Who here actually supports ethno-nationalism?

It's a meme ideology that will never happen.

Other urls found in this thread:


Says you, faggot


global communism is where it is at

Supporting any ideology is retarded, you should look for the pragmatic realpolitk instead of idealism and utopias.


It is hilarious how yellow-fever user posts girls like in the OP who will never touch a non-East Asian guy in their entire lives. While on the other hand, white models like this ...

>While on the other hand, white models like this ...

It's the default way of life except for the last 70 years where Jews had complete media control

America was founded as an ethnostate. We can rustle up more small pox blanlet's bro.


Every Asian country is an ethnostate.

Ethno nationalism isn't an ideology, Trayvon.

>Says you, faggot
Why the homophobia?

>Way of the world for 3 million years is a meme.
WTF Op? We're talking about going back to the way it was just 100 years ago, and the way it was since before humans left the trees. Never happen? The abomination is in the mixed state.

BTW : This busty blond has 10+ million followers on Instagram.

>It's a meme ideology that will never happen.

It is hilarious how yellow-fever user posts girls like in the OP who will never touch a non-East Asian guy in their entire lives. While on the other hand, white models like this ...


agree. op should mix with a nigger, plus flood israel with niggers and abos. Mission is get to get a nigger or abo dick inside every israeli jewess's vagoo by the end of this thread.

Why can't whites have an ethnostate? Hell, the niggers, asians, middle easterners, Mexicans, and Navejo have it. White guilt I guess.

ethnostates were a thing in the past and are a thing now faggot. The NAP is meme ideology. Libertarians are do nothing gays.

20 Million followers on Instagram

I'm a libertarian ethno nationalist

With her Asian boyfriend

>Why can't whites have an ethnostate?
One way or another, it's coming


>fetishing ethnicities

Disgusting. Why cannot you simply accept that sexuality is driven by individual desires and not group-selection?


Ethnonationalism is natural and inevitable.

Good points but not enough to say if the kike is actually based or just covering his ass because he knows they've fucked up.

It is hilarious how yellow-fever user posts girls like in the OP who will never touch a non-East Asian guy in their entire lives. While on the other hand, white models like this ...


Tenda, how many times do we have to tell you those women are attracted to money?




Based fin.

this ass can't be real

>Eurasian tiger
this place is such a shithole

Lol, you're naive, yellowboi.

Defacto not dejure.

Because it would destroy his ideology.

Is it?

what a fucking narcissistic thot

It is hilarious how yellow-fever user posts girls like in the OP who will never touch a non-East Asian guy in their entire lives. While on the other hand, white models like this ...

Socialism in one country is where it's at Jewish Bolshevik

>guys just race mix
>posts an ugly gook

Neither of them are attractive. Both are fake looking. One is Asian and looks like he takes steroids, so you'd kind of need a microscope to find his peener, the other looks plastic-y as fuck.

>mom has been making fun of my leggings boo hoo (I'll use that as an excuse to post these leggings that I think make me look hot)

>ugly gook
okay user. go cum in your philly jizzsteak

She was a Playboy Playmate

That's what they said about Trump becoming POTUS.
Eat a dick, shill.

Ethno nationalism is the only real nationalism. Civic nationalism is the meme.

EurasianTiger is pathetic.

>there are natural formats of socio-political organization

I would have to disagree. While genetics can effect your politics, environment controlled by social factors is important too.

Her ASIAN husband

>It's a meme ideology that will never happen

Meanwhile, the entire world would like a word ...

and im sure you never thought you'd be swinging from a fucking lamppost, not in a hundred years - that could never happen right? When was the last time you were in fear for your life?



reported for /s/ thread on Sup Forums

And her child

It is hilarious how yellow-fever user posts girls like in the OP who will never touch a non-East Asian guy in their entire lives. While on the other hand, white models like this ...

>implying trump has actually done anything of worth for whites other than larp.

Mofo look like a beefed up Howard the duck

BTW she is German


I guess I support it but it's not an ideology I expect to have any power anytime soon.
I don't see race mixing as big of a deal as other people do. I personally think children look better and will probably be healthier if they're not racemixed, but then again there's cases where they look good too.


The rest of the world is defacto ethnostates not dejure. Going from a non-ethnostate state to a dejure ethnostate always ends badly

>will never happen.
you fucking w0t m8 ? there's ethnostates right now and most nations in human history were ethnostates . ethnonationalism is the default form of nationalism.
how the fuck can you say it will 'never happen' if its been happening before you were born and will continue happening after you die .

LMFAO at this tiny insectoid.

Reminded me of this.

So what's up with austria hungary? Is that ever gonna happen

Country American Women

All ideologies are meme ideologies you fucking retard.
The absolute state of Sup Forums

Liberal Women

Name please

No worries, he's going to die a virgin and all of his raiding efforts on Sup Forums will be for nothing.

I do. Only mutts are against it

A state that isn't an ethnostate going to an ethnostate will not happen. Yours is the perfect example of why that's a mistake.

It worked really well in 90s america, we need to go back to good times so everyone forgets about race and sex again. It's not a meme, it works and has worked. Maybe not in today's political climate however.

>posts using a globalist flag

Chechens and Arabs from Emirates are pretty much ethno-nationalists. Japs and Jews can be called that too.

Even 5 year old kids know he's nothing more than a Chink.



That's when everyone was high on the ideal, seeing it as what beat the soviets

And I miss read the thread and thought you meant civic-nationalisim. didn't realize it was a bait thread, moving on.


Homosexuality is unnatural.

>It's a meme ideology that will never happen.

Except you know, the last several thousand years in pretty much every civilization.

I don't give a shit about ethno-nationalism larp. Most people here don't consider me white anyways since I got light brown hair and eyes. I just want mudslimes out my fucking country. I don't need their shit sharia and their inability to stop themselves from raping people here.

Not even you Hitler did because he recruited Ottoman Nazis in SS

>triggered at the usage of the word "mutt"
are you a mixed shitskin?

What are you talking about moron?
Even in Europe there are many "ethno-states".

>It's a meme ideology that will never happen.

Let me introduce you to something called "Zionism".

It's been happening for over 100 years now and has seen pretty concrete results.

Is there truly such a thing? I mean, most European populations are ethnically mixed and no population is pure in regards of cultural influence.

Not for lack of trying

>getting bantz on by a little kid and whining about it on leddit
when is he going to end it all?

Sooner rather than later people will see the benefits.
Once white guilt is not the dominant social narrative anymore they will want their own state.
Watch niggers starve and die in the following years.

>that's a mistake.
how so ?
also what you should be doing is not getting your country to be a non-ethnostate in the first place.

So is being german. There's no germany in nature.