Here it is:
Holy fucking shit. SpaceX faked it!!!
oy vey donate more money to spacex goy, we need a space race
It's at 12:44
explain plz
Are people really this retarded? They just replayed the payload opening from the side angle, just like they planned
>Shroud covering tesla deploys.
>Frame by frame you can see the shrouds ejected
>Front camera view captures the shrouds tumbling away slowly briefly
>Some autist believes it's faked.
Actually that was cool to see. It's rare to see from inside when the shrouds are deployed post launch.
SpaceX faked launching the Tesla. Check the video at at the timestamp just above you.
Im glad people this dumb dont keep it secret.
Are you retarded. Look at the tilt of the car. It's EXACTLY the same before it cuts back to the "earth" shot. The car is exactly in the same location. If it was prior to dropping its payload the angles wouldn't be the same you moron.
came for the vid stayed for the digits.
but that is a circular room.... you know like the rocket the car was in to begin with..... also that is not a VFX stage.
It's chamber opened up you dumb fuck. Anyone who watched it live saw this just before it opened up to reveal it's position above the Earth. It just dropped it's shielding.
Why would they fake it when they could spend Billions extra on doing the real thing and have exactly the same effect?
So how did they drive that car and guy back down to earth?
Because that's how the car was situated in the fairing. Which makes sense given the wonderful thing called mass balance.
You absolute fucking autist.
A tesla has an uneven mass distribution. If they placed it flat, the mass balance would favor one side of the rocket. if they placed it vertically, the forces would have crushed the car and caused a mass imbalance, this orientation provides a mass balance and G load distribution.
Why would the camera angle change? The cameras are fixed.
people thought that was real?????!?!?!?!?!?
So what did they launch instead of a car?
Thus, the birth of another /x/ tier mental disorder
retarded flat eartner detected
The camera is bolted to the car, user, of course it's in the same position. Some prankster switched to a bit of recorded footage from before the fairing opened. I thought it was funny.
Anyone who believed this was retarded anyway, only have to look at the mongs they have working on it
>he's not pretending to be retarded
play the video at .25 speed you fucking retard. you can see the shielding separate.
Space......its so far away, that you can see individual waves reflecting sunlight. The same sunlight which is absent on the car.
I fucking walked outside and saw it go up into the sky with my own eyes. It was fucking opening you idiot.
cancer aids
Those are clouds.
Cirrostratus clouds.
SpaceX is helping the CIA and Israel put up more private ICBM guiding satellites so they don't have to rely on the United States or Russia to start a war.
Guess this is how the ww3 False Flag will begin, a strike from multiple private launches that will trigger all of the defense systems but their missiles are aimed at cities not the private launch sites. Samsung Option v.2!
why do conservashits think everything is a conspiracy?
>when your personal failure and mental illness hits so hard you can't comprehend what a group of mostly white men can do.
Do I need to post the NASA women photo? You are worthless and your genes obviously failed generations ago.
You're an idiot.
Thing is, median burger posts are so retarded you can't really tell if this is bong level shitposting or the actual retardation.
this board gets more stupid by the minute.
>inb4 i was just pretending
Nuclear war false flag being perpetuated by Elon Musk! What a great guy
Correction Cirrocumulus
Apparently my phone thinks all cirro cloud forms are cirrostratus.
why do you have to be so retarded?
it's the shrouds being ejected you autismal fuck
go to 12:17
elon musk is a traitor as is most of the united states government for allowing all of this to happen
but you can see the separation.
it's a replay
Weapons, spy satellite, who knows
what are clouds.
They don’t. Because it’s a dummy and they’re sending the car to mars.
>launch a car into the vacuum of space
>exactly the same angle as before, just a shitty looking CGI earth in the background
>no satellites or stars either goy, but donate anyway
do it u wont
I haven't seen it plz
a towel
That’s cloud scatter you idiot
actually those are shareblue shills, you should know them better
That's a reasonable assumption, I also considered a missile guidance system to bypass the American or Russian one in place
It was faked you idiots. Not a flat earther but that shit was fake as fuck. I even showed you evidence. Fuck you guys if you don't want to believe what your eyes show you. It actually glitches twice.
41:24 and 41:55. So they just kept opening the pod, over and over. Retards
stop Tim, het is goed geweest
You dumb fucking faggot
You think you can just glue a car onto the side of a fucking rocket you dumb fucking faggot
That's the action of the panels opening after it left atmo you /x/ tier poz fucking nigger
why the fuck are people cheering?
why the fuck is everything so cringeworthy these days?
fuck millennials.
With magnets. You do know how magnets work right?
>LARPing so hard you actually become retarded
SpaceX blows up an Israeli satellite on the launchpad
SpaceX loses another Israeli satellite on the third stage
SpaceX launches a car?
no, it wasn't a car
>actually believing in the space tesla bullshit
>not knowing that space x was used to deploy orbital warheads
It's like you've never walked outside before
repeating material is common
only one patch of clouds? have nothing to say on the sunlight?
Kubrick is rolling in his grave
It's the inside of the payload capsule. Now stop being silly.
The Jews try to tear down any and all accomplishments of the white race
cgi does not earth make a ball
its still flat and unmoveable since creation
Damn Elon really is a nazi
Lies! Donate to (((Ellon Musk))) goys! Next we will have a women figure in space for equality! This car is flying through the vacuum of space towards Mars right now goys MAGA
If they wanted to actually fake this , they wouldn't stream this part live, since no one could verify whether it was live or not, etc. They would have just pre-recorded and then streamed. If this footage is real, and is what was actually streamed as "live from space," then we know that they WANTED this to be exposed a fake. This is what we should be talking about.
no they kept showing the replay because it's exciting.
Blacked. Oh yeah we lost that satellite.
I think he's more along the lines of Alister Crowley
holy fucking shit it's true
just checked the original video from Spacex just in case and it's there
it happens exactly at 41:53
>only one patch of clouds?
"I don't understand anything about meteorology and I still think I hold the truth : the post"
I tried to show you autists the truth. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make the motherfucker drink it. Believe what you want fuckers.
This thread will be moved to bant
>what is fairing
>what is thermal protection
>what is aerodynamic drag
I could see him faking it solely so that he didn't have to deal with the car being in the rocket but still use it for additional publicity. I'm not saying that's the case, just that I wouldn't put it past a person in Musk's position to use ideas like that.
One patch of clouds from that angle. In other angles you can see the fronts and associated cloud patterns.
How the fuck do you feed yourself?
pic related.
What sun reflection off the ocean from space looks like
Neck yourself.
Should be moved to >>boards.Sup desu
Eddie bravo get the fuck outta here
traveling to space with vehicles is a pretty cool thought desu.
shills are too obvious now
This is all part of Israel's Blue Beam bullshit and I don't fuckin care what mental disorder you think I have, shiteatingshills
>we’re in the age where white peoplr actively seek to prove the achievements of other whites as fake
>crabs in a bucket mentality
This is why the Jews are winning.
It went to space, earth isn’t flat, moon landing was real, and you’re taking a backseat to whites who actually want to change the world instead of crying about shit.
camera is pointing away from the sun. perhaps the rest of the car is shadowed by the huge rocket both the car and camera is strapped onto.
That's the inside of the fairing. The faring is the cone thing on top of the rocket that protects the payload from being damaged during launch. It's discarded once it's left the atmosphere.
That’s the inside of the rocket carrying the car.
Those are clouds not waves on the water
Everyone in this thread is retarded for taking OPs bait
I’m just as retarded for replying
>moon landing was real
stopped reading there
They replayed it on a loop, what's your point?
retard faggots kys space is for niggers
Is musk /ourguy/ after all? Loses israeli satellites but successfully launches a fucking car into the sun for no reason
lmao look at the shitty cgi magic rockets at 38:00
gurantee there is no independent footage of that with someone filming on their phone etc
inb4 nice CGI. Don't bother arguing with flat earthers. They will never accept any evidence unless its from their own sources.
Prepare for bullshittary far worse than this post
>be american
>get shot
>tip the shooter
the car was that far out into space? im just asking simple questions, you space believers are really easy to set off
people who don't know basic physics should not have a say in any matter
>meme flag
You’re lying to yourself, you couldn’t read the first word could you?
ahhaha, i think he's just another member of the masonic demon worshipers club and nothing can be trusted out of him, but don't take my word for it
Earth is flat space is a carrot to keep you moving along and not try and fix earth. We only have earth throw out the satanic jews in control and take back our earth.