it really is the most hilarious cuckoldry i have ever seen
how does it feel, canada?
it really is the most hilarious cuckoldry i have ever seen
how does it feel, canada?
surely it was some kind of joke
All the best comedy comes from Canada. You're welcome.
I'm still shocked we elected him. Canada deserves everything coming to it.
>Government of Canada is changing to
Governpeoplet of Canada
Unfortunately for Canadian dignity, it wasn't.
Joe Kennedy is essentially the American version of Trudeau. Thank christ he fucked up his grand debut, or I'd be afraid of us making the same mistake Canada did.
>The Chad manspread
>The Virgin knees together.
> cucknadians
It's only beginning.
top fucking lel
Drooling joe can't run the demoshart ticket, he's a fucking white male
DarthPun is on the ball
We must go to the next logical conclusion, that we are no longer huMAN. That we are becoming something different. We must cast away our sexist huMANity for something more! We shall call ourselves goyim!
search your feelings.
this cant be real. canada surely is fucked beyond repair.
>When satire is reality itself
I love this timeline so much. Thanks for the laugh leaf
I fail to understand what is so bad about using more inclusive verbiage
Its almost as if he is mocking the whole sjw movement but at the same time taking a deep dicking
If you're a leaf with a conscience you'll never put your xhildren through this hellhole.
Face it Drumpfy's you wish you were on the Trudeau train :)
Soon Drumpf will get inpeached. Soon sweetie :)
he could have said humankind, but people kind, hes a fuckin child a disgrace to our country
My fucking abdomen has entered the center of the hollow earth
Mankind was already an inclusive term.
Mankind of short for Humankind. What a fucking retard. Hupeoplekind?
is this bait?
1. sjw pc
2. but moreover
It's womyn now you intolerant xenophobic misogynistic bigot like I can't even right now
what are you, retarded?
He's just a puppet goon working for (((them)))
Peopleagement position.
Nelson Peopledela.
Peopledarin Chinese.
What? That's not a word! Humankind, sure. Humanity, yes. But peoplekind? Is this idiot just inventing words as he goes along? I hope peoplekind turns into a kind of meme so we can mock him for it for eternity. Hold up placards at rallies to demand more peoplekind rights.
Oh no.
No joke at all. He's fullblown SJW now. This is really how he thinks and talks. Constantly searching for social injustices to attack. He's a kind of social justice watchdog. Nothing gets past him, no matter how trifling.
Niizhwaaswi gaglikwewin what the fuck is this shit
It's not women, it' wopeople!
>Governpeoplet of Canada
I'm in favour of this. People may call Trudeau mental, but they really mean to say he's peopletal. They don't even understand that it's a complepeoplent. Bloody fascists.
>People may call Trudeau mental, but they really mean to say he's peopletal. They don't even understand that it's a complepeoplent
We need to get more diversity peopletors on the job desu
>to be more inclusive
>excluding furries
well well well
Well, maybe the balkans aren't so bad after all
>the sissy duckling
mien sides
it was a joke
It boggles my mind that he can say shit like that and his head isn't in a noose yet, the jews really have conditioned us against violence. We need that video of him raping that kid if we're gonna get anywhere.
No, but if you had to ask its not looking too good for you, m8.
>I fail to understand what is so bad about using more inclusive verbiage
That's because you're a leaf, and thus a nutless faggot
the kind people of canada have a bright future and are without any doubt the nicest people of peoplekind. peoplekind will thank them.
Legit cannot sit like this without crushing my balls.
He either has none or enjoys the pain.
Anyone else hope Andrew Scheer get's swiftly #metoo'd and there's a credible opposition leader in time for the next election?
umm, we like to be inclusive here, so it's the Chad peoplespread
Maybe embracing Islam isn't such a bad idea after all. I'll gladly join the goatfuckers in kicking the resultant ruined children off high rises.
>I fail to understand what is so bad about using more inclusive verbiage
He was showcasing his feminist credentials and being smug about it, and interrupted a speak - a woman - to do so. It rude and pompous behavior. Inclusivity per se wasn't the problem.
Then he compounded his error by demonstrating a level of stupidity that's breathtaking - he criticized a woman for not using a word that doesn't even exist. Like George Bush, he got confused and conflated actually existing words to create a portmanteau - in this case "people" and "humankind." THAT'S why Trudeau looked like a total moron.
you are so fucked. If you're white, don't breed. they'll just make your grandkids into dogfood anyway.
Uuuum "chad" implying male.
how's it feel to live in a sea of faggots?
kill me. or at least invade.
Plebbit said that he was talking to some lunatic woman who was like a Christian and kept asking Trudeau to join some feminine divine mystery Christ-cult or something. Then after constantly referencing women she said "mankind" and then Trudeau tried to make a joke but has such a beta way of speaking people mistook his joke for him actually correcting her.
Confirm/deny this explanation?
He’s so creepy, seriously creepy
What in the hell is going on up there? Communism mixed with creepy
>Plebbit said that he was talking to some lunatic woman who was like a Christian and kept asking Trudeau to join some feminine divine mystery Christ-cult or something.
My understanding is that she was critical of how churches are given a hard time when applying for state funding - which they're entitled to do - while other religious groups are favoured by the state in the same process. She was also critical of the government's giving 10 million dollars to an Islamist who admitted trying to kill Canadian soldiers, but her own church - an official heritage site - can't get a dime for badly needed restorations. Trudeau laughed it off. She was long-winded, true, but no citizen should be mocked, least of all when they have legitimate grievances.
The soup line starts at your bathroom window.
who /sissy duckling/ here?
Your whole country is a big fuckin' comedy, senpai
Well I would agree government shouldn't be mocking citizens.
But I'm asking is Trudeau ACTUALLY this beta of a beta-cuck? I'm certainly no fan. But from the Plebbit post it seems like they were saying this woman kept referencing women and then Trudeau attempted a "joke" and it absolutely bombed and since he's already known as a huge cuck people are thinking his joke is just another example of cuckoldry.
Honestly too lazy to wathc the video, just want to know if thats true
>Seven Sacred Teachings: akdfa;dj;afjadf;adus
I can only assume this is child's introductory to summoning Cthulu.
Our country is a living joke at this point
dat weed doe
>police officer from Gay Patrol will never friskmy rectum
why live?
To clarify. People are excoriating him for using a word "peoplekind" which doesn't exist. But he specifically used that made-up word intentionally as a joke. Obviously if he thought she was a bit of a feminist but mispoke or whatever he could correct her with "humankind" instead of mankind. But he went to hyperbole with "peoplekind" for the sake of humor its just his delivery sucks and its not really that funny. Plus his love of social justice means people are legit thinking Trudeau thinks "peoplekind" is a real word and uses it in day to day speech.
Mock him for being a cuck. But I highly doubt the guy actually thought "peoplekind" is a word.
>The Sissy Duckling
Literally drag culture written by a kike being suggested for 5th graders.
dude lmao it's gonna be so dope when weed is legal! i cant believe that in this day and age we live in a world where the government can lock you up for possessing a plant that grows in the ground! glad to see people are finally waking up lmao if all the worlds leaders blazed it together there would be no more war imho
At least Sweden realizes how degenerate they are and are fighting back against it. Canadians are unapologetic and proud about it.
Those few Canadians who do see through the bullshit dream of Muslim or American invasion, much proving their character flaws and lack of self-responsability.
it could be possible. then he would be really subtle at telling jokes. im having a hard time hearing this as an attempt at a joke
to me, it seems way more likely that that was just him being a huge mangina
Melania has a more imposing presence than the floppy haired man.
No it comes from Quebec, they do the best hidden camera.
See my self-reply
I highly doubt the guy thought that's a legit word. Don't get me wrong Trudeau is a beta-cuck but I really think this is a lame joke.
Yall niggas jelly of our accelerationalism.
You will be plagued with BLM till the end of your days while out PM is literally shitting all over and embarrassing our libs to the point where that shit isn’t even cool anymore.
Look at us and be amazed at how we use the power of MOOOOOOOM STOOPP ITS EMBARASSING to stop children from going wild.
We are on another dimension of chess here after all.
That's peoplegina to you mister!
>At least Sweden realizes how degenerate they are and are fighting back against it. Canadians are unapologetic and proud about it.
We're apologetic all right. We couldn't be any sorrier than we are that the turd is our PM. We're not proud of any of this. Take my word for it.
That is VERY problematic. "People" comes from the Latin "populus," which means the source of the word is a dead white men's language. But worse, the source of the Latin word seems to be From Proto-Italic "poplos"(“army”), not just a collection of men, which is bad enough, but a collection of armed violent men who engaged in rape culture, enslavement and appropriation of both wealth and culture.
This is discriminatory to otherkin and furries. IMPEACH NOW!
What in the ever loving fuck. This country is a god damn parody of itself. You can't even make Canada look as bad as it really is. I will not defend this shithole any longer.
Does this mean day of the rake is on?
Human rights don't apply to hupeople.
This is where the real trenches are in this war. This is where it is fought. Over the minds of our children.
the goal is to lower masculinity and IQ of the general population, for the government and the billionaires to have better control over