Boot lickers will defend this
>Tennessee sheriff taped saying 'I love this shit' after ordering suspect's killing
Boot lickers will defend this
>Tennessee sheriff taped saying 'I love this shit' after ordering suspect's killing
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i luv cops i alwasys shake their big strong manly hand when i see them at the donut shop
That cop is going to jail for a long ass time. He admitted to fucking murder on tape.
it's only bootlicking if the suspect is white
Hes going to get suspended for a month with pay at most because modern conservatives are fat stupid cucks.
Good. Nothing of value was lost
he must not have been black cause this oiss the first im hearing about it
Not surprised, every point in the history of this world have shown police forces are always the enemy of the people. They are always the goons of the rich.
if you were white you wouldn't have a problem with cops
>yes sir, please fuck me up the ass harder!
Sure, fag. I hope you get shot.
If you weren’t a bootlicking vagina lip you wouldn’t have to pull the race card, stupid nigger.
More dead cops.
The person in the article was white.
Why isn't the regular American flag good enough for these snowflakes?
You almost made a point then niggered it up.
People who speak is absolute terms are full of shit and attempting to get a emotional response out of others. You are acting like a Jew. Stop it.
>not enjoying putting scum off the street
Good job! Die criminal nigger scum!
it doesn't matter, criminals deserve it.
Let's just get rid of our courts, then.
>it's okay to shoot people for driving on a suspended license
Nigger mentality.
Its true and we all know it. The average conservative is some fat small town retard who worships cops because he thinks its cool and patriotic. They will praise the founding fathers for standing up to tyranny, but turn around and make all the excuses in the world for cops beating, torturing, and murdering unarmed civilians. Im not some crazy BLM retard who thinks cops shouldnt shoot back at a criminal who starts shooting at them
Depends on the crime. Driving on a suspended and fleeing from police in a truck with a trailer isn't worth murdering someone to prevent damage to police vehicles by running him off the road.
horseshit you fucking retard
literally propagating BLM memes
If police didn’t exist we would have fucking gassed the niggers and Jews six ways to Sunday by now
Fuck these worthless deepstate cocksucking pigs
It was a dumb white nigger that kept getting into car chases with the cops.
Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes.
Stay salty leftyfags.
>Yes Mr. Policeman rape my wife she's resisting
Keep worshipping the zog army faggot
Here in the rural south, we don't put up with ignorant people who disobey the law. Our opinion is "Well, the dumbass shouldn't have run from the police."
In June, the county district attorney ruled the shooting as justified. The widow had to go to Federal court to get the case heard. She now says that the reason her husband ran was because "he was scared". Anyone who uses that as an excuse needs to be shot.
Then do something about it lolbertarian, oh wait you people are cringey cucks. I hope the state continues to abuse their power to spite you muh freedoms fags. Go drink alcohol in excess and shoot your big boy guns while you fantasize a world where that kike objectivist is in power.
>worships a soy eating meth addict who couldn't into a multi-front war
>Repeatably run from cops
>Get shot
WTF? I hate the police now.
>the reason the cop shot and killed the suspect was because he(the cop) was scared for his life.
>unironically defending xan popping white niggers
Keep typing the words zog and jew, though.
Totally can't tell you're a leftist when you do that.
Says the man that is ultra cucked by the ideology of the weak.
>Here in the rural south, we don't put up with ignorant people who disobey the law.
unless they are a cop of course.
I’m not against the idea of a police but really how are they even doing any good at this point?
If mob justice was necissary Mexicans would be running for the fucking hills instead of flooding in
>Implying it isn't the conservatives that blindly support the military and police while the liberals protest wars and executions by police
>people who speak in absolute terms are full of shit
>he says in absolute terms
The man had killed had been in a police chase before and had a huge criminal record. Now he's dead and not getting a free vacation at the taxpayers expense. Good riddance.
>All these bootlickers
CSAfags should be kicked out of the country, they don't belong with true freedom loving New Englanders.
>running from police is grounds for murder
Found the statist
Really the one thing i agree with the left on. Police meed to be reminded of wjo yhey serve
Isn't that beautiful when you can mix business with pleasure?
Was the criminal a good boy?
What was he a suspect of? If it was rape, drugs, murder, theft, pedophilia, or drug use I don't care. All the above should be outright killed.
Even a cop who breaks the law in the south ends up having an accident. In the south we hate criminals well at least outside the retarded liberal cities. We have a lot of "hunting accidents where I live. It keeps the levels of degenerates, liberals, and criminals low.
Pretty much, ironic that so much of Sup Forums blindly supports the police when just five years ago Chris Dorner was being hailed as a hero on Sup Forums despite being a negro because he was killing other police officers.