What is wrong with American men?
What is wrong with American men?
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they are marked by the tribe
Better yet what's up with the circumcision rate in South Korea? I thought East Asians didn't circumcise?
20 - 80 is a big gap,
Anybody know more acurate individual rates for Aussie and Canada?
Burgers stationed there started it
It's mostly the mothers pushing for circumcision.
American wannabes, why else do you think there's a big protestant population as well
It's very low in Australia, it's banned altogether in Tasmania for instance, it's only that high because it was once common practice in the 40's 50's to have your child circumcised
I guess you have a lot of sildiers in SK military bases.
Look at those fucking margins, what a dumb fucking infographic.
Really, jews
South Korea got indoctrinated and formed by American methods and North Korea by USSR/stalinist methods after WW2. No fucking surprise there.
Forgen is a scam, you're better off using manual methods or a device.
What?! Why is this shit even a thread. Holy fuck is Sup Forums really scrapping the bottom of the barrel?
The granularity on that map is totally useless:
20-80% WTF, its like they're not even trying.
Curious how the worst-koreans were convinced to do it? I am having difficulty believing that much of africa is 80+. I'd expect the muslim north, but not the sub saharan nigs.
Weird, you don't usually think of those other countries as having their shit together.
jewed dicks are so gross looking too
They cut their dicks as an offering to their Jewish overlords.
More important, do jews just own South Korea now?
north american dudes just love having other guys touch their dicks
Who made this fucking thing?
Its a form of respect for their masters.
They really REALLY love their cereals.
So if Kellog's says it's good, it's good
they are the dogs of the jews what do you expect
why are we in the red?
thought we had like only a couple of %
This. Women fuel the obedience to desert cults, them and pussy whipped men.
Tfw no data
I posted this from Croatia... and my VPN isn't on. What the fuck is going on
The jew bank thread with mortgage forgiveness discussion was pruned or deleted, I wonder why
We get our benises snipped at birth
Sub Sahara does it as a tribal thing probably it seems to be a common trend there with non-muslims.
Worst Korea at it again, turns out being a puppet state not only cucks your mind also cuts your dick.
we are living under jewish occupation and this is how they mark themselves and their slaves.
Benis looks better circumcised
They're jewish.
tfw white american who somehow dodged the jew blade, used to feel like outsider but now am grateful and smug
This dude back in the early 1900s or so named Kellogg said it would stop masterbation so he used his influence to persuade an entire generation of parents to have their children jewed up by their doctors. This trend continued on from generation to generation because "mah dick look like dis so should his" this Kellogg guy also invented the cereal for the same reason
wtf I hate tony the tiger now
Surprisingly he wasn't a Jew just a anti sex crazed asshole.
The Ottomans really got to you, Serbia...
(((them))). It sucks.
I wouldn't say scam, but very poorly organized.
Is there some kind of link between materialism and circumcision? I know this might just be correlation, but Jews, Americans, and South Koreans are particularly known for their superficiality and materialistic world view.
it stopped almost completely in around the 1980's
here you go faggots
I realised I don't think I've any seen any Korean porn, so searched some on PornHub to see if circumcision really is popular over there.
To my surprise, Korean porn is even more censored than Japanese porn. They don't even do the blurring/pixeling thing - they use camera angles to avoid showing any genitallia at all.
And a shame, Korean women can be hot as fuck, especially as they LOVE cosmetic surgery out there and do it properly.
they are not men, seeing their sons born with a healthy normal body and penis frightens the american man so he mutilates his child and offers the foreskin to the jews as a tribute to their overlords and masters. they do this because they are worthless
They're very dishonest about their progress and timeline. I wish that weren't the case.
It's basically an anglo victorian meme where they thought it was healthier and prevented masturbation, so it spread to cutnada, cutstralia and the cutnited states through the empire
Then they realised in the UK the health reasons were a complete meme so they stopped doing it. It's also dying out now in Canada and Australia
Why the US keeps doing it is beyond me though
South koreans have a high prevalence of teenage circumcision due to a genetic issue where their foreskins are so tight they can't actually have penetrative sex
>tfw at first frenulutomy because of torn short frenulum
>tfw got phimosis due to scarring of frenulutomy
>tfw circumcised at age 28
Kellogg's corn flakes.
People used to joke about uncut dicks and I would feel bad but now I laugh at those poor guys.
>genitally mutilated
does not compute
I think it would be easier for them to gain wide support if they didn't have a name that was so embarassing to say.
Something like "Institute for Regenerative Medicine" or "Technologies for Restoration of the Body" would be infinitely better.
UN-circumcised aka natural CHAD cock, Master race American reporting in!
American + uncircumcised = master race
Hahaha Aussie.
That's what you get for letting so many lebbos and Africans in!
Thanks Adam, for ruining everything!
But seriously, that show did handily skip over the fact that kikes and muds are still practising it, and that kikes are the ((doctors)) that recommend and continue the practice.
This map is false.90-100% in Portugal? Where ? Only if the sample was taken in the embassy of Israel.
No they didn't, at least not dick-wise.
Whoever made that map is obviously retarded.
Nobody circumcises their child here unless it's a medical necessity. Seriously what the fuck?
hello newfriend
are you white?
Its a troll lol. Sup Forums is always shit mad at the Iberian peninsula because we were the only ones to kick out arabs and burn jews without losing a war in return.
All other nations failed at this endeavor and now they welcome them in their midst instead.
They carry the mark of the beast. The bible did not specify which head it would be on.
Kek you already know the answer. Never seen another white guy who wasn’t circumcised and I’ve lived everywhere from California to Florida to Michigan.
>are you white?
America 80-100% nonwhite confirmed
our parents got fooled by kikes and can't justify it when i bring it up to them
>t. foreskinlet
American culture is very Judaized
South Koreans just copy whatever their American overlords are doing
>low is red and high is blue
top-tier Sup Forums
The black guy should be an Ethiopian Jew.
He said Europeans are cuckolds too...
He hated pretty much everyone, including Arabs
Burgers are to blame
Not out of hate, the ambassador to Jerusalem when it was occupied by European wrote that Europeans were cuckolds...
In his diary he wrote that he was shocked it was normal to stranger men to enter the woman's house while the husband is not present.
So yes, for Arabs Europeans looked like cuckolds.
Ibn Khaldun was in a way like the average Sup Forumsack, he would just say what he notice, about Blacks he said they are good at music and dancing, which still true...
Is there a way to get rid of foreskin without getting butchered? I have a bit too much.