Our downfall

This is there weapon against us. As our women continue to be subverted, the white race continues to lose ground. Will we be the first race to willingly let ourselves be destroyed?

The blacks recognize this weekend, constantly spewing garbage like: “Your girls all dream about the bbc. They will fuck us instead and we will breed you out of history.”

It is a rhetoric that is used quite extensively by other radical anti-white groups such as Muslim fundamentalists, constantly repeating that white girls will be their weapon in the war against us and their seed will triumph, Allah willing.

How do we save the white race from extinction? There's been good information, like be a better man, stay healthy, be successful in life then go make a bunch of white babies. But that keeps us on the defensive. They are on the attack. They are still after our white women. How do we fight back?

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Whites aren't being destroyed.

The people above you are bringing in more forces to get ready for the great wars they will launch.

Obviously you wouldn't be able to defeat russians and chineses by yourselves, you guys are too few in numbers, too weak in capacities and not enough courage.

Believe it or not, but the best way to make someone believe that he's part of a country is to give him women.

And white women, like most occidental women in fact (even non-white) are merchandise that circulate freely, so it's not really hard to find those foreign men a woman to love.

Daniel 2:41-43 ...'And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken?. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.'

The last sentence proves this. This is what is happening to your people, and iron is the reason they will hold together, just read the full version to understand this.

This is also why white nationalism will never work, your elites are against it, so is Donny Doofus.

lol, who cares at this point? Everything was lost in 1945.
Good job, Westcucks, you doomed us all.

A fucking leaf, of course.

Of course, if I lived in the states I would probably be brainwashed too. Worst country on earth, what else can you expect? That's where the power is, so the slaves are beyond redemption, it has to be.

>implying the us isn't going to just annex Canada
>implying your leaders aren't already dismantling your military in order for this very thing to happen

Also, you must be 18 years or older to post on this site

>This is there weapon against us.

This, a thousand times over

>white people the only race to treat women equally
>they destroy our civilization and then gladly become slaves to the enemy

Just bust many nuts inside of white women as you can. Sure you might get an STD.

Can you blame them? You side with sexdolls over your own women. There aren't enough white chads in this World. You have to make yourselves better for your women.
Hell, lift for white women if you have too, clean yourself up, clean your room and fix yourself if you have too but know that your not doing it for yourself but for your race.

Its time to mix in with the normies and breed.

Cites an obscure Bible Verse
>See? Proof.

Interracial kids have the white gene dumbass

Don’t worry, once Hillary is outed we can ridicule these thots into oblivion. They will be crushed. Perfect time for a reprogram.

I can tell you honestly the best way to regain power over women. It's quite simple. Ready?

>Ignore them

You have no idea how very powerful this action can be. A woman's very nature makes here seek social cohesion. She wants to be "in group" and accepted. When you shun a woman, she becomes feminine and subservient again.

You can do this at your workplace. Stop being a Cuck White Night and kowtowing to women. Ignore their asses. Offer a short and non-emotional hello but offer no small talk; no interest. And watch how they begin to respect you in time.

And you might counter and say, "Bu-bu but, all the niggers will give them attention." And that is fine in the short term. Those whores will be made example of. The worthless traitor white women and their nigger babies will be shunned by society. You really have to REMEMBER the raw power of shunning women. It is Extremely Effective and how we kept these fucking cunts in line for nearly 200 years before women's lib exploded.

The fight is easy. Turn your back on these whores to let them understand their behavior will not be tolerated. By turning your back, you remove your attention; your accolades and most of all....your wealth and resources. Niggers and women are the same in that facet. They live off the white man's money.

Good Hunting Boys.

Go back into watching your interracial cuckold porn, fag.

Also, SAGE!

Sage and report troll nonsencse.


So true, finally a well done analysis. But you forgot to say the elites are under Jews control.

>This is also why white nationalism will never work, your elites are against it
Revolutions have been conducted successfully in history, user.

That's the nature of women. Do not treat women well, they don't want you to, despite what they say. That's why women should be kept away from any kind of power


They can fuck these giant crickets and I don't give a fuck
Thicc asians and brown goddesses are my weakness

I’m just going to watch what our ancestors built burn and when the niggers bet for whites to return I’ll laugh.

>""""""our"""""" women
They would never refer to themselves as "mine" so under what logic should I consider them such?

I want those feet in my mouth while she administers ball torture.


If cuties want to be stretched out by a big black cock then let them. I love their free spirits, just let them run free

>'our' white women
Think I found the beginning of your problem, user...

ever notice it's only white men that say "our" when referring to women of their own race? to wit, i have never once seen a white woman mention "her" men. when referring to white men, they simply say that. you know, "the problem with white guys is...","why white men are ruining everything" kinda shit.
white women do not possess a concept of "whiteness" like men do. they do not exhibit racial kinship. why is that, Sup Forums?

who is this semen demen?

>Of course, if I lived in the states I would probably be brainwashed too.

White women are the most loyal to their race. White men race mix far more than white women. Stop being a pussy, man up, develop yourself and a white woman will want to bear your white children. Whoever else wishes to burn the coal, let them. They will pay the toll, there are no exceptions, only varying degrees of toll severity.

Dont think that the roastie troglodyte metamorphosis that occurs at the inception of radical feminism is a ubiquitous thing. There are lots of women unaffected by it. Its much, much worse over there in America, but even there it IS possible to find good women. You need to learn not to care about all the degenerates. Just leave them to it. Dont you understand that the way we're living now, everything thats going on, is entirely unsustainable? A civilization cannot be maintained without stable nuclear family units, and they're a disintegrating entity.

Muttposting must stop.
Cringiest posts on this board.

Of course they are. I've said this a million times; after the genetic cleansing known as wwi and wwii, most of the remaining breeders were the most cowardly, the most wounded, and the most weasely individuals around. This is the current breeding stock and it has produced a strain of people who are almost completely and totally subservient to authoritarianism in every form.

So long as it seems 'orderly', you'll have no problem getting most white people to do it. White women are told not to racemix, they racemix least of all. Just following orders.

Ive said this before. White women dont have to deal with the shit white men deal with because everyone wants to get in their fucking pants. White women are treated like fucking royalty. I fucking hate royalty. Stuck up out of touch fucking bastards.

The only thing theyre in touch with is social media. And all their manipulative shit skinned “friends”.

>work super hard for very little pay off
Or you can save up 2000 USD and either take your pick of asian wife, or take that money and invest in a sex tour

Gl with that. Girls these days no matter what x/10 always have atleast 1 guy who they can get into relationship the very same day.

If you dont ask, you dont fuck.

>Posting on Sup Forums
>Doesn't know about the cloning tanks yet


How do we save the white race from extinction? There's been good information, like be a better man, stay healthy, be successful in life then go make a bunch of white babies. But that keeps us on the defensive. They are on the attack. They are still after our white women. How do we fight back?

You can't. The vaginal Jew is in cahoots with them.

>They are still after our white women. How do we fight back?

now you know how east-asians feel. so don't do the same to us

america is a lost cause. europe must be strong, you are the last bastion of western civilization

I lift for myself, not women. Western women aren't worth shit.

The best thing you can do is to improve yourself in every capacity relevant to your material success, health, mindset and unironically form your own tribe to accrue your skill sets and resources as a group. That's what all the anti-white people do, and we are being forced down this path. Find some friends, find what interests you and keep pushing. If things don't work out here, be ready to move on. That's all a man can do.

>Western women aren't worth shit.



sabina gadecki

Downfall is a good Trust Company song.

>White men race mix far more than white women.
This is not true. We marry-out at about the same rates. But marriage is dead anyway. Almost half of the young mothers in this country are single mothers. It's a fucking disgrace.

John Lennon was correct when he stated that women are the niggers of the world.

sure is. 6th grade all over again.

Top lel

Fight Fire with fire. Fuck some black, brown, and kosher pussy.

>our women

As a Sikh who has deposited semen inside many a white vagina I can confidently say white women are for every race.

What do black men fear most?

Black women. Target them and we win. (Pic related)

Literally how every Christian argues like every time.

Anons report in you have to start fucking white girls to save our race. There is no other way. Being a virgin is not a excuse here is your start.


Realize you suck

Girls arent sluts

Why you get flaked

Fuck all their women and leave the children fatherless

What you fail to realize is that white women have always betrayed us if you really think they ever gave a damn about us or the nations we build you are very wrong, as for the jews what they did was to make the poison they didnt forced anyone to take it but our women have gladly took it and now there is no limitation placed on them thats why they run rampart. The second part of your statement regarding niggers and sand niggers is that they believe themselves as conquerors and rightfully so since till now there has been no violent outburst from the men of the countries they are rapidly colonizing and so they will continue to be prideful and display this type of mentality.

>as for the jews what they did was to make the poison they didnt forced anyone to take it but our women have gladly took it and now there is no limitation placed on them thats why they run rampart.
