See you in 6 Months
6 Months To Mars
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You mean Ceres?
Third burn successful. Exceeded Mars orbit and kept going to the Asteroid Belt.
wait what the fuck how is it there so fast what?
>Goes to Mars on American tax dollars
> plays British rock for iconic moments
> America cucked
Ignore that poster, he's just projecting.
>a private company
>muh tax dollars
if it overshot its intended orbit how was it possibly a success...?
that fucking half jew hipster half fag has a fucked up metric for success.
Ship wouldn't be going anywhere without muh tax dollars.
It just gives you more time to pick your spot
The goal was never mars, but to tests its launch capability.
Spoiler: it is capable
What's the point of the car?
>what a subsidies
and that was 2015, musk is king of subsidies making companies and products payed by tax payers and selling those companies for private gains.
>Spoiler: it is capable
What's the payload it can deliver into mars? Either orbit or ground.
How is it supposed to land on Mars? Does it even have a parachute?
wrong direction dude.
And it makes for a perfectly a e s t h e t i c meme
something cheap and heavy to send into space....
plus think of the free advertising
it wont; it will just orbit around Mars
hurr. i beliebe a member of the "chosen" sent a car inside a rocket to space.
if you believe this... propaganda has done wonders with you. Might as well just operate a tv into your brain because it's not like you have your own thoughts anyway.
Q predicted this
bumping to give me a second to back-of-the-envelope an upper bound on this
Its almost as if building and launching rockets is stupidly expensive and makes for shitty profits.
how can u drive a car in space? fake and gay
What else did he predict?
So long, Space Nigger.
Is that real person driving?
>>Literally only 150km above earth.
"I'm goin to mars"
It's Elon Musk.
I hope you hang yourself
Fucks sake binland
It's electric so it doesn't need air and fuel to drive.
But there’s no gravity pushing the car down and there’s no pavement where the rubber from the tires can provide traction (with the down force assistance of the gravity).
In space, That shitty car with the quality of a 90s Kia would do nothing but spin its wheels until it runs out of power.
Clarification: Musks tweet was poorly phrased. The Roadster has not passed Mars. The 3rd burn went on too long and the car will overshoot/exceed Mars orbit and wind up somewhere in the asteroid belt.
I just wish they would turn the Starman camera back on. Still images if not video should still be very possible to receive.
64 tonnes
but that's where the actual aliens are. We can't see that
>American education
Are you trolling?
>I live in a country where a private company, not even a government, can launch a car to mars for the lulz
What a time to be alive and damn the USA kicks ass.
>64 tonnes
that's to LEO
Is that a published figure? Seems believable. I got ~10,000kg by using the ISP of the Merlin engines, but I would assume they'd be using something more energy-efficient for trans-martian insertion/capture
>damn the USA kicks ass.
>Born in SA
>Descendant of British colonials/ Voortrekkers
Fuck off with your feels.
Elon Musk is at the mercy of the government teet.
/r/ing charlottesville
So how did that guy get down? Did they use a big parachute or something?
>using ISP for calculations
t. Aerospace Engineer
>launches a car into space
not only is this pointless, it's one gigantic advertisement for his company. stop sucking Elon's cock for no reason.
lmao trudat, musk btfo
proof that it has the reserve to go to Mars or even further.
Doesn't matter to engineers, matters for PR.
BTW, it's now on an orbit that intersects with Earth.
my fucking sides
I just used the Ideal Rocket Equation. What is your preferred BOE estimatation method?
Jesus, serkku. Onko tämä vitsi?
>launch a rocket to mars
>fuck up your calculations and crash into some asteroid belt a few months from now
>great success
>people still fight with gravity instead of harnessing its power
We're going nowhere with this tech
such tragic fool-bait, it makes me feel even more down about humanity. why do people ignore obvious lies ?
Core booster hit the water at 300 mph. I wouldn't call that a success.
And yet went to the United States of America to accomplish his dream. Almost like he knew every other country was incapable.
Why did this meme came back