Do any of you people hate the Dutch?
Do any of you people hate the Dutch?
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Spent some time in Holland and even went to the Lowlands Music Festival. While friendly, you guys are very very boring. Most bored Ive ever been at a festival. I was even asked to stop dancing in a mosh pit. Sorry Eurobro
well, Lowlands is pretty shit desu
To hostile dude, no time for moshpitting when your high as a kite
Of all the European festivals ive been to it was the worst. Little bitty plastic cups of beer lol. Pukkel pop the year of the massive storm was more exciting
I don't hate the Dutch but I think they're often times fucking assholes.
Fucking normie
I like dutch people
Yes. Rude backwards germans.
>goes to lowlands
lmao it's like you want to not have fun
Fuck you to then, ya cunt
Hey, you asked. Maybe you should work on your personalities.
stomme slootsmoffe
verkeerde waterjood
wow google translate is getting better these days
Of course a morrocan does
Hell no
Dutch women are by far the hottest
Two types of Dutch flags on here.
Real Dutchmen, chill, make witty bantz, aren't too full of themselves, recognize that their country has faults but still loves living there, probably high or drunk while posting, great sense of humor.
And Moroccans, Turks, Serbian, Russian and other assorted slavic diaspora who won't shut the fuck up about the evil US.
i don't hate dutch
Stupid river German?
Wrong water Jew?
The germs are being politically raped while we are reaching for a western corporate policestate.
We stand tall where the big ones get cucked.
This exactly, you are good
I do
It's like having a retarded little brother. You don't hate him, you just feel pity.
Dutch people are cool, they helped us fight the Spanish and stuff.
>mfw i see a moroccan in my neigborhood
Only the protestant ones
I laughed
Take us back opa ?
One day we will but you know what that means right?
Explain. You're letting Shariah police take power in your most popular student city.
Have a lot of Dutch friends and they're even more cucked than the whites here. They constantly argue for their replacement and have an obsession with how multicultural they are. Fix your shit.
Get some new fucking friends then you idiot and we aren't all like that.
All state universities are cucked by the far right Muslims beyond believes. Universities along with its student bodies are basically one giant Muslim indoctrination Center.
Gladly. The moment you ask the Dutch government, you're back into the game.
But we will rename Jakarta to Batavia FYI.
You have an awful language and you're a colony of Moroccans &Turdroaches (Paki scum).
Your language makes me physically sick.
I'm visiting in July, where do I go
5 reeten
Sad to hear and see, really. Is it because of Arab 'institutions' that are sending money over for 'projects'? It used to be contained in Aceh only.
>you're a colony of Moroccans &Turdroaches (Paki scum).
Calm down, pajeet.
They don't have the reaction times required for Dota, that's forsure
If you want some hardcore dutchies then Friesland bruh, If you want a good time then stay in the Randstad
I'd recommend anything but the big cities basically. Certainly check out the beaches in Noord-Holland.
Dutch are the leafs of Europe. Who could hate people who are so nice and have legal weed & hookers?
Legal is a big word
Don't go to Friesland. They're retarded over there.
Hahahha, just the look on his face when he meets/hears them would be priceless
Arab money , and indoctrination program from the hardline Muslim political party. The parties would inject funds to student bodies and in turn they would expect the student bodies to create political cadres loyal to the parties.
Basically, in this country , if you’re not a Muslim , you’re fucked.
so your universities are non-degenerate then?
Only option left: Start a civil war
Enjoyed strolling around the tiny cobbled streets of the OG Haarlem. Chilled out people from what I’ve seen and experienced.
You can’t win when your fighting 70-80% of the population. That’s just just asking to be genocided no?
Nah, my old co-worker was a Frisian and he was one of the only ones I respected. He wasn't the most cultured person in English but it wasn't his native language.
And he hated niggers. Good guy
Compared to western university ? Yeah definitely. But do you really prefer sharia compared to it ?
There are 2 things i hate in this world
1. People who are not tolerant of different cultures
>the dutch
Just do it. Maybe it will work you'll never know
Fucking love the Dutch. Such good engineers and merchants (the good kind). I really with the fucking British had never taken New Amsterdam and Dutch were still spoken there.
When are you guys going to annex Flanders?
Holland is plagued by the soyboy epidemic. Within time, Friesland will annex it and bring back some masculinity
Gotta say, I've been several times, I have family there, first in Amsterdam, now in the south.
>God, you guys are but boring as fuck. >Everything has to be pre arranged, with a fucking calendar date, even to get together with friends.
>You are cheap AS FUCK, and I mean jews aren't as cheap as you guys are, its just another level of cheap.
>Your caravans are a pest around EU during holidays, fucking annoying fucking things.
>Women are hot, but meh in terms of warmth, quite cold, not my style, they fuck like robots, rather have italians or spaniars, even portuguese whites are better in bed. Too robotic for me.
>You guys are tall as fuck, I'm 6' 2 and feel like a midget.
>Bicycles, bicycles everywhere, cool but when it rains and it is cold, fuck off riding a bike to the bar.
>Car taxes are ridiculous, but hey, I see the point, roads are pristine.
>Overall I would say a nice place, sadly human interaction is not really spontaneous, otherwise I would move there.
9/11 2020
Why would anybody hate you?
live a small ocean away in a multiculti loving country, never seen oliebols.
Because we are druggies and a bit racist? Idk
No. I pity them though. Almost all the Dutch women will suck and fuck dick to make ends meat. The men are as dumb as a box of rocks and the country has a massive gay population mixed with long haired hippy fucks.
I feel like the cheap part is really the fault of a vocal minority in a larger group. At least that's how I have observed it. The reason for this is we're direct and too honest, so if there's a group bill, there's bound to be that one person that's going to make a deal out of the payments. Since we're also quite 'tolerant', not in the way the word 'tolerance' has been bastardized by modern terms, but the Austin Powers kind of tolerance, we just go with the stingy people.
my grandpa literally lived on a tulip farm
I don't hate anyone. I love everybody until they are mean to me.
Not me. They were repeatedly beyond kind and welcoming to me/us.