Black people can coo-

>black people can coo-

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>the average /ck/ user

How the fuck did that happen?


>How the fuck did that happen?
pic related

oil was too hot, he shouldnt keep the lid on when its already smoking

or eat

My god this is unbealiveable

In Africa even the food torches your house

unironically disgusting

wtf is he really eating ice cream with his hand?!

>putting water on oil fire


that picture where someone manages to start ice cream on fire is particularly apt here

>using a saucepan to cook fries

Eating like a literal fucking ape.

>Brain freese?
>Definitely freese now, rite?
>A fucking bite of it
>Still no freese
tfw no brain to freese

high walled pan is great for frying. Keeps the oil vapor from spreading and leaving dew everywhere. You should only put an inch of grease in it.

Yeh but look at his toy pan, it was never going to work.


Sound makes it better.

ooOOOOO Sheet. Fuuk!

>it just keep adding insult to injury

god damn I love this

What more proof do people need?

This hurts to watch.


This guy is a comedian

more importantly, where'd he steal those chef clothes from?