Richard Spencer BTFO
How will he ever recover?
Richard Spencer BTFO
How will he ever recover?
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So what they're saying is that whites evolved to become better than blacks?
>DNA evidence suggests
Everything else is spin
>How will X ever recover?
How ever shit bait thread starts
If whites having "black" DNA gives niggers the right to be in Europe, does that also give whites a right to return to their ancestral homeland of Africa since we be kangz n shiieet?
These so called dark skinned cavemen were also probably rapists and cannibals. Checkmate niggers
Everyone has a right to live wherever they want, as long as they live harmoniously
Stay within your country's borders and make it great, hippie faggot
>find one skull that MIGHT have niggerish DNA
oh my god we wuz britonz
jesus that insecurity
we need to rid the world of un-harmonious elements, whites need to go back to their ancestral homelands and like a garden colony, colonize the area until it is harmonious
>10,000 year old mummified corpse
you never hear 3,000 year old Egyptian mummies called "modern Egyptians"
the spin is so obvious
>Cheddar Man
Pick one
>blue eyes
>dark skin
>common modern briton
Yeah fucking bullshit.
Lel your ancestors are black
>dark to black
Just going to take a wild guess that the skin was more "dark" than it was black. Call it a hunch.
>Be Brit
>live in 1984 dystopia
>bin knife
>get attacked with acid
>get raped by daughter
>pay for state propaganda that teaches me and my children and my community to hate themselves - if they are white
>daughter gets raped by Pakis, then again, runs, then again, then gets raped by the Taxi driver, then gets gang raped in the appartment he abducts her to
>go to police and tell story: SHUT UP RACIST
>sit down to have a cold one and ponder suicide
>beer got banned by Islamic council
>try to kill myself, but no knife
> trusting kike media
he he he
This hypothesis was put forward by a researcher who is a proponent of the "out of africa" theory.
His conclusions are biased and inaccurate.
Liberals, please spend 14 minutes observing the basic concepts of the scientific process.
Jew bullshit is relentless....It must be great to own the all Goyim's money supply
Better at sucking vitamin D from their environment, yes
And here I was lamenting my I1 Y-DNA, wishing I was R1B.
If that's ancient Brythonnic, they can keep it.
It's just dark skin, doesn't have shit to do with Africans. Read the article.
its just a matter of time until it happens again and again and again and in some of these instances it will work out and put an end to this insanity.
If you are not able to speak the words, White Community Hater, you will never be able to identify the problem with the Jewish Masters and their non white sex pets. Say the words out loud a few times to get the feel for them. White Community Hater, White Community Hater, White Community Hater.
White people have been so poorly educated that they don't even know how to talk about what has happened to them. If you played the game Deus Ex, you can think of White Community Hater as the "kill phrase." It often makes the white self haters go silent or crazy with rage. It reveals them to themselves and to anybody listening in.
Article describes it as "dark brown to black"
If we moved to Africa and switched places with the niggers we would make functioning societies whiles they reduced Europe to ashes. After that they would migrate back to us for more gibs so we would have to flee back to Europe. This game of cat and mouse will continue forever if we do not kill them where they stand instead of accepting uncivilised savages into societies they cannot operate within.
Do we really have to go through this again, mein Führer?
>5 foot
>blue eyed
>straight and curly hair
calling them just black is like Indians and abos or innits just black.
They look weird as fuck like drow or dark elves.
ERYBOY WUZ KANGS!!!! skins = negroid race
lmfao how does the left actually hope to beat us in the long term when they are utterly subverted brainlets ?
It only shows that whites and asians have become more evolved while brown skin peoples are still in their primitive state.
No such thing as "more evolved", and if we're measuring mutations then there are many plants "more evolved" than humans. But Asians and whites adapted to their environment by losing pigment and gaining vitamin D, yes. Evolution is about adapting to where you're at not reaching some sort of goal.
>uh, no sweetie
Actually, Brits (and Saxons) are the only white people on the planet.
So are your descendants, Kek
I guarantee the inventor of the wheel would have been white though.
>niggers still think race is just about skin color
I would say half of Sup Forums shares the same mentality
Evolution (apaption) can be considered a form of advancement or progress.
Weren't they saying the first Swedes were black too?
D is not sucked. sun light is, Tard.
Holy shit you didn't make this up. "Which leads me to one remark: That the number of purely white people in the world is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawney. And in Europe the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes are generally of what we call a swarthy complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only being excepted, who with the English make up the principal body of white people on the face of the earth. I could wish their numbers increased. While we are scouring our planet by clearing America of woods, and so making our side of the planet reflect a brighter light to the inhabitants of Mars or Venus, why should we in the sight of superior beings darken its people? Why increase the sons of Africa by planting them in America, where we have an opportunity, by excluding all blacks and tawneys, of increasing the lovely white and red.”
And at building civilizations, cool!
Nice autism, but you won't make it far in life being so literal.
It would be funny if you didn't live in exactly the same situation Hans
Cultural tho
What about the skull though? Is it a nigger skull?
Ancient Britons were uruk hai
I always knew Richard Spencer was a pseudo-intellectual who got payed his way though universities by his rich parents. There is something about his accent and mannerisms that strike me as him being a fucking airhead. It's probably the valley girl accent - I don't know if it's just a stereotype but you can tell a person is dumb if he speaks with the "valley girl" accent.
It's not. Niggers are not even related to our dark skinned ancestor.
Most niggers drop out of school the moment they learn about slavery. You can tell a fucking moron anything and he will believe it. Even more so when he has something to gain from it. Do you know what dark skin is from? Sun burn. People arent born black. Its takes millions of years of baking in the sun and frying your brain to become a fucking nigger. The first humans were white. What color is an animal after you shave its fur off? Pink. Or a greyish color. Are scientists so fucking retarded theydont know how sunburn works?
No need for that tho, he already loves sucking dicks
Niggers have white babies. White people never have nigger babies. Albinos are gods gift to the nigger race. And a rwminder of where they came from.
>Yaaas my ethno-state! I love jews now!
Why does he have the accent and mannerisms of a sorority girl?
Kill yourself cuck. The traitors die first when the ethnostate is created.
How would you determine eye color by looking at a skeleton?
My god look at that Labour campaign ad. It’s like they are mocking white people.
Spencer confirmed as a plant. Employed to make the right look horrible. Disinfo and whatnot.
Chances are they'd call my cousins' skin colour "dark" as well. It's light olive, but that makes them "darker" than standard white people. Ergo, "dark" skin.
It's a nice little word game they have here. It's like how some moron on twitter claimed that a black muslim terrorist was a white Christian. How did they do this? The black guy was, more accurately, mixed race, with a white mother. Accordingly, because you can never really be sure who someone's father is without a DNA test, it's best to put them into the mother's ethnic group, and so he became white. Indeed, this is how the British colonial authorites used to classify people. How did they make him Christian though? Simple; he was a convert to Islam, from a Christian background, so they descrive him as "Christian background" cleverly ommitting his conversion.
Technically correct; the best kind of correct, with just enough half-truths and omissions to get people to fill in the blanks according to their own pre-defined pattern recognition techniques.
How is your eye color determined?
>dark brown to black
This is past tan
Well then they should mention it as it's more important than skin shade. Skin pigmentation is just one of many racial differences of modern races and it doesn't imply anything beyond melanin related shit. If all whites' skin turned to black overnight and all niggers became albinos guess who'd still be the niggers.
Nor did the article imply anything beyond melanin.
Science is the new religion and popsci is the new televised evangelical huckster. If you read one of the scientists musing about "Britian's whiteness is not immutable" then you can understand pretty clearly there was a bit of an ideological push behind bringing their findings to the press in this manner. inb4 this is mostly based on speculation and they were just starting a conversation.
Do you literally not understand that race has almost nothing to do with skin color?
That’s one of the most minor markers there is....
Hurr durr, you don’t like niggers because of their skin color (not their 85 IQs, impulsivity, propensity for violence, promiscuity and rape habits, and unaesthetic appearance).
This is literally second grade public school tier rhetoric.
If early europeans DID have dark skin and this isn’t the latest jewish hotness disinfo WHO FUCKING CARES. Skin color doesn’t make you a nigger or not (pic related)
lol this nog is still mad spencer said he wasn't actually british
Time to restart the Empire.
How did we go from this...
Black fragility
>Primordial dark skin makes them ooga booga niggers from Africa
Truly only a nigger would believe this
No-one has a "right" to live wherever they want - what a retarded fucking statement.
Niggers were dysfunctional white people who got banished to africa where they sat in the sun and fried their bodies and their brains and became even more retarded.
Yeah no agenda here guys
Didnt we all migrate from Africa? Does that mean we magically turned white asoon as we got there instead of evolving ? Regardless of skin those would of been our ancestors not theirs.
Is that ad real? It’s like even the top political niggers can’t even be bothered to pretend to understand how a western country government is supposed to work. Literally just strongman tribal gibs.
Do they realize that they haven’t won yet? If their white genocide rhetoric keeps waking up whites it’s THEM that will get get genocided or (preferably) ethnically cleansed.
They could pretend to be humans for life fifty year and cucks would give the whole thing away for good. Time preference fucks niggers over, and the Christ killers can’t ever resist gloating about any success they have towards destroying christians.
that bust looks just like this smug nigger
They’ve already won dumbass
Ain’t shit going to happen
Hol up, u sayn we wuz niggers too?
Who stole our melanin?
yeah and then we evolved lmao
Did they find just one body? I bet some vikings found a nigger on their turf and smashed his brains out.
He's right though.
That thing looks like a man. Niggers man the manliest looking females. Lmao
Thanks for your vote kike demoralization fag.
Yes kikes have already won, that’s why you can turn on any news channel at any hour and see how hysterically terrified (((they are))) of the ascendant right.
Because it’s literally no threat that’s why (((you guys))) spend literally 24 hours a day fighting it instead of just raping shiksas and ass fucking one another like you would prefer
>hawhaw yes you are a distinct population but our guesstimation of your historical skin color means you have no ancestral claim to this land now open boarders pls
Honestly antiracists pushed me to come here in the first fucking place.
This is retarded. White people could have existed there and just because this unevolved piece of shit died there his DNA is older than all the others so they assume he was the first there. He just has caveman DNA.
white man ruined africa remember? me neither
He's completely right here you fucking brainlet, do you not have any reading comprehension?
There aren't any white people in "Hackney North and Stoke Newington".
Diane Abbott is also mentally deranged.
Don't be an idiot
these people tend to forget a major reason why we can make these claims about European archeo-anthropology is because the absolute large majority of ancient DNA comes from Europe
most areas of the world are virtually unsampled
we have a single 40k years old DNA sample from China, and he wasn't a modern Chinese either, probably had dark skin as well(most likely actually)
they should tell the Chinese they must make way for niggers then
He could have lived in the forrests like a fucking big foot. And you find his caveman bones with caveman DNA and assume he was the first person to live there. Seriously are scientists retarded? So when we find a dead bigfoots bones it means he founded the country. He was there first. Even though he existed with us. Do you get what im saying? Old bones dont imply an old person. We could be living with cavemen right now and when they die we are told they were the first people to inhabit the land simply because their DNA is older than the rest of the people there.
He's right. I want an Israel for white people.
That doesn't mean I like Jews.