Due to the ongoing troll / shill invasion I thought a good old redpill thread is needed.
Drop what you got.
Redpill Thread
LARP thread?
>memeflag shill
kys famalam
>muh culture
>muh tradition
>muh values
Pretending we are not talking about people who would pick The Daily Stormer over Shakespeare any day of the week, right? Traditional values and decency? Fuck that! Let's harass a young mother with a biracial child. Don't you see how white nationalism operates? It communicates through pornographic vulgarity. The reason they love to shit and piss on "political correctness" is not because they are some delicate "traditional souls" lost in a world of amoral decadence without any boundaries. On the opposite; they hate "pc culture" because of the rules and boundaries it imposes on them. It forbids them to openly hate, harass, rape or even kill people they deem unworthy of respect. It forbids them to treat women as second class citizens - this is what irks the alt-righter. Because to the barbarian; the mores of a civil society always appear as a straight jacket.
>It forbids them to treat women as second class citizens
Women aren't people.
Actually your post is a rather good summary of the totalitarianism of the SJW left, and their dripping, poisonous hate for anyone who does not share their ideology. They are judgemental, hypercritical, and extremist in a manner reminiscent of Maoists.
With one meaningless blanket word you fully out yourself as the controlled fool you are.
The animal welfare part kind of came out of nowhere, and everyone looks like they're from a hallmark ad. Post a pic of your pecs, garbage boy.
Holy fuck stop the beaver posting
yeah I really should combine a few to save time for future use.
Guess there was no nationalism before invention of firearms.
There actually wasn't. The concept of National pride really only took off when Nations became a thing with the Treaty of Westphalia.
and now she has the opertunity
EU = shared responsibility for immigration between the peoples of Europe (not politicians) and no vote on wheather or not take stop immigration in the first place.
forcing other EU states to take in refugees
KYS you antifa politically correct retard, go cry about refugees to your fucking parents you rape-victim wannabe
12 Billion jews in space, 7 Billion of us on Earth
If you have lived most of your life as a total degenerate; can you ever be redpilled?
correct. the west is dead
Monkey killing monkey killing monkey.
Over pieces of the ground.
Silly monkeys give them thumbs.
They make a club.
And beat their brother, down.
How they survive so misguided is a mystery.
Yes, everyone is capable of being redpilled. Some due to circumstances are harder to show the truth, but with consistency and undeniable truths they can be redpilled
nope. by virtue of being a burger, you can never be redpilled
Kim Jong Un isn't a retard and will only strike in self-defense. The DPRK is a sovereign nation and has a God given right to self-determination.
Damn, this one's good