Ethno-nationalists like to complain about how minorities are making america less free, yet their ethnostate would be even more restrictive than now.
He does have a point
Muslims are allowed to run their shitholes any way they want. Let us do the same.
So you want a muslim state.
What's wrong with any of that? Women shouldn't vote, that's a given. Porn should be severly limited.
Who is this irrelevant sand nigger? Isn't he the same faggot who attacked that humble water filter salesman at the RNC?
Alt-left: What Armenian Genocide?
>strawman argument that assumes a gigantic umbrella term like "alt-right" refers to one individual person
>calls others morons
Every time.
the alt-right is literally a tribe of jewish e-celebs.
>Unironically putting access to porn as a worthy value on which to base society
>non-whites such as muslims
Why does the left think islam is an ethnicity and not a religion?
>genocides only occured if they support my ideology
>alt right logic
Nope. We want neither a Muslim state nor a (((secular))) state. Something like the Plymouth colony or Calvin's Geneva.
You are the Jewish one here. Character attacks on any right wing populists movement is a Jewish tactic. You better learn to be more subtle with your kikery because the goyim are waking up
It's called freedom of speech
>mfw I realise liberals are so retarded they think porn is water
Sounds like Wakandan State.
Great argument. I suppose white people should just lose their countries because some people on the alt-right are against porn.
> The free distribution of porn to underage children is protected free speech
i don't think so
Why the fuck do I have a Swedish flag? The fuck is this shit?
Because they would look like hypocrites for not condemning it like they do Christianity.
what does this crypto kike have against a porn shoah
>Ooh yeah, oooh yeaah, oooh ooooh ooooh oooooh! Fuck me baby, oooh yeah, ooooh yeah.
I'm sure that's what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the first amendment
Uh. ok. It's not being distributed to underage children though.
Sage and report off topic and troll post/
>we want to restore ethnostates and get rid of the things that led us astray in the first place
wow, cognitive dissonance
Would we ban pork because our prophet warlord told us to?
Just because Muslim public policy isn't always incorrect doesn't mean White Sharia is anything more than a meme.
Because a 14 year old can't point his browser to pornhub and consume literally hundreds of hours of hardcore porn
>the first amendement only protects speech I like
Ok. Fucking brainlets. I swear alt-righters are more retarded than the niggers they make fun of.
Porn isn't speech at all, you moron.
Vee: If I don't get porn than I must rape.
ok. and your point is. Should we ban the internet in general. Should we ban alcohol because a 14 year old might somehow gain access to it.
>underage children don't have access to the internet
Yes it is.
Fedoras: freedom of religion means freedom from religion.
The God-fearing: what about our freedom from having healthy sexuality undermined by the (((entertainment and pornography))) industries
Fedoras: reeeeeeeeeee! You have no right to freedom from this poison
I still don't see your point. Is your point that we should ban internet access to all underage people.
freedom is pointless if it means I have to deal with niggers
I can't wait for an EMP and you faggots to die in an explosion of semen becuase you're so used to jerking off to porn 20 times a day.
No one is forcing you to consume porn. I swear anti-porn cucks are like fat people who blame the fast food industry for their lack of self control.
I think our argument is that we should ban you from oxygen. You're wasting it.
It's obviously just prostitution by proxy.
Great argument. Should we ban rakes as well.
You force me to live in a society filled with perverts. I refuse to accept that as ok
Should we ban alcohol as well because it's harmful to society. alcohol kills a lot more people than porn.
no it's just mind corrupting smut. It's instant pleasure with no benefits. I'm not a religious wacko or anything but it's the truth. Do not defend porn.
It's commercial speech, which can be regulated.
>implying perverts didn't exist before porn
stop being such a retard
It is true that muslims are hard righters but they kill each other if they dont pray the 5th time on a given day.
Failure to unite is why shitskins, spics and niggers are not successful.
Successfully organizing is what makes white successful and is what made America great the first and second times
Porn is the reason the western world is dying the way it is.
Atleast you're consistant.
So is alcohol. Alcohol has done more damage to britian than porn ever could.
Porn, alcohol, etc. are not the cores issues
The core issue is this: do white people get self determination or not?
Nothing matters as long as we're being ethnically replaced.
Oh I'm sorry I though we were discussing porn and not changing the subject.
Porn proliferates and normalizes perversion. It should be banned.
>implying whites once all the minorities are gone wouldn't just purity spiral and kill each other based on hair and eye color
So he's never heard of white sharia?
I beg to differ.
They do have self-determination.
>Implying that consuming hundreds of hours of hardcore pornography wouldn't make a perversion worse
stop being such a retard
Don't be retarded. Alcohol is licensed and restricted much more effectively than the Internet is. Every teenage boy has watched porn.
How do these two contradict each other?
I'm trying to see if you're logically consistant. If you want to ban porn because it's harmful to society then you should also support banning alcohol.
Yeah, we'll suddenly act like fucking congo niggers I'm sure.
Again. Proof.
Fake and gay.
This is not on his TL
Very few ethnocentrists actually want to physically expel people from the country. If people of different races want to continue to cohabitate that's their business... but conversely if a group of people decide they'd like to set up a gated neighborhood or a private township exclusively for members of their race, they shouldn't have to worry about the feds rolling in and shooting up the place or liberals swooping in to gentrify or diversify the neighborhood.
I grew up in an all-Korean neighborhood. Everybody knew everybody and it was like having a big extended family and I always appreciated that sense of common tradition and cultural heritage. Which is why it fucking killed me to see my old neighborhood forcibly diversified over the last 15 years, with old families driven out of town and replaced by Section 8 housing, and old shops and markets replaced by shitty chain restaurants and walgreen stores.
Cathy Newman? Is that you?
Oh yeah? Having a nigger at the head of the executive branch is self determination? Being forced to pay for your ethnic replacement is self determination? Being forced into a democracy with an ever expanding % of shitskins is self determination?
>I'm trying to see if you're logically consistant
By comparing apples to oranges?
oh look its a crying lefty, my shock
has this faggot blow hard found another place to pontificate from?
as they would say 'hurt people, hurt people'
Yes. I'm pretty sure most of Sup Forums thinks alcohol should be banned. The drug users are the loud minority.
Really. How many hours of productivity have been lost to drinking. How many people have died due to drunk driving. How many families have been destroyed due to alcoholism. How much money has it cost the healthcare system due to alcohol related health issues.
Hint: Way more than porn. Like orders of magnitude more.
Chink Wigger would be thrown in jail for saying the shit he says in Turkroachistan.
pic related
Most teenagers have also drank underage,
What if not everyone is like that?
Commercial Speech
Commercial speech has been defined by the Supreme Court as speech where the speaker is more likely to be engaged in commerce, where the intended audience is commercial or actual or potential consumers, and where the content of the message is commercial in character.
Commercial speech, such as advertisments, has been ruled by the Supreme Court to be entitled to less protection under the First Amendment than noncommerical speech. Under the First Amendment, noncommercial speech is entitled to full protection, and any sort of content-based regulation is only valid if it can withstand strict scrutiny. However, commerical speech is not given such deference. For a content-based regulation of commercial speech to be valid, it only must withstand intermediate scrutiny.
Additionally, commercial speech that is false or misleading is not entitled to any protection under the First Amendment, and therefore can be prohibited entirely.
I mean just look at europe between 1000-1945
Well they both make me wet.
Don't talk about the actual core issue! Here, I have this juicy autism purity spiral for you, goy
Care to point out where they were killing each other over eye and hair color during that period?
>Having a nigger at the head of the executive branch is self determination?
Yeah. Most of obamas voters were white.
>Being forced to pay for your ethnic replacement is self determination? Being forced into a democracy with an ever expanding % of shitskins is self determination?
No ones forcing you. And if they are it's mostly other whites
>dodging the question
nice job
There's a world of difference between banning something because its degenerate than because some imaginary man in the sky supposedly told you too
But I hate "white sharia" advocates as much as I hate mudslimes.
Are you saying that youre relying on changing the subject so you can make an argument?
>sharing the concept of the ethnostate and increasing visibility to normies for free
Lol thanks Cenk you fat piece of shit
Nice strawman chunk
I prefer not to pander to your shifting goalposts and need to compare two unlike things as if they were alike in order to make a point.
"muh freedom" is a meme that spread from America to the rest of the relevant world.
I don't want Muslims to fuck of for "freedom" which I think is largely responsible for modern degeneracy anyway, I want them to fuck off because they're not European and should live in their own nations.
It's a fake tweet.
Op is a faggot as usual.
Being able to watch porn isn't "freedom" in any meaningful sense, nor is being able to vote.
They are alike though. How is it different. They are both things that cause harm to society. Why ban one and not the other.
>hair or eye color
Women didn't have the right to vote in the US until 1920 and it had nothing to do with Islam.
Every tweet is a fucking strawman
>They are alike though. How is it different.
>a chemical
>an abstract
lol okay
The western world itself is being destroyed by the porn industry in all sorts of ways, porn is practically the reason why white people are in the situation they are in.
If porn isn't banned soon, whites will not fix their birth rates, they will continue to decline culturally , lead to degeneracy and society will be overrun with POC.
Alcohol is much easier to deal with, simply because it's not a biological urge from birth to drink it.
You're completely ignoring the impact porn has on the mind and just focusing on the instant effects of alcohol.