Should all Americans have the right to affordable healthcare? Or should it only be given to healthy individuals (or individuals that are actively making efforts to improve their health)
all White Americans
Define "affordable".
I though the fat cunt wouldnt be able to do it. He proved me wrong. It took thousands of taxpayer dollars, be he did it lel
you posted them in the wrong order again
he started smoking crack. easier that way
Too many people are worried about the insurance companies when its the jew doctors and hospitals that are fucking everybody. Regulate the price of routine medical work and make health insurance a luxury for irregular things like cancer showing up or a bad car accident. I shouldn't need to pay 400 for an uninsured checkup
Everyone should have the right to affordable healthcare. Just make hospitals charge the marginal cost of care.
how long will it take for Boggie to become a Chad?
Dem titties
Yes, I should have the right to affordable healthcare. I'm 35 years old and in the time since I've been off my parents' plan, I've spent well over $50k on insurance while racking up minimal claims. I usually go for a physical and blood work every year because it is covered but that is about it.
Let me save that $50k in my HSA. It would have grown to over $100k by now. I have no problem paying out of pocket for physicals, the occasional prescription or even a minor procedure. Allow me to buy a fairly priced catastrophic policy in case anything bad actually happens. Place me in a pool with other low risk individuals and price the policy in line with the likelihood of me racking up large medical bills. That is how I'd define affordable healthcare.
ex-fatties are so horrible, damn
How can he not feel shame. Look at those moobs wtf.
How the fuck is he gonna get rid of all that excess skin?
Now he's just a regular sized american. Good for him
Health Care is not a right, it's a service.
there's a surgery for severe cases like that
Happens when your wife/feeder leaves you. Honestly, she obviously had a fat fetish so was feeding the fat cunt. It probably created friction between the two of them, as he voiced his wish to lose weight so she dumped him.
fuck the moobs. look at that titty. the wonders of crack i say.
I stand by a national fitness test for adults. If you pass you get better incentives. Also throw in a drug test in there. Fatties get worse insurance.
Never,hes a manchild,losing weigth is the easiest shit,the fat fuck was even offered free training from a instructor from youtube and he rejected because hes such a fat leech he needs to take others tax money to lose weight
paid my surgery to remove extra skin
Wouldnt that skin go back to its original form slowly if he actually lost weight the hard way by running(rolling in his case)or was it so stretched that only surgery works?
Now I really think that his cunt ex-wife divorced him when she realized that because he was serious about weight loss he wasn't going to die in the next 5 years. She chose alimony over inheritance.
Your tax dollars will pay for his surgery.
Retard... she had money fetish. She wanted to feed him to death and grab the insurance money, house, YouTube dollars etc. When he wanted to live healthier she gave up and instantly divorced.
The idiot says he has no plans to get below 250 pounds. That's STILL obese.
> this fat fuck
How come someone could lead himself to this state of body. It's a fucking mental illness. All fat fucks have to be put to sleep or just shot in the head.
Why should I have to subsidize someone else’s bad decisions?
Yes, but "affordable" doesn't mean that someone else pays for it.
We need things like tort reform and more transparent pricing from hospitals and doctors in order to foster better competition and prices. Subsidizing healthcare will only make it more expensive because they know that big daddy government with his deep pockets will pay for it.
Happens all the time. Look at welfare queens.
I think all legal Americans should have a right to healthcare. Normies sympathise too much with illegals and help them have babies.
because you're a cuck, if your state decides you will pay.
That doesn’t mean it should be expanded.
What makes you think an American doesn't have the right to go buy insurance right now?
Americans should have the right to an affordable healthcare sure.
But Americans are way to fat to afford one. 35% of you population is obese. Another third is overweight.
Only one third of the population would be considered heathy.
I agree. I'm just pointing out that its common.
There's no "right to affordable healthcare". And it shouldn't be "given" to anyone.
>lose half of your body weight
>still be morbidly obese
the absolute state of my fellow americans
>Only one third of the population would be considered heathy.
Closer to a fifth, there are a great number of people with a BMI in the normal range but a body fat level that is unhealthily high due to our sedentary lifestyles. Think it's called normal weight obesity or something like that.
Healthcare care is free fatties can walk
Yes and no, after going through mitosis the skin is created to accommodate the additional mass to be stretched. After losing the mass your skin will need to be tightened.
Yes it will tight slowly for small temporary cases (think female pregnancy), but it's a slow process.
No for fat people, surgery is the only solution because the skin has been stretched for too long.
If you cut off his arms and head his torso would look like a short fat penis.
Shiet manolo, you teach me something.
How tall is he?
wow so the tub of lard went from severely obese to still being severely obese
dont worry he'll balloon up again. More than 70% of people who loses weight too quickly go back to their original size or even heavier. the tip is to never get to that size/stage
he looks worse now as in cancer patient, at least fat people have pondus
Thanks for the info
You realise he's getting them removed, right?
So, about 56% of Americans.
How much money do these niggers spend on food jeez
How much money do these burger niggers spend on food jeez