Didn't know TFM did this one. It's pretty good so far. Some things I never knew.
MGTOW is a lazy movement.
The game is about self improvement.
The game is about reproduction.
MGTOW is a bunch of lazy arses that decide in a lazy fashion to abandon the reproductive pool, and exclude their genes from humanity.
It is hard to read, it is hard to get up early and lift, it is hard to diet, it is hard to take care of our looks: let's just keep playing videogames in the basement and keep masturbating while being sour to women and jealous of Chad.
You can reject marriage and reproduction (if you are a really idiot person who believes mankind is evil or you are such a baby and not want to grow up), while still being in the game.
What you should be doing is:
Self improvement: YES
Marriage: NO
Fuck women: YES
Not all MGTOW practice abstinence, but many do. Those are the lazy ones and we r all happy their genes don't get carried on.
You can fight feminism while still fuckin chicks.
MGTOW is about turning your back on the State which is owned by (((them))) by means of financial enslavement.
(((They))) take advantage of weak women to enslave the working class (aka: men) for a lifetime of usury, taxes and penalties.
The best way to kill (((a parasite))) is to remove its food source. Walk away and you take away their power.
As the world becomes more globalized MGTOW becomes even more pointless. You can't go on strike when the company can just get cheaper foreign labour.
The only reason the herbivore men in Japan still exist is because the country has tight borders. If foreign PUAs and marriage-minded men were allowed to flood into Japan and take up residence, those waifu-loving dudes would become irrelevant... They wouldn't even be history.
I think MGTOW can serve a purpose in a man's life, particularly when you can live lean and focus on projects that will benefit you long-term. But their "movement" has already lost its core merit of starving the system. What else do they really have?
Primary goal: Myself
Secondary goal: Starving the system
you can't starve the system.
The system will go on without you.
You withdraw, they bring in africans to do your job. -> you lose
remember that african and arabs are polygamous, so you ain't starving shit
Since when did the game involve female nagging and manipulation?
We are meant tot convince her dad not her.
>chad improves himself
How do I lose? Im working 2 months per year paying no taxes doing pic related . You think you can threaten to throw someone off boat when he can swim?
no ty
The reason the elite class has an extreme power over the serf is one thing, money.
It's mostly the "Keeping up with the Joneses" consumer drug addiction that keeps most of us enslaved. Once you get married, it gets worse as women are basically pigs that need to gobble up wealth, products, property, stature.... You name it. She pressures her man to acquire these things so *she* can climb the social ladder.
All this further enslaves the man as he must work more and more and eventually take on (((debt))) for things like houses and cars.
This is exactly what (((they))) want, a constant source of income and power. A dumb fucking man, blinded by the scent of pussy, is constantly pumping his effort into the system for increasingly worthless money.
When you "walk away" it usually means living minimally. Ah yes. Minimalism. It's an often unspoken aspect of MGTOW. These men can focus in one what makes *them* happy since they are no longer trying to please a woman. And that means much less taxes, interest and income for The Clever Jew.
Is it effective?
You're Damn Right It's Effective. The money you spend (or don't spend) is your vote. And that is how you vote the Clever Jew out.
The game changes.
Your goal is fuck her, therefore, you must play.
You don't play -> you don't fuck
>Your goal is
Shhhhhh. No mgtow ever asked you what their goal is.
nope, free to do what you want.
You simply lose in terms of reproduction.
If you pull out of reproduction, probably it was meant to be that way -> inferior genes
>The system will go on without you.
Nope. This is the often misled theory that third world shitskins can maintain an advanced society. The only reason they are in the West is because white men are taxed to death to pay for their worthless asses. Take away welfare and society falls apart.
Look at how "efficiently" any inner city McDonalds works and tell me how Africans are going to do *my* job. They can't even screw in a lightbulb without fighting back the urge to smash it.
The goal is reproduction.
pulling out of it is lazy
So why do you not like me going mgtow exactly? Dont you want my inferior genes to die out?
women are whores
they easily have 100+ plus sexual partners by 25
(((they))) can go on.
Without us.
the more you avoid the game, the easier it is for (((them)))
Pic related again:
I'm doing the same but against my will because I can't find a man who wants to have children.
It's a pathetic life without any value and people who live like this by free will should just off themselves and give others who actually value life their ressources
not saying you can't gyow, just saying that it's lazy, and not a super smart way to go
Low quality larp.
Oh man. You were not supposed to think that question through mate. It was meant to shame you back into slave labor so (((the government))) can function properly.
We don't need you.
Well, yeah we actually do need you.
But really we don't, you cuck.
But yeah...participate in the system
But no, your a faggot cuck with bad genes
But yeah, raise a white family M'kay
But no, Fuck off faggot. Nobody likes you
Um yeah, but please continue to pay high taxes and get a mortgage.
So dont you want "lazy" genes to die out? You should be encouraging me to go mgtow.
Lazy is the new shaming buzzword apparently lmao.
I've never agreed that escapism is the best way to fight TPTB given the amount of resources they've dumped into getting men to do literally anything but be assertive. You can move to a cabin in the middle of nowhere to master woodworking - this will not encumber the jews in any way.
>she divorces you and takes everything
the game is against us friend. Stop cucking to women.
They need us we dont need them. If we remove our attention and accumulate wealth they will go for our demands.
Right now you are just cucking yourself to flesh
No, without hardworking men society would crumble.
well, listening to another opinion can't help.
maybe you just act like your genes r not worth carrying on, so maybe deep down your brain, my words can awake something.
I'll spare the parens and get right down to it.
The Rat Faced Jew's only power is money. Take away the money system and you remove The Jew.
It's that simple. This is how you deal with all parasites.
It's not like The Jew is some omnipotent God. It's just a rat faced sniveling parasite who manipulates the Goy into doing the dirty work because the Talmud tells him to.
It is the White Women that the Parasite Jew focuses on in Western Society. She is naturally weak and an easy target. The Parasite Jew knows that if he can control the White Woman, then she can in turn, control the white man....
....until now.
you guys have really grown sour in here... mby some fresh air could help
A Unicorn posting in a MGTOW thread. Who would have thunk it?
>ignoring the problems her women hav
enjoy cucking to them
>inferior genes
Its usually not that mate. Its just easier to focus on myself. I dont really want to have to spend my money on somebody else. I already pay an arm and a leg in taxes.
>t. mutt
Yea, I was awaiting someone to try and poke me from a safe distance. Never mind that because this society enables this behavior is a big reason I go mgtow.
Companionship is nice and all, but women are simply not worth the trouble anymore. Losing everything and getting taken to the cleaners is not only an American horror story. It happens all the time in Eastern Europe as well. Moreover, no sane man will marry a non-virgin. Paying full price for used goods is a cuck move.
Are you saying that tesla is inferior to some retard?
To me, MGTOW escapism is not about being lazy. It's about turning my energy back into *me*.
Money is simply an exchange method. If I do *work*, then I'm given "money". If I get a service, then I pay money.
What The Clever Jew has done is make sure he gets a Cut, every time I earn or spend.
As such, yes. A guy can get that cabin, grow his own food and do woodworking. Maybe he sells some stuff at a local flea market and maybe he barters for other services.
The point is to resist the enslavement system of the Jew's money. Sometimes you can't avoid it, but always resist it. By cooking your own food with raw ingredients, you are not paying The Clever Jew more taxes for somebody else to prepare it for you.
The MGTOW knows that women accelerate all these issues of financial enslavement. They use pussy as a weapon to keep a man "working to death", always trying to climb a ladder that is somehow always sinking into a pit of mud. The woman has never had to work hard for anything in her life so she cannot empathize with how difficult it is for a man to sacrifice working.
no its just Sup Forums is a place for female inxels too. i have spend almost ten years alone with porn until finding a bf who does want a relationship but cant breed children
It's no lifestlyle to be proud of even if you avoid certain problems like divorce and drug addicted childen
Goverments for the last several decades have been replacing the general population
You have to be a complete fool to believe MGTOW is a solution as it's not
But on the other hand thinking there is a fix is also dulusional you're about 80 years late
Socialism has eroded education, government and the general population
I dont see why I should give anyone my resources. I value life, mine. Why hasnt anyone given me resources for it? Probably because they are thinking about their lives over others 10 times more than me.
and thats why they invite millions of refugees for replacement migration.
Sorry what I meant was, why was there never a discussion of giving resources to me like there is a discussion of me giving resources to others almost every day?
>I dont see why I should give anyone my resources.
I don't mean it literally. But objectively our existances are meaningless. I'd rather like to go out with my children and explain them how to tell apart the different trees and which animals there are and other "useful" things instead of browsing Sup Forums just to "harm" my government
And I would never encourage anybody to do the same or sell that as superios lifestyle
only because are too stupid to realizw the truth
They just use mens money
>thinking there is a fix is also delusional
You're being fatalistic.
There is no need "to fix" government or society. Society is toast. It's going to collapse in the next 1-3 decades. That is not the point.
MGTOW is about making the life you have left comfortable and rewarding. It's not about legacy or your part of society. It's about you making the best of your life.
That is why MGTOW focuses on self-actualization; hobbies; working out; etc. It's about helping you find an equilibrium and understanding. It helps you accept the Sick Society so you can detach yourself from it. Once you stop trying to "Save the Day", you can find your inner peace. That is probably one of the biggest struggles in men. They feel that they must Wear a Cape and save society and "The Girl". MGTOW helps you understand that it's not worth saving.
Society will collapse and *then*, men will have a change to recreate society without the problems we have now. Namely, The Parasite Jew and the Selfish Woman. You and I will be dead by then but we will have laid out the seeds for this change by walking away.
And Id never bring children into a world where someone thinks of them like this: You act like Im replaceable? Well then, replace me. You better not be bluffing.
I have no problem with MGTOW, however i do have a problem with misrepresentation
If you have a pot gut, you’re MGTOW by default. If you don’t make over 80k a year, you’re MGTOW by default.
LMS or MGTOW. Pick one.
>And Id never bring children into a world where someone thinks of them like this
then you are indeed to weak (no shaming).
the UN has a program called replacement migration.
Why are you personally triggered and attacking me for that? It's just whats happaning when the local populations "refuse" to have reproduce
My advice is to go work on yourself. There are men who complain a lot about women, and there are men who can happily be in relationships with them.
What's the difference between these two? Is it that one group is smarter or more enlightened than the other? No, it's because they are both referring to different types of women.
If you work on improving yourself, higher quality women will be attracted to you, and you won't have to talk about salty sour-grapes movements like MGTOW or redpill or whatever.
The same applies to feminists.
It's weak betas trying to retro justify their faggotry. Pathetic.
Im not attacking anyone, sounds to me that you want to feed off my reaction. Why dont you get the benefits towards the cause you commited yourself and get to feed off the reaction of a "refugee" up close? The weak reaction of someone as weak as me would not satisfy you after all.
Mgtow is a tool for self improvement. It's better than tradcon in that matter because the motivation in internal. Also helps you not to give a shit about lot of things.
you really think it's happening because some girls who hold signs? It's planned for years if not decades. Gaddafi had said what will happen if we kill him and now it's happening.
And in Germany it's all organized by the Federal Consitutional Court.
Um no sweetie. It's trickle down whore ecnomics. The whores on top normalize being a roastie and make it socially appropriate to the point where if you speak out against it then you are oppressing women.
Women need to be left to their own devices so they can rationalise how much of a fuck up they are. If they can't then they don't deserve to reproduce.
>The parents are blaming the public school that was planned for decades after they willingly sent their kids there.
Whats more important? That the public school was planned for decades or that the parents willingly sent their kids there?
exactly what I meant
>If you work on improving yourself, higher quality women will be attracted to you
Oh Christ. Here we go again.
Pussy Economics 101.
The TradCon over hear engaging the "Blame Game", telling young men it's "their fault" for not being "fit enough" ; "wealthy enough" blah blah blah. Be a better person.
Of course he knows my argument already. That is the reason for the halfhearted...
>The same applies to feminists.
....see, see. I'm egalitarian. Women should do stuff to.. Ugh huh.
And again, it's just all so comical because what the TradCon misses every time is that Women own the government and the laws. They won't change because you know what? They don't have to. Why would a woman seriously better herself in the modern day? She has no reason to. She already owns politics; education; media and wages war daily on men. What incentive does she have to change?
In reality, the TradCon wants men to change, to "try harder". That means "To Cuck Harder" ; to bend to the will of the modern woman. The TradCon believe that this is great advice to "be better" as if there is a huge pool of "better" woman out there to find. In reality, if a larger percentage of men try to "be better", they will be shocked to find they are all fighting over the few unicorns left (probably some Mormon girl who never had social media; a cell phone or TV).
No sir. The answer is not for men to "be better". The answer is for men to walk away so women finally understand that the free ride is over and that maybe it's high time that they "be better" first.
>Self improvement: YES
>Marriage: NO
>Fuck women: YES
This is true. Marriage only worked in a time when women had no rights. It evened the scales a bit, so that the husband could not cheat on the wife or not provide for her without any recourse.
Now that women have equal (often times more) rights than men, marriage actually tips the scale highly in favor of the wife and ex-wife. It's a deathtrap for men.
Ok, have fun never getting laid and dying alone.
Real man does what he wants despite what society, government or what women say. If that decision is mgtow that's their choice, you don't owe society anything.
I disagreed with this premise up until about 6 months ago when my wife said she wanted to sell her perfectly fine 4 year old car (which I paid off in a year to avoid debt) for a $35k car. We have twin 15 month olds. We are almost done paying off the IVF loan to have these guys which costs $750 a month. We have childcare at $1300 a month. We are almost able to breath again financially and she wants another fucking car? I finally convinced her out of the car and now she wants to sell our house and buy a bigger one in the summer. So I’m driving uber at night saving money on top of the $80k household income we already have just so she can have this status symbol... fucking sucks.
You act is if your worthless roasted pussy has value. You dangle it before me as if it gives you a poweredge.
I assure you that you're one of many worthless cunts that wither away without me giving one lame fuck.
Pussy, the most overrated commodity on the earth. You threaten me as if you're the Wicked Witch and you'll remove the air I need to breathe.
The most typical female insult imaginable.
Dude getting laid is not the problem, if he works as a burger flipper on minimum wage he could still get a hooker or something else. There is more to life than sex and a lot of people die alone, probably most people. I can tell you are under 30 and have very little life experience.
>You're being fatalistic.
I probably should have said there's no "reasonable" fix though i believe emigration is an option but there is no land left
>There is no need "to fix" government or society. Society is toast. It's going to collapse in the next 1-3 decades. That is not the point.
Its about the mindset though otherwise you can have a healthy population
>MGTOW is about making the life you have left comfortable and rewarding. It's not about legacy or your part of society. It's about you making the best of your life.
I never said it wasn't that, i was making the remark that the government and women won't change when men opt out of society, they will find more suckers who will or stimulate via immigration and i would not be surprised if the government started implementing ways to make it harder to be by yourself eg higher taxes for singles or higher costs of living by yourself
>Society will collapse and *then*, men will have a change to recreate society without the problems we have now. Namely, The Parasite Jew and the Selfish Woman. You and I will be dead by then but we will have laid out the seeds for this change by walking away.
I'm in favor that prevention is the best cure but with societies failure to pinpoint the problem let alone what cause nothing will change.
I'm in favor of men doing whatever the fuck they want and living life according to their own accord. Don't listen to me or this guy, do what the fuck YOU want.
I feel it. I may have stayed married but my wife just would not fucking stop with "We need this" and it was always on my plate to provide it. It drove me into a massive state of misery and depression. Nothing was ever enough. Every day it was an argument about how we needed another vacation or a bigger house or to go to some festival.
And she had the most clever way of making it my problem. Say a pipe broke in the house. She would ask, "What are *we* going to do about this?" which means she would nag the shit out of me until I solved the problem. Fucking cunts like this will literally run the same oil in the car engine for three years straight until you are the one to finally change the oil.
MGTOW gave me a deep and resounding peace. I never knew just how deeply I was cucked unti I finally got free of it all. Women think they "work hard" and they will tell you that they "work hard" but I've found that their idea of "hard work" is about 10% of a man's idea of hard work.
I am a Ghost MGTOW now, removed from society. I sleep better now. I remember my dreams. I have leisurely mornings as I sip coffee. In short, I've found peace. A woman is a recipe for misery. I can't understand why so many men take on this daily tortue for the lure of pussy.
I am glad to hear you found a solution for yourself and you’re happy. I just can’t see my kids growing up with divorced parents just because I couldn’t find a solution. One thing I started doing is just not giving a fuck and being direct with her. Like we had plans at the start of the year to go to Japan and visit my brother and some friends who teach there. She decided she didn’t ever want to visit Japan in her life so she bailed on the trip. I said fuck that and spent 2 weeks traveling japan alone and hopping around between friends. It was awesome. I actually think it gave her some respect for me standing up for what I want rather than giving into her bs nagging. I swear women don’t really know what they actually want.
This sounds exactly like my mother.
She had a 2002 corolla she bough used that she put 100k km on with no issues until it was suddenly a "pote byejo" or piece of shit.
So 2007 rolls around and she decides she wants a Camry. My old man says no, he just bought his truck for 20k used and he's got like 2 years left on the mortgage so he's been doubling up his payments to get it done with sooner.
Well she just goes out and signs off on it without him, on a shity interest 5 year term.
Then 2008 recession hits, my old man works in oil and gas, guess what happens? Yep, laid off.
But it's not her fault they're suddenly 40k deeper in the hole, no, it's his fault a global recession happened and he got laid off.
>you really think it's happening because some girls who hold signs
Also this nawalt thing. I was never given a reason by all my personal female interactions all my life to believe there was 0 chance they wouldnt insult me like these "some" girls are doing in that pic. All this feminism and refugees welcome on the TV is the fertilizer, the seeds were planted by my personal interactions with women, I really gave a lot of fucking time to women in general to even slightly react to this insult before I decided that women and feminist opinion are one and the same, none of them even had to put themselves in public danger, they just had to show it to me presonally and possibly every other mgtow that exists. I dont know why you are a female incel but I dont see why Im supposed to kill myself for saying "fuck this shit im done".
>he can’t deal with a woman’s bullshit
Lmfao moron, if she is asking for stupid shit , tell her it’s stupid shit. Basically you just couldn’t be bothered training your wife. Women keep pushing you to see where your boundaries are, you need to enforce your boundaries.
Bravo. In hindsight, I wish I would have stood up more. I now know women need this more than ever. And it's the opposite teachings of the Single Mother Cancer that raised us.
A huge issue with the modern man is that he is raised in large part by Single Mother Cancer. She raises him to be a subservient dog. And even if a boy is raised by a mother and father, these days it's the mother, emboldened by a gynocentric society, who has taken over and dictates the rules. She feels compelled to beat her son down to a pulp because "My son won't be like those evil terrible men I hear about in the news."
More and more, in MGTOW circles, I hear "You have to treat women like children" and I realize it's a truth. Women are not worthy of the respect we give them. So often you have to discipline them and treat them as a child. That is why they are so good raising children. They practically are children.
So much of the time she was begging me to lay a foot down like a father would and say "No" and so much of the time I was giving in. Survival of marriage is acting more like a father than a husband. It's basically a child you're living with. That is a hard concept to grasp with women.
Ah the tough guy persona
Always a laugh, whatmtook you so long
Omg my wife nag me so I left her lol
Now I am so happy xDddd111!!!
Why not just say no? Would she leave you if you did that?
I know and I hate the idea of parenting a full grown adult. So like she tries to trap me in some word game where she’s expecting me to act one way based on what she says. Instead I take her literally and let whatever happens happen. Like last night she had her baby and I had mine (we trade each day). Mine went to sleep immediately and hers wanted to stay up for like another half hour. I went to take a shower and she started yelling at me about how Her baby is still awake. I said yes and mine is asleep so I’m going to take a shower. Then took a shower. I don’t know if it was the right move but she was chill when I came out later so it worked as far as I know.
No reason to go out of my way to please a woman.
I'd rather spend time doing something I enjoy.
Yeah waste your life in the pursuit of hedonistic pleasures, we put le meme frog in the picture so you know MGTOW is based.
>T. Le 56% face
Stay mad larper.
If u need to put in effort to please women you are failing as a man
Stay worthless faggot
MGTOW should always abstain.
I was MGTOW until I got infected by yellow and brown fever
That's true. Highsight is 20/20 isn't it? It's also easy for some teenageer to call a guy 'moron' when he hasn't been through the pain of marriage himself. Armchair commentary is often the easiest.
MGTOW has helped some men walk away and it has also helped others who are in marriage to take a more assertive stance. Many men are brought up to "worship" pussy. They are shamed into thinking they are nothing if they threaten to walk away from pussy. This is why they often give in to the demands of women.
Some of it is Pussy Economics 101. As I entered age 30, I began to feel a great deal of fear that I would not be able to find a good woman. So, as many men do at that age, I settled for second best; a mental case that deep down, I knew would not be a quality mother or wife. But I was running out of time and receiving MASSIVE amounts of shaming from my friends and family for being a single man (I also didn't have the resources that men have today).
The quality of women is dropping rapidly with gynocentrism and women's lib. So you have this scenario play out all the time. I see guys on here all the time, terrified and depressed as they get into their 30s and still haven't found the Unicorn that TradCons tell them exists. So many jump into bad marriages. At that point you either have to give in and Cuck or realize you just took on a massive JOB. Not only do you have to try and raise kids but you have to UNDO all the horrible habits your cunt liberal wife has picked up to date. You literally have to beat women into being good wives.
Maybe a guy in his 20s/30s still has the energy to do that. Once you hit 40, you've gone full MGTOW. You're not going to fuck with broken women at that point. Let them perish. They are no longer worth the effort. You may be able to shape one at age 30 but past that, if they have liberal whore habits it will be a mountain to climb to shape them into wife material.
I am 25 married to a 19 year old
Nice user, she's white I presume?
Have fun cleaning your house and jerking of mgtow
Yes, anything else would be tragic
so much this.
in my family it has been 2 generations since a male has graduated college. the only ones that have ever graduated college did so because of the GI bill. however, we have put roughly 10 women through, with help of affirmative action, scholarships, loans. to say that the men in my family "arent trying hard enough" is a gigantic joke.
the western world RUNS on DEBT. and women create it.