Memes aside, were Egyptians really black? how do you explain pic related?
Memes aside, were Egyptians really black? how do you explain pic related?
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Kangz and white nationalists (Muslim larpers) are confused that Egypt was likely a mutliethnic nation that likely practiced a form of self segregation much like the US today with some exceptions. Most pharaohs were white, a few were sub Saharan.
But like many people from European descent, most people are not going to have a direct heritage to the ruling class anyway.
I must know. Is this white supremacy?
Egyptian elites were Caucasian. The pyramids weren't built until they came and enslaved the the populace and had them built. In fact it was speculated that there was an overturning in power around the time of the pyramids. Most hyroglyphics didn't exist before the pyramids, and in fact it wasn't until this era that writing stuff down was apprehensive.
So more then likely the Greeks/Romans left their Mutt genetics thrive in Egypt for centuries. As kangz.
Probably why Moors were Arab and not Black.
They were berbers
Citation for slave class at all.
If you don't know shit about Doser and Imhotep then you don't know shit about Pyramids.
Oh you mean I don't know that it was built by slaves?
Did they give them minimum wage?
You don't know how they were built. Take population at time and the fact that largest pyramid at Giza was 2 million stones alone. Even with every person working it would not have been enough.
You don't know how they were built and there is zero written record of slaves OUTSIDE of jewish records which came much later than being in Egypt. Likely influenced by the time jews were slaves to romans.
Even the story of moses hints to it. Historically the upper class NEVER bathed in the nile. yet the current version of the old testament would have you believe Pharaoh's wife did. the upper class had PRIVATE waterways. Moses's mother set him adrift in the private waterways she had access to because of her class.
Joseph sold into egypt was FREED and became advisor to pharoah and helped advanced egypt after a 7 year drought. ONLY ONE set of historical events line up with that story. Pharaoh Doser and his advisor Imhotep who designed the step pyramids.
There is no record of the jews becoming slaves, they came as a free people after Joseph was freed.
If earliest brittons could be black I don't see why Egyptians couldn't be white.
>be ramses 2
>have roman (hook) nose
>Have male patterned baldness
>have red hair (not henna)
>be called black
It was one of the largest empires of it's time, litteratly like US.and you know situation with races and ethnicities n the country.
>you don't know how they were built but I DO
Shut up you uppity nigger
They enslaved them and forced them to build those pyramids.
there were some blacks in egypt
They had black slaves, but Egyptians weren't negroid.
100% this.
My research lends to the idea that after Egypt started to fall apart that people left Egypt in large groups of ethnic groupings. Caucasians went North West across the Mediterranean (see legend of Scota), blacks went south west (see Nok Civilization, later destroyed by Muslim invasion before slave tade started), and jews went east and founded a golden age of their empire before becoming complacent and losing that power eventually conquered twice and then wiped out by romans in 100 ad (1 million dead and 90,000 taken as slaves)
we wuz lawn jockeys when white people lived in caves
Inaccurate. see Nok Civilization in Niger/Nigeria (it of course was destroyed by Muslim invasion in 600 to 700 ad range)
Egyptians were really African Americans. /thread
it factually wasn't as big as that, and it includes lots of desert.
>be located between black Africa, Europe and the Middle East
>Extensive archeological and scientific evidence that everyone from Nordic looking people to central African blacks populated Egypt
>Somehow Sup Forums user and afrocentric retards insist that ancient Egypt was some sort of ancient ethostate albeit ancient people not giving 1/10 of a shit about race compared to modern people, even though the average person nowadays, apart from retards like Sup Forumstards and the aforementioned afrocentrists don't really give a fuck about race to begin with
Ancient Egypt was a working multicultural society, unlike your multicultural hellhole, 56%er
Yea brudda.
multiculturalism was the reason Egypt fell.
>believed in religion
>had a hierarchy
>believed in property
Really makes my almonds activate.
This is how they had so much range.
>The pyramids weren't built until they came and enslaved the the populace and had them built.
The people that built the Pyramids WERE NOT SLAVES.
Egyptians were White dumb nigger
I don't know if it's a new thing or not. But I've been seeing a lot of things talking about how Native Americans were black, and that we enslaved them and not import slaves from Africa.
You sayinz, we wuz kangz??
Actually the 20th dynasty tried to push a monoreligion on Egyptians. Likely led to jews leaving. Thus Egypt lost their middle and upper class. Starting a chain reaction resulting in end of the bronze age.
I think multicultural is the wrong wording. I think they had a shared culture of advancement with different religions they practiced. Much like the US today. Its people seeing themselves as not egyptian first that caused the break away because the pharaohs of the 20th dynasty attempted to force a particular religion.
nefertiri looks like girl I had sexy time with last week, besides that traffic cone on her head
No homie, we are kangz n' shieet
2 be honest: arab christians claim 2 be descent of the acient egyptians. yes there are arabian christians.(still)
left pic is a greek vase and it depicts an ethiopian not an egyptian.
Some version of this is likely true. Ruling over Egypt was the goal of all surrounding dynasties/loosely stitched governments in the ancient world.
Pharaohs likely had a diverse lineage. What's debated are the "most popular" ones. Like, what did Ramses look like, and how does that support the narrative of the Old Testament/Exodus? Was King Tut "White looking" or did he just have some European heritage mixed in with some Med? Why is there such debate over Nefertiti when we've clearly had a bust that depicts her "color" (likely) very accurately? Why can't people just get it through their think skulls that Cleopatra was Ptolemaic?
You have to understand, the fall of Egypt is something that the ancients couldn't even conceive of, yet, here we are, debating over what went wrong with Rome, The Mongol Empire, centuries of Chinese dynasties, and the Reichs.
USA recently had a mulatto president. How will history depict him in 1000 years (if at all)?
Finally, what in the ever-living FUCK was going on in Sumeria? Why have these immense statues depicting blue-eyed persons when archeologists mostly agree that Sumerians were dark-skinned with brown hair and black/brown hair?
unironically this
Same thing with Babylon
They had the same culture tho, and werent nationalists or patriots kek
No the extensive peace threaty made them go under. it's the oldest peace treaty and was to stop fighting a northern neighbour to protect themself from the east. humans have evolved from constant conflict where the difficulty and threats became more adapted after each conflict leaving letting only skilled men to survive till who we are today. Our families all had a dumber part of the family that is not here anymore ( get the hint). Having enemies fastens the process other wise you are stuck in time because people will stick to their primitive lives but competition with the outside world made them go extinct unless they are up to date in technology and warfare, Since egypt had peace it went down since nothing of the system works due loss of the backbone of the hierarchy. when not afraid from the outside world they will fight for their selfish rights losing technology and going back leaving important matters at its own care and focusing on their own lives and personal borders. Egypt went down since it stood still in time and while the whole world around it was still in conflict. they lost due the peace.
Looks like a trap version of myself
First identifying which Ramses
Impossible for it to be Ramses 2 (1350 bc) as his military records show MANY conquest through the lavant. And had no record of people leaving during his time.
Ramses 3 (1250 BC) not related to Ramses 2 was sub Saharan mix, lost many chariots, and had to later defend against the flow of sea people (likely people displaced by jewish conquest of lavant)
Whoa. This was posted today...
>be called black
Maybe he was just original ganster?
if not then
send pic
This thread again.
this makes a good reaction image
Its completely embarrassing of the We Wuz Kangz movement to call these guys anything than what they were. Ramses 2 is unequivocally of a Caucasian background.
>privileged workerz
Oh so they weren't slaves because they had white privilege, my bad.
Dumb niggers can't empathize that their pyramids were built by slaves. Congrats, this is why people say you are dumb.
>90,000 taken as slaves
Why no one never finishes the job?
>fascist meme flag
>thinks pyramids were built by slaves
>talks like he's from a ghetto
Identity crisis much mr Kangz?
Slaves were probably mixed since then. very unlikely modern jews are even ethnically the same.
>were Egyptians really black?
Outlook is doubtful
the dickwashers and thralls were black
Some rulers were of ancient lineages that traced back to groups which eventually moved North through the Levant and settled in Europe to produce what we now call Europeans many thousands of years ago. The lineages survived from those ancient people which is why some of the rulers have so much in common with some European groups genetically vs the surrounding populations.
There were definitely a few rulers that were of different blood, and even a few that we would commonly call black today, but these were the minority. The inordinate focus on these few rulers by black Americans reveals an appalling lack of self esteem as a people. The reality is that the cultural lineage of 99% of black America is mud brick fortresses not pyramids. To use their phrase it's cultural appropriation which they practice so energetically to make up for their people's collective lack of achievement in all sectors of life.
As someone who has no hangups about their people's achievements, and need not constantly and dishonestly prate on about, or thieve the achievements of other nations, I can readily admit the clear truth, which is that the ancient Egyptians, because of the sheer length of their civilization's history, the coincidences of ruler succession, and the recieving and dishing out of not infrequent conquerings, leads to a multiethnic nation of people, the blacks of course being one of those groups albeit somewhat minor. It's just the case.
they look so happy, what is this ?
No one picked up yet that the only examples of black pharaohs was during the collapse of the bronze age. But didnt want to bring it up because people's feelings were already raw. Ramses 3 did try to keep it together in his own way.
The assertion that the pyramids were not built by slaves is a tenuous ill supported notion.
Its based on not more than the uncovering of what appears to be a single village of well provisioned and cared for artisans. Our historians have taken this small discovery and 'deduced' that all workers must have been well provisioned. Poor scholarship. It shows they desperately wish to absolve the Egyptians of the use of slaves, despite the fact that in the ancient world slavery was the status quo and way of life across all civilizations.
A grouup of people who conquers, wars, and engages in gr8 feats of construction in the ancient world certainly utilized slaves. Certainly skilled artisans were used but pounding out trenches in solid rock to quarry large stones was slave work which a population of farmers simply wouldn't engage in.
Going all the way back to predynastic times, as evidenced by the foul hanging from standards behind the carving of King Scorpion, is an explicit admission of the conquering and enslavement of those cities represented by standards. Of course slaves were used in the ancient Egyptian constructions- they were a part of life for the ancients.
>memes aside is Europe white
kill yourself you half wit there were black people there just like everywhere but they weren't royalty not till way later you have to start at Atlantis to understand any of this watch these two playlists
I know how they were built and it wasn't done by slaves
start with this playlist
i know most of you are basement dwelling losers
but if a white person spends a lot of time in the sun they turn brown
its called tanning and if you spend to much time in the sun your skin becomes damaged and stays tanned
Actually the Persians were the reason they fell, and they went on to have an even larger multicultural empire.
The ruling class was most certainly of European genes. The dick washers were most certainly niggers. You can't be delusional enough to think that people with such a low iq could have such a strong grasp of mathematics as to build the fucking pyramids.
If nords and germanics could improve their iq, niggers aren't even a question.