, to challenge him and he breaks apart quite easily, resorting to feels based arguments. Not a very bright man at all. Ron Paul is 1000 times more intelligent.
hes one of them goy
nah, he's completely off his rocker these days
Isn't that the country that had to put up suicide nets because employees kept offing themselves?
Amazing what you can accomplish with what amounts to an abundance of slave labor
Banditos is a Mexican MC, he was a Mongol retard
He'll never become president because he's a true independent. The type of dude who'd never sell out against what he truly believes.
Can't win because he sued LE based dead mass killer's wife
>kicking our asses right now
kicking themselves in the process
>their cities are light years ahead of ours
>their economies dwarf ours
wrong again
>they have basically 0 unemployment
GDP has nothing to do with discussions of civil liberty, and it has less to do with quality of life than PPP.
>cities are falling apart
Yes. Still better than toxic smog. And our infrastructure is now reliant on more Chinese produced junk, which is why it's low quality.
>unemployment doesn't seem to go away
want zero unemployment? Criminalize it, faggot.
>healthcare is nonexistent
Baby steps my untermensch friend. Want healthcare? Learn how to be healthy first. Eat right and exercise. I'm not paying taxes so that you can run an IV of high fructose corn syrup.
That's shillery's double
Jesus, he left Minnesota in shambles. He sued Chris Kyle's widow for fuck sakes. No thanks.
No, he sued Chris Kyle because he was a lying douchebag. Chris Kyle then died and the law suit de facto passes to his estate.
>can choose to drop the court case after a guy fucking dies
>instead voluntarily keep it open as it moves to his grieving widow
>in the mind of venturafags this is ok
He’s going to Mex-i-co... McMahon!
Trump admires China.
He literally hates the US, lives in Mexico. It would be terrible
How exactly did he leave MN in shambles?
He sued Chris Kyle's publisher. The book straight up defamed Jesse for no good reason, the cunt was a liar and probably a psychopath. The widow was poormouthing in court when she very well knew that the publisher's insurance would cover the lawsuit.
>media continuing their defamation campaign against him
>book still in print with the false account
>film still in production with the false account
I'd have done the same. Ventura literally did nothing wrong and some asshat used his name to generate book revenue.
Funny how he didn't want the fake fight in the movie, he couldn't push the lie any further.
What are his views on immigration?
>someone's emotions should excuse them from consequences
literal "She a good girl she dindu nuffin." He had every right to sue and I'm glad he did.
1998 I voted for Jesse and I got some of my money back like he promised.
2016 I voted for Trump and last check I got 80$ more than the pay period before like he promised.
Basicly Jesse and Donald are the only politicians to keep their word.
He's a boomer cuck, no way.
Nah, apparently Ventura hit Warner Bros with notice that he'd sue them if it was in there.
As long as he is not a Dual Citizen.
Uncle Ted called them out a few years ago.
Dual Citizens want you unarmed, dependent and helpless, so you have to Obey the GOV.
>objectively a bad thing
>bad thing
I should maybe stop wasting my early 20s with such SUBJECTIVE judgements from bullshitfags and try getting laid.
You do know that these people would gladly reject their other citizenship the minute you pass a law regarding it.
1-they already control the media
2-they would still try theit hardest to pump in millions of shitskins
3-even if they rejected their Israeli citizenship they could just hop on a plane and arrive and will get their citizenship back because Israel literally gives it to all diaspora jews, no problem.
They wouldn't care because they could get it back very easily.
Check the Awan/Wasserman Schultz/Israel spy/blackmail ring being delayed and covered up.
Israel is really what is behind anti-American actions recently.
they need to be kicked out of the country to wherever other citizenship they hold
red pill us on Ventura policies in MN. Only thing I remember is something about building some public transit for niggers because he thought that was why they wuznt getting jobs.
I'm lukewarm on his politics, but I thinkk he's a real dude, and he actually cares about what he talks about. I'd vote for him.
Lives in Mexico and loves Mexicans literally believes in open borders
You should be the next suicide statistic
My stepdad served with him in Basra. He's an asshole, and is PNG'd from the SEALs for a reason
He ain't got time to bleed.
Sure, but I'll support Trump 2020, maybe Ventura 2024
>Anti capitalist.
ahh, okay then, no Ventura vote