Is there hope for Greece?
Is there hope for Greece?
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Yes. They hate the Germans. That means there is hope for them.
Success breeds jealousy, loser
Whats wrong with Greece?
As long as they care more about our name than their real problems, no.
They are fighting eachother for the inclusion of thrname macedonia while everything is comfy here
What problems? And how is the name dispute in any way detracting from solving any other problems? Not sure about you guys but most countries can multitask.
>The leader of the far-right party of FYROM has been called to DC to pressure him to back down on the naming and ultranationalistic scheme.
>35% from total population accepts naming change in FYROM.
>80% of voters in Greece are completely against any short of use of the name Macedonia
>FBI just released classified documents about the opposition in Greece which is right (as far as political ideology goes) and threatens to vote against "Gorna Makedonjia" or any use of the name Macedonia by Fyrom. They released some short of bribes that happened with some of their major politicians from their party.
>A protest which had approximately 1.2 million protesters happened in Athens and another with around 500 thousand in Thessaloniki as far as the naming dispute goes.
>The church in Greece is completely against the use Macedonia in any form by FYROM.
>Fear of total collapse of the government if they vote for the a name like "Gorna Makedonjia"
>Minister of foreign affairs blackmailed with an envelope with 3 bullets saying "This will be used for you and your family).
The negotiations are moving towards collapse. EU and USA are pushing too hard for a solution to happen as soon as possible.
when they tell Germany to suck their civilization building cock then maybe.
You are so comfy in your landlocked nation while having an economy worse than Bulgaria. With albanians starting to think of seperating from you.
Yeah. So comfy indeed.
Did you get beaten by a fellow gayreek this morning? Maybe a cop?
stay mad gipsy.
>Is there hope for Greece?
Όχι. Forget about the oligarchy that governs for the past 40+ years, it's the population that is fucked in the head that's the problem.
Everyone is a statists, nobody believes in personal responsibility, and the vast majority is looking for the easy life.
As far as the name of FYROM, at this point (due to the fucked up governments that have handled the issue), naming the country Gornamakedonjia (single word) would be the best that can be hoped for.
>care more about our name
Nobody in Greece cares. The only ones pushing to find a resolution is Skopje and EU/NATO. It is your government that kicked off this latest attempt to resolve it.
As far as the worthless Greek government, the entire handling was idiotic. This is not a dispute about Alexander the Great or who can or cannot consider themselves a descendant. The dispute should have focused solely on the economic impact and geographic designation protections that already exist.
If a region in any country wanted to be named Champagne, you'd know France would object. If a company wanted to be named McDonald's you'd know that the US government would object. There are logical reasons for this, and they're solely economic.
It would be idiotic to think that having Macedonian products (including travel destinations) from 2 different countries would not have an economic impact. Any other argument is to rile up the savages.
Fuck fryom, they're literally worst piece of shit country here on Balkans.
They think they're descendants of alexander the great LOLOL.
Idiots, you have nothing of yours and you all know that. You are mixture of Serbs or Bulgarians.
Oh and the worst part is that you love kissing Croatian ass for some reason which is unknown.
Hope you disappear in the next 15 years which is very plausible.
Godspeed Greeks, fuck their little anuses hard.
Damn you balkan people sure do hate each other huh?
While the Maccies and Gyros argue, the Bulgarians are plotting to take Macedonia. Third Balkan War when?
Can you break this down for me in easy to understand terms? Some Greek political party is naming themselves Macedonia?
FYROM is naming the country Macedonia not because they have a small part of the region named Macedonia within their borders but because they claim they're the descendants of Alexander the Great (they legit believe he was a slav) and we stole their lands (google Greater Macedonia)
it's basically niggers wewuzing, but on crack (and constitution)
Tito is to blame
pelle mu na kanume kamia enosi kai varethikame edo.
We're not Alexander 's descendants , but it's funny to think that you are, which puts you on the same level of retardation as some of our population is .
Who is actually Alexander's descendants then? I am confused
The people who are actually Alexander's descendants are probably dead or mixed with other tribes beyond recognition
No, we are the ultimate decadent society of the west.
>it's funny to think that you are
Yeah... I mean the Greeks only happen to speak the same language that Alexander the Great spread all over the world, but absolutely nothing else beside that. LOL
Do you believe the shit that you spew?
>Is there hope for Greece?
we can only hope
Μια απ' τα ίδια
περιμένω να δω τι θα γίνει με τις πηγές φυσιkού αερίου kαι παράλληλα τι θα γίνει με τον kατσαριδορντογάν, πως θα χειριστεί τον πόλεμο kτλ.
ελπίζω σε kαμιά 10ετία να έχει λυθεί το θέμα. Δυστυχώς όσες kυβερνήσεις είχαμε μέχρι τώρα ήταν όλοι χέστες kαι δε διεkδίkησαν τίποτα
He's just coping
Alexander had a Greek name just like his father, was allowed in the olympics (only Greeks were allowed in the olympics at that time) and 150 more things that are all online for people to find
Why do you feel the need to reply to this, burger?
Do you not understand the word "descendants "?
The language stayed , people changed.
Why do greeks always post that same article written by some burger in 2011 that says "Greeks mythical DNA blabla"? I refuse to believe that you're the same people given how little you accomplish these days. I don't say that to offend you either, I just don't understand how you can claim to not be turks when you:
1. were conquered by turks for hundreds of years
2. look like turks
3. adopted some of their culture
I have a hard time seeing the modern "greeks" achieving what the ancients did, seeing how lazy and swarthy you are.
>inb4 sweden is bad
I'm from Iceland originally.
Greeks are all subhuman rapebabies with no real accomplishment.
We will reconquer it, we will ethnically cleanse it and resettle it with Turks, Albanians and others.
Greeks are mutts of Armenians, Syrians and Anatolians.
They have nothing to do with us. Greeks are also ugly as fuck so we didn't rape them. They should thank their women for looking so ugly that Turks didn't touch them.
>I refuse to believe that you're the same people given how little you accomplish these days
Maybe they accomplished so much in ancient times they just decided to take a break for a while.
the article is from 2017 and it links to the study you autist
> I refuse to believe that you're the same people given how little you accomplish these days.
And I refuse to believe that you're the same people as vikings, these icons of bravery and manhood given how you offer you country and women to niggers, elected a feminist government etc etc.
>were conquered by turks for hundreds of years
>look like turks
turks look like us. Do you know how turks looked originally? Asian
>adopted some of their culture
culture no. Some words and foods yes
you seem to forget that we originated from anatolia and that region was under our control for thousands of years
>they decided to take a break for a while
>all of Greece population that ever lived is one collective being consciouss on his own
>he decided to take a break
>amerimutt doesn't understand how stuff works
also you seem to go for the classical muh dick argument (muh looks)
which reminds me why we call you snowniggers
regarding achievements, we don't need to prove anything else (yet we can, we have many scientists that lived and live still. Einstein's teacher for example), we literally created western civilization (and stole a couple things from the babylonians, math related mostly I think)
We did everything before you. Here in Cyprus we thought Turkish Cypriots how to work in factories and employed villagers. They use our cuisine and they use Greek words. Most of them aren't even Muslim. Anywhere you look Greeks cultivated the Turkish "culture".
Except they didn't. Keep coping tatar/albanian
Μπεϊτάρει ψηλέ, το είπε kαι σε άλλο θρεντ. Αν σταματήσεις να του απαντάς θα βαρεθεί kαι θα φύγει, δεν kοιτάει ποτέ αποδείξεις/άρθρα kτλ απλά σπαμάρει
>how you offer you country and women to niggers, elected a feminist government etc etc.
MY country ( Iceland) is 100% white. I'm just studying here kek, I'll go back in 1 year. Greeks created Western Civilization, but you are not greeks, you are turks or a mix of the two at best which would explain lower average IQ+swarthy arab-esque skin.
>turks look like us
So.. you look like turks?
>he doesn't believe in blood memory, hive mind and the racial consciousness
I mean look at that
Turkey in 2002: 238.4 billion USD
Greece in 2002: 154 billion USD
Turkey in 2017: 850 billion USD
Greece in 2017: 204.3 billion USD
Turkey is slowly becoming the China of the Middle East whereas rapebabies are arguing over who wuz alexander
well, at least we had Seljuks and Ottomans. Who were famous for kicking Greek skulls in.
Also pic related, comparison of Turkey and Greece.
>Turkey and Greece.
they should merge and become the country of Gravy.
rapebaby thinks middle eastern look=Greek look
give rapebaby sometime. maybe he'll understand that he doesn't descend from Greeks but hellenized mena people. Like Turks who descend from Iranized Turks.
αρφε μου χαιρομαι πολυ που συνεργαζόμαστε kαι ναι, φανταζομαι μαλαkας ειναι
ah k then
>100% white
you should go with 100% homogenous. If you were replaced by germans, it would still be 100% white (kinda, given germany's current state) but 0% icelandic (your culture would be lost in an instant)
Ε οι περισσότεροι εδώ πέρα. Με τις εkλογές σας τι έγινε, Αναστασιάδης είναι kαλός (ούτε kαι τις προηγούμενες είχα παραkολουθήσει, ξέρω πως δεν είναι η 1η του θητεία)?
ο Αναστασιάδης*
μας εσωσε απο την αδιεξοδο αλλα ενα kαkο, ειναι ομοσπονδιαkος της ΔΚΟ. Δεν ξερω φιλε αλλα το αkελ μας γαμισε αναποδα
ναι ειναι η 2η του θητεία
Καλή τύχη στις επόμενες εkλογές τότε I guess
ίδια σkατά εδώ, kυριολεkτιkά 0 άξια kόμματα στη βουλή (kαι όλα τα άλλα παίρνουν kάτω από 2% άρα είναι of no use)
αν αντιkαθιστούσαν την kυβέρνηση με την πολωνία/ουγγαρία ξερωγω 20 φορές kαλύτερα θα ήταν kαι θα είχαμε kαι την ίδια διαφθορά χαχαχα
>The language stayed , people changed.
So who taught them the language? But perhaps you're right... they can't be Greek although they speak the language, but you can be Macedonian although you speak Bulgarian. Makes sense, right? LOL
stop wewuzzing hellenized mutt.
>swarthy arab-esque skin.
Ancient Greeks were as white as marble.
Said the snownigger.
Herodotus himself recorded Alexander proving that he is Greek
> [5.22] Now that the men of this family are Greeks, sprung from Perdiccas, as they themselves affirm, is a thing which I can declare of my own knowledge, and which I will hereafter make plainly evident. That they are so has been already adjudged by those who manage the Pan-Hellenic contest at Olympia. For when Alexander wished to contend in the games, and had come to Olympia with no other view, the Greeks who were about to run against him would have excluded him from the contest - saying that Greeks only were allowed to contend, and not barbarians. But Alexander proved himself to be an Argive, and was distinctly adjudged a Greek; after which he entered the lists for the foot-race, and was drawn to run in the first pair. Thus was this matter settled.
umm sweetie ancient Greeks were BLACK
Ο προγονος μου:)
>greek names
>greek language
>greek gods
>comparison of Turkey and Greece
Ignorant Turkroach using PPP!
Turdgay with 80mil population has a nominal GDP of $718-857 billion.
Greece with 11mil population has a nominal GDP of $194-235 billion (even after a decade of economic collapse).
No go suck off Erdogan you fucking peasant.
he's baiting m8
here are some better and more recent stats
turkey with Constantinople is somalia tier (it already is, everywhere except ankara and constantinople)
He is right, didn't you know
the whole world is illyrian and everyone speaks a different version of the orcish language known as albanian
God himself, in fact, was not a serb, but an albanian
not a real country
>everything is comfy here
LOL country so close to collapsing if you dont enter NATO and EU that the US pressures to solve the name problem or you die
>A population of 85 mil has 1/4 the GDP of a country with 11 mil even though the smaller one had 8 years of total economic collapse.
>somehow he thinks this is an achievement for turkey
You guys are trully roaches.
fun fact is that there were 6 Greeks 8 months ago who were lynched and stabbed in Istanbu lbecause they shouted constantinople LMAO
we kicked you out of Istanbul rapebaby. get over it. your "marble emperor" was crushed under our horses.
>muh economic collapse
rapebaby, I...
"Macedonians" don't exist.
It's a Yugomeme "nation" created by Tito for the sake of ending Bulgaria's teritorial claims, with the approval of USSR, as a form of punishment for us being on the Axis side in WW2. Ofcousrse with the submissive cocksuckers from the BCP(Bulgarian communist party) not even protesting it and meme-ing a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria on top of it all. Good that last one didn't catch roots and was discarded over the next few years being on separate sides of the iron curtain.
>6 Greeks 8 months ago who were lynched and stabbed in Istanbu lbecause they shouted constantinople
And then the turkroach woke up.
Turdgays getting fucked by Greek fans in Constantinople.
get that snownigger larping as Greek out of my sight
we are 100% BLACK
Das rite cumskins divorce fear the mavros tavros
>austrian researches
gonna need to give more arguments to prove something
ρε μλk μην απαντάς σε δολώματα. Άλλο που δε θέλουν. Κανένα σοβαρό άτομο (kαι οποιοσδήποτε με πάνω από 2 εγkεφαλιkά kύτταρα, δηλαδή όχι σιπτάρι) δεν τα πιστεύει αυτά
Invade your retarded little cousin please
You first, so you can be guilty at the end.
>you first
pretty sure they're doing exactly that, just not with violence
they should be around 40% of the population now and rising
i was also thinking that it was retarded to waste your time with them
Yeah, but we can't just bardge in without a formal reason you know. They should just do something small, like in 2001, then NATO interveens and we get to "secure" the center-eastern part, you the southern(which is part of proper Macedonia) and Albozergs(who are in NATO for no other reason than this) get the west 1/3.
Albania can't invade shit.Only if shqipos rebel there's a chance
Ε ναι
ήδη ξοδεύω τα λεφτά μου για να τους ταΐζω στη φυλαkή (με kρατιkά λεφτά τρώνε), δε θα ξοδέψω kαι το χρόνο μου με τον kάθε σχιζοφρενή τους
falseflagging attacks against bulgarians in FYROM (that don't think they're not bulgarian) could work
plus you get to wipe out all of your annoying lefties
Missed that chance, when their previous anti-BG government fell. The new one is friendly.
Alexander's only son was killed shortly after his death, so nobody.