WE WUZ is actually real.
A proper research proved that britons were literally black 10,000 years ago.
Sup Forums BTFO
WE WUZ is actually real.
A proper research proved that britons were literally black 10,000 years ago.
Sup Forums BTFO
Brits are all niggers.
That just shows how whites are more evolved than niggers.
I bet Brits STILL call Americans mutts every chance they get. They're also the worst ones about it.
Now explian me how they want from that to 1.86 meters White Chad in such a small period.
There are more than 1.2 million Pakistanis in Britain. Chances are you were talking to one of them. They are vehemently anti-US because we bomb their cousins every weekend with drones.
Americans came from Britain.
The Indo-european invasion, I'd guess.
My question is, if the population of the British Isles 10,000 years ago were as dark as Dravidians, how the hell did the world end up like pic related?
Cheddar Man was his rap name
>By studying compound haplotype systems within these genes, an attempt has been made to calculate the age of the alleles associated with lightening of European skin color. It is proposed that changes within KITLG appeared 30,000 years ago, and within TYRP1, SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 at 11,000-19,000 years ago, respective
This derived KITLG allele is associated with blond hair. The derived HERC2 allele is associated with blue eyes, and it's frequency was the same in ancient Europe as in modern Europe;
>In contrast, the derived allele of SLC24A5 that is the other major determinant of light skin pigmentation in modern Europe appears fixed in the Anatolian Neolithic
Whites lived in Anatolia 10,000 years ago. We took Europe from blacks.
White people genocided them, typical british behaviour
Can confirm
The great man Enoch Powell himself saw America as our natural enemy. America has spent more than 50 years buying our politicians and dismantling our power. Your nation is the single worst influence on this country. Your civil rights bullshit and 'anti racism', exported to Europe, and especially Britain, is in large part the direct cause of our Paki problem today. And you fucking dare to pretend only non whites in Britain are anti American?
You've used NATO to backstab us
You've used the UN to backstab us
You've used Bretton Woods to backstab us
You've used NGOs to backstab us
You've used our own politicians to backstab us.
I don't hate all Americans for their governments actions, but (you) are culpable through your ignorance.
>pic related; not a mutt.
Chedda is betta
>The MA-1 mitochondrial genome belongs to haplogroup U, which has also been found at high frequency among Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic European hunter-gatherers10–12, and the Y chromosome of MA-1 is basal to modern-day western Eurasians and near the root of most Native American lineages5
>This suggests that populations related to contemporary western Eurasians had a more north-easterly distribution 24,000 years ago than commonly thought
>Acknowledging the low depth of coverage, we determined the most likely phylogenetic affiliation of the MA-1 Y chromosome to a basal lineage of haplogroup R
We came from Siberia.
>literally 60% Great Britain DNA
>rest is french/western european
I thought I was white. Fucking hold me bros.
Oh no a single group pushing such a fucking stupid theory that is being so heavily forced it must be true.
Fuck right the hell off.
Sage and report.
Makes sense. It's just weird that over the last ten thousand years the human race has managed coordinate its skin colour to its latitude so precisely.
There are some pretty dark-skinned populations in Siberia and North America, but nothing like the reconstruction.
I share the same haplogroup as Chedder man, U5, does this mean I am black?
Dark skin doesn't mean you're a nigger, just coincidentally shit races alive today have dark skin. Race is more than skin deep, brain chemistry etc isn't determined my melanin levels.
Maybe he’s just dur-tea
This user got a point.
Look at the pagan histories of Ireland and the U.K. for a bit more guidance. I will be the first to say I am sick of all this "we wiz Kangz" shit but the oldest sources do state that the British isles we're originally occupied by a dark skinned people.
They were called Formians. The Formians gave rise to tales about imps, goblins, trolls, and other monster tales involving fundamentally different or even scary looking humanoids.
The Tuatha de Danaan we're the pagan god like beings that invaded Ireland in 4000 B.C. They were described as tall, with pale skin and blonde or red hair. They were also described as less heavily muscled than their formian enemies, but also far more technologically advanced. They went to war with and eventually all but wiped out the Formians.
The origins of the Tuatha De Danaan are open to many interpretations. One is that "Danaan" is simply misspelled from "Canaan" and for those in the know, there is overwhelming evidence that distinct tribes of caucasioids originated in Sumer and migrated to Canaan. This is further enforced by another angle, the interpretation as "Tuatha De Danaan" as "Tribe of the children of Danu" which is quite obviously close to referencing the sumerian and Canaanite god "Anu".
Further reading : irishcentral.com
This has no bearing on the present situation. If Cheddar Man had dark skin then, most probably, every human on Earth at the time had dark skin. The way some people are banging on you'd think he took the plane from Lagos Airport. He had blue eyes and European type features so can't be passed off as a coon.
Well, it's just an antecdote - but me and my Dad constantly have Hispanics speak to us in Spanish.
If you look at light Hispanics, I think you're seeing what whites and Asians looked like until whites moved west and formed a separate population in human.
Reminder: theories about early humans are always contingent upon the next discovery. Our picture of the early human state of affairs is changing all the time.
This makes so much sense.
According to (((Analysis)))
That's some cool shit man.
Love thinking back to early days of human history. The power struggles. The technological differences.
How can he be 10,000 years old when the earth is less than 7,000 years old?