guy over on cripple are talking about 'The Standard Hotel' over in NY. So I literally did about 30 secs digging on this place - what do I find… Again, it took less than a minute to find this. So I googled 'The Standard Hotel New York Pizza' and clicked the 5th link down in the results, which brought me to this page:
Other urls found in this thread:
and more notice the design on the speaker grill
That's Kenny Scharf, not scarf. Dig though guys, this place seems sus.
i dont get it
check the spiral and triangular spirals. If you're aware of pizzagate you should know these symbols, they're basically the first thing anyone picks up on. You're probs a shill though if you're asking questions like that.
Obvious BL, also
>Bleeding benis temple rocket
>Dude on hand & knees on top?
>Appears to be tuned to 94.5 (eyeballed) if FM
IDK - personally I'm not gonna reach so hard as to say the elephant staue on top is a man on his hands and knees... hahah. You gave me a good laugh though user. I think everything on that thing is innocent apart from the very obvious BLover symbols
So nobody is allowed to draw spirals or triangles anymore?
here's some more of what the guy posted. he posted webms too with an analysis of this weird video they put out, along with details of some of the weirder instagram pics they have too. the original post for this image was... "EXHIBIT G
part 1
See the eyeglass shop in the hotel. normal enough.Notice the see no evil 3 monkeys pillar and the gesturing painting on the wall. It gets better too."
second part was
part 2
Inside the shop on google maps you fucking turn into the hallway and you see a room with a mural. There is a fucking slice of pizza right in the hotel not in a main restaurant area just wacky pizza art.This is huge."
You must be new here.
what does it do? iv literally seen those things everywhere. they are on streets, restaurants, libraries, even U.S medals and police badges.
why do they do it?
Nope, not new.
It's this obsessing with fuckings spirals and pizzas that makes people not believe you and dismiss the whole pizzagate shit.
As said, they are everywhere and in 99.9999999% of the cases, it means nothing. People just like those designs.
Obviously not EVERY use of these symbols means someone is screwing kids.
In certain circumstances though, they provide a clue that we should dig. Art/art installations & restaurants especially.
Idk why but these two have simply brought up the most dirt, and it's usually these symbols that signal the beginning of an investigation.
why they do it? No idea, all we have to go off is that (official and real, look it up) FBI notice I posted. I guess they get pleasure from flaunting it?
Okay, but you'll admit it's a nice coincidence that a building with stantic and masonic imagery, bizarre instangram posts similar to Comet's stuff just happens to be hosting an artist who uses the same triangular spiral designs in his artwork? Should we add this to the (already gargantuan) list of coincidences? Or should we just investigate it? Because 99.9999999999% of the people on here are on here because they have NOTHING better to do. What harm will it bring? none. Sure, it may turn out to be nothing, which personally I couldn't care less about, I like playing detective every now and then - BUT, if it actually amounts to more than just the spiral stuff, then wouldn't that make it worthwhile. We literally have an FBI document that says those spirals mean something, but sure yes I'll ignore that because 'I'm doing harm to the investigation'. Mate, if you were there during the intial hours of pizzagate (after it evolved from cheesybay) you'd realise that these symbols were on of the key factors in getting the ball rolling.
They're too caught up on
>soemthing something jews
to make much progress anymore
poor infinity, you used to be a good containment zone
Don't complain unless you're digging yourself, bucko.
Holy fuck that autistic wall of text
You faggots need to kill yourselves you pathetic schizo neckbeard
There are many roles to play.
I'd tell you about my life and probably brag a lot, but this is an anonymous imageboard.
Just rest assured that I'm about the furthest from a neckbeard you can get.
If 'believing' in Pizzagate makes me schizo then I guess I'm as crazy as they come. You do realise that people who believed in
MK ultra had the same insults thrown at them, right?
Don't fall for the trigger words. They're easy to spot.
It seems you would have us believe you've been here longer than it appears.
bumpity, we need more pizza threads
I've been here since 2011, but I only started posting like 2 weeks ago. It's weird, I can spot shills when I'm lurking, but I'm so easily caught by them in my own posts.
Let's not forget Brooklyn.
Don't feed them (You)s, they get paid thanks to our autistic triggerings
meant for bonganon
Just think of how effective BJJ techniques could be for raping someone.
I literally just told the guy schitzo is one of their words. He admitted he fucked up. No one is paying me shit, you nigger.
more OC from myself. This is from an IG account that 'liked' and responded to a lot of James Alefantis's stuff on IG. commenst have since been deleted
>Internet sluths trying to witchhunt shitty faggot artists
>unknowingly breaks up several small time money laundering schemes involving high traffic cash transactions and selling non-existent art on paper
If any of the Pizzagate crowd was really interested in stopping shit they would hire and interview the youngest looking prostitutes they could find. But every one of you larpers would rather play armchair detective and cum buckets over finding spirals on bathroom walls.
and another from the same account. please, if you haven't already SAVE THESE.
Interesting, but shouldn't you be posting this on the VOAT pizzagate space?
Why wouldn't I post it here? This is where it all started.
This place is packed full of shills now, it's time for people who are still looking into this to come forward on here.
Last time I checked VOAT was even more packed with disnfo than here anyway.
Man, I haven't been there in a long time.
Is the panda a symbol for something pedophilic? I've seen Alefantis's "cumpanda" shit and it looks like his friends (like the one in ur pic) uses them as well??
Holy shit I sound crazy but idk like wtf is a cumpanda
Fucking more pandas
Again, it's all speculation. Seen a lot of people on here say it's slang for an abused kid as they have two black eyes so end up looking like a panda.
Do I believe that? No. IDK why they'd want to bruise up a kid like that if they ever wanted to get away with it. Unless they planned on just killing the kid after, but then it'd take a while for a bruise to materialise. Who knows?
One thing is for sure though - Pandas are definitely symbolic, they crop up a lot. Why is anyones guess though.
yep, I was shocked when I found this. Out of all the shit I've found this is hands down the weirdest. What explanation could you have?
I commented on it afterwards saying something along the lines of 'isn't that comment above me a little inappropriate and strange?'. The offending comment was deleted almost immediately, along with the other one I posted. The account that made that comment appears inactive for all intents and purposes. no posts, just a few followers (?)
My God. It's almost like... pizza is a normal food that people eat which you can find anywhere. And modern art beyond the comprehension of your tiny brain can only mean ONE thing: child rape.
No clue what it could mean. I just have a strong feeling it's a symbol for something (that might or might not be about children)
I don't believe it's about bruising kid's eyes as well, kinda seems like a reach
Also, I went on that lady's account and her friends r fucking ugly lmao
>pic related
theres a dentist near mine with those weird af triangles too.
for those who can't see it
Yea also she deleted your comment lmao what a pussy
Holy shit guys. I just applied FBI code words to OPs post
again = I
I = am
cannot = a
believe = retarded
this, = faggot
the = who
amount = sucks
of = cocks
coincidences = and
are = should
so = kill
staggering = himself
at = right
this = this(!)
point = instant
No way this is a coincidence!!
Also, why is that tree thrusting its pelvis out like that, exposing its glowing triangle?
Snails = paedophiles confirmed
Also Illuminati = paedophiles. But of course!
Literally no one in the history of peoplekind has ever drawn a spiral or a triangle if they weren't a paedophile.
This boom box is clearly a paedophile.
Something about this seems smart. Is this smart-posting now?
Go to sleep justin.
I can think of a certain website with a symbol like that.
In an attempt to add some credibility to the 'secret symbols', pic related was the clinic logo for the alleged "worst pedophile in American history"
His victims were female and the circular swirls are for boys (I think?) so perhaps coincidence
Yeah voat is a mess. Id rather look into pizzagate here, even with all the shills
i - i - its nothing right guys?
Its quantum, observing it will reveal its true nature. Ignoring it will leave it in a super state of both something and nothing.
Yes. All geometric shapes have been co-opted by baby rapers.
They will return to their normal status after a healthy probation period following the purge.
Canada is implicated in pizzagate too which is also connected to uranium one.
Wait nevermind
I woyld go as far as to say all geometric shapes were coopted by the cube worshipping satanic jews who also rape and kill goyim children.
this shit needs to stop
Also I agree we need to name things more creatively. I am sad pizzagate has the word gate in it.
Can confirm, obsessing with fuckings spirals and pizzas made me not believe you and dismiss the whole pizzagate shit
I would say the presence of spirals in art work is a very minor coincidence if it could even be called a coincidence at all.
Read Dutroux recently? Truth is stranger than fiction
The spirals allways lead to sketchy shit. Frank Guistra was initially looked into becasue of his spiral. Then it was found he is the largest funder of the CF, on CF board of directors, is implicated in uranium one, and gained power and money through the pay-to-play scheme that was headed through the DoJ and secretary of state.
A theory that predicts result is likely to be valid. There are probably a million places in the world those symbols can be found just by pure coincidence. However if you look at people who you suspect to be pedophiles and you find symbols everywhere that are on the FBI list of pedophile symbols that is an entirely different story.
That is why trauma victims would rather create fiction rather than remember reality.
It's sad, hollowcoast victims, satanic and pedo ring victims etc...
The pierre trudeau foundation documents were littered with those symbols
The panda eyes isn't because they are hit in the eyes, but because they don't sleep well.
Yep and after a lengthy thread of 325 posts. The Trudeau foundation website was taken down for a day and a half and scrubbed clean.
Oprah interviewed a person who claimed she was deeply involved in a satanic jew cult that bred babies to sacrifice to molech.
Dr Phill interviewed a girl who claimed to be born and raised specifically to be a child sex slave. She said no one would believe her and she was right.
>(again I cannot believe this, the amount of coincidences are so staggering at this point)
Only staggering thing here is that you are so unbelievably stupid you think an ugly statue is proof there is a pizzaplace pedoring run by Clinton. You literally have brain damage.
It's too bizarre for normies to believe
pic related, look at the strange necklace
Correct. Did anyone save anything? I fucked up and didnt save the documents
Does this look weird to any of you? What is dreamtime?
I didn't
Looks like this guy did since that is the trudeau foundation 2016 budget report symbol
Yeah it is but the internet has done a very good job in gaslighting the public to at least know the term pizzagate.
Sorry lads, that's all I have
Disney was anti semetic and counter semetic. She very well could have represented Phillipine
and like Ursula, she's dead.
Also this guy's name is scharf like in OP
The .pdf has been saved by other anons.
wooooah spirals dude, must be an organized child trafficking ring dude!!!! AWESOME FIND! what a hero!!
So the dreamcast logo is pedo code language?
How much do you want to bet that the dreamcast company was owned by a zionist jew?
The symbols are nothing more than a clue, an observation of interest
Point taken I guess. I don't know if jew but I do know there were western investors heavily involved. Although the game and console and arcade dev stuff was mostly in Japan.
Yes ()
I'm sneaky phone posting from work right now but would some anons please post over screenshots of the hotel pages of weird art and symbolism and post pics from their weird insta accounts please. I did a bit of research on these hotels even before cripple chan got around to it and I'm pretty sure some shady shit goes down there.
The Standard Hotel threads are slide bullshit deigned to discredit pedogate.
1. If recalling correctly on Sup Forums a year ago, David Brock + Alefantis at one time were renting and living at an urban building/house. The owner or previous owner of that house was a Rothschild. Allegedly.
2. The name "Alefantis" may be adopted, not a birth name. An amalgamation translating to "kid lover" in French or similar? Allegedly.
3. The profile pic/character he used was of a famous pederast character, some statue. Allegedly.
Anyone got the meme pics about these 3 points?
>94.5 FM
Is that significant? That's the biggest top 40 station in Hongcouver, I didn Think it was possible to hate that station more (it's always the station when someone's radio is too loud)
Woah! A co-worker of mine gets these fucking donuts all the time. Wow... I'm gonna have to sperg at work