Why do medshits pretend English people aren't descendants of Anglo-Saxons? Where did the Anglo-Saxons go?
Obviously jealousy. Every factor points towards the English being Anglo-Saxon
And they act like being half celtic is bad
I've met some potato niggers before tho. Spend a couple weeks in Boston if you want a peek at the grimy side of what some Celts became.
Anglos are Celtic, not germanic trash. I don't want to be germanic trash and neither should you.
Most Americans are "Anglo-Saxons" in the sense that the majority founding stock of the US were English and German settlers.
Anyway. Nordcucks and Medshits GTFO
this just in: nobody gives a shit about you
I have 10% Anglo-Saxon genes
The Anglo saxons are litterly a germanic tribe dipshit
doesnt matter where they are, the reality now is that the united kingdom of india, pakistan and bangladesh will never be white again
Hahaha Italy
>le 5.5% ashkenazyjew face
This pic is utter bullshit.
Tacitus clearly stated that the hair colour of the celtic peoples was blond and their eyes were blue.
5.5% G-ds Chosen, you jealous kebab?
wops are not white!
All Europeans except A*banians, B*snians, and T*rks are white.
Jew Shills will try to say otherwise by invoking divide and conquer tactics such as
Et cetera.
Do not fall for it! All Europeans plus most white Americans are indeed white.
This whole thread is full of JEW SHILLS!
Is this promethease
Where did you get this
"Cheddar Bob" would like to exchange two words with you.
thank fucking god mate
This isn't divide and conquer, it's making fun of Nordicists and Med (whatever the fuck they call themselves) who insist they are the master race
I don't know why Spain and Portugal are different categories, both are R1b (therefore Celts)
Celts were always niggers.
The south east is saxon country friend. it was even called the "lost land" for a good while
>both are R1b (therefore Celts)
thank god i'm not a shitskin
>thank god i'm not a shitskin
>not a shitskin
ah the famous brit humor
OP is a D&C sandnigger posing as an Anglo.
Your entire country is filled with "Europeans" that look like shit skins. Kys kike