Why do some conspiracy theorists say Hitler was a Rothschild and Nazism was a zionist creation? How does that help jews today at all claiming that?
Why do some conspiracy theorists say Hitler was a Rothschild and Nazism was a zionist creation...
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To take away icons and historical figures that white people gain inspiration from
Hitler dropped way too many redpills to be a double agent.
Talmudic Jews love Hitler for """""sacrificing""""" 6,000,000 Jews in order to obtain Israel - just like their prophecies predicted
It does make sense but it doesnt really matter - Jews got what they wanted in the end
Sarah Silverman: Pro-Life Law ‘Has Made Me Want to Eat an Aborted Fetus’
Pro-life law equivalent to “legalizing hate,” she says
Breitbart - February 6, 2018 45 Comments
Sarah Silverman: Pro-Life Law ‘Has Made Me Want to Eat an Aborted Fetus’
Image Credits: Cindy Ord/WireImage.
Comedian Sarah Silverman said during a telethon to support abortions that a pro-life conscience law “would make her want to eat an aborted fetus.”
Silverman made the comment during a game of “abortion charades” – part of a “telethon” titled Life Is a Living Nightmare: A Telethon to Fix It, hosted by the Lady Parts Justice League.
As LifeNews reports, Silverman and colleague Lizz Winstead, creator of the Daily Show, hosted the telethon to raise money for abortions. The event also featured an interview with abortionist Willie Parker who claims in his recent book there is a moral argument for abortion
their both monsters
It's fake. I just watched "The Eternal Jew" which is the Nazi party's official documentary, it's crazy how redpilled they were in the 40s
They made fun of Rothschilds in the video, at least the first one who started the banking industry because he hid tax income from the state.
Actually Germans were the only ones in European or even world history who weren't blind to Jews and made them a target, I don't think any other nationality was that woke.
This why even Jews should respect Germans as the highest form of goyim.
Because thats what it is. The nazis kept western and southern europe from becoming communist. Once they did their job the anglos and jews came in and got rid of them.
Next time try not declaring war on Russia and USA at the same time
Yet when they caught one of the Rothscilds, they let him go. Kind of makes you ponder.
Correction: Amstel started the banking DYNASTY, not industry
He was a lowly ghetto Jew who made a fortune in banking in Franfurt and then got the Austrian government granted his family royal status, so now they are technically considered European royalty
But the family is not in hiding, half of them live in Switzerland and the other half are in France/England. They're pretty "normal", the richest one is a French guy who wears vans shoes in castles.
They now do private wealth management for elites, they're the people you go to when you want to preserve/hide your wealth. They're not trying to be the most popular bank in the world. Jews in Sillicon Valley have more wealth thant hem.
Also they don't need Israel/Zionism (which Jews started colonizing themselves 60 years before the rise of Hitler). Israel is irrelevant.
When you're a Jew you have 2 choices: become the arms of the Jewish people (live in Israel) or become the brains (live in diaspora).
Jews were the principal driving force behind communism
source: 200 years together by Solzhenytsyn
>Actually Germans were the only ones in European or even world history who weren't blind to Jews and made them a target
never heard of eastern european progroms huh?
Karl Marx invented it, and there was an ANTIFA active in Germany in the 20's/30's that Hitler put down
Germans were the only people who ever tried to exterminate Jews, not just kick them out.
OP is implying Hitler was half-assing but he was dead serious.
When the British secret service tried to agitate Hitler as controlled opposition they did so in the belief that, just like Marx, he was merely an abandoned Rothschild cousin wanting his share of the pie due to the fact that his father had been conceived illegitimately while the mother worked as a Rothschild's housemaid. To this day those aligned with their cause often try to renew that claim along the lines of but it still stands to reason that if he ever was any form of double agent, then in the sense of gaining intel on the enemies he would go on to challenge. It's all pretty weird because the degree of hubris that fuelled the original plan of the Rothschilds (finishing off a weakened Germany by control over our British "brother" nation - look up "The Two Saxon Kingdoms" - so as to repopulate her with Eastern European "Jews" and roundaboutly forge a dynastic claim on Israel for them by replacing us as the true people of Ashkenas) can really only be understood when you take nine-houndred years of first-cousin-marriage and a staunch tradition of demon worship into account. No matter what they say though: Hitler was no Zionist; he simply had to be styled their unwitting handyman because the realisation that their own rabbis wanted Jews exterminated like the Ultra-Orthodox still do today would ruin social cohesion among the tribe, oy vey.
It's not nine hundred years, when Hitler rose the Rothschild dynasty was only 150 years old
So that means 6-7 generations, and now they are on the 8th and 9th
Regular Jews are not as inbred as Rothschilds, they just didn't allow females to pass down wealth (it all went to the males) because the Rothschilds were redpilled that pussy is unreliable.
So when their female members had to choose who to marry, the only people rich enough to give them the lifestyle were other Rothschilds so for instance the Austrian branch would marry their cousins in England. That's how they kept 100% of their family wealths through the generations.
The Havara Agreement, our Jews chimped out big time when Ken Livingstone dared mention it.
Ernst Zundel seems to think that the Nazis set up Israels first post office and power stations then you paid them back like only a Hebrew could
I think the 6 mil is in Leviticus or Deuteronomy
Your telling me after things like Operation: Paperclip (((they))) didn't let Hitler retire in Argentina?
>sage all meme flags
>How does that help jews today at all claiming that?
It doesn't. Only people it hurts are Neo Nazis and Jews, since they both neeeeeeeed Hitler to be 100% against the Jews. Once you find out out he was a pawn, you start to understand how the "Jews" or "elites" will never be defeated and that the Nazis not only gave them this position but are actively helping them remain in it.
Anyone who says otherwise is either a shill or uneducated. You can't believe in the Protocols or "the Jew" then not know all sides in WWII were controlled.
The creation of Israel is as attached to Cecil Rhodes and the anglo elite as much as hertzl.
Nice white nation near all that gas and oil .... how convenient.
if nazies thinks Hitler was a jew then some of them would be less likely to follow him. or something like that.
i feel like there are a few media jews that want to prove him right with their anti-white stuff though
Because a small minority of 4chaners are alex jones level conspiracy retards.
These are the people responsible for making the jq look fake, because over the years they have come up with the most ridiculous conspiracies (ie sandy hook school shooting didnt happen)
>HURR HURR but they made fun of the Rothschilds!
Sure, and killed millions of Whites, destroyed Europe and the Rothschilds and the other families came out even more powerful. But sure, as long as he made fun of Rothschild in a stupid documentary, they were legit!
Sounds like you'd be fine with a drug dealer raping your mother if beforehand he made an anti rape documentary. Just another NatSoc retard.
>Why do some jews say
Fuck off heeb
Your kings helped them buy out the land from the Ottoman empire because the British empire didn't give a fuck about the land, and Zionist Jews wanted their historic homeland (some of them). Also if you look around the area, most of those borders were drawn by Brits/French and they look autistic as fuck.
European Jews started colonizing the desert in the late 19th/early 20th century and moved there en masse after ww2 when they were close to being extermination. The holocaust was real and it did happen, it was just an unfinished job because Hitler couldn't get them all.
Now Israel serves as the arms for the Jewish people, but Jewish power is concentrated in the diaspora. Israel is just a way of saying "hey if you fuck with us again we'll nuke the world".
>These are the people responsible for making the jq look fake
Look at these flat out lies. This faggot phony is actually trying to suggest that proving Hitler was a Rothschild agent that "Jews" covered up would lessen the power of the "JQ". Think about that for a second. It's like saying "pointing out that most of the media is Jewish controlled makes the JQ look fake!"
No time for you frauds.
>Sure, and killed millions of Whites, destroyed Europe
That's a fact but I don't see how it's relevant in the context of European Jewry.
How many people tried to fully exterminate Jews and were close to doing it? It was only Hitler.
Arabs try to do the same thing but they are incompetent. Hitler is a reminder to Jews that they are not untouchable.
Elchanan Rothschild lived in the 1500s, and even then the heraldry that graced his home's facade had become synonymous with the family proper. It is true that they weren't in charge of the bank of England for much longer than 150 years and that thus the dynasty in the true sense was not as powerful for so long, not "the real deal" until about that time - yet the fact remains that that bloodline goes way, way back, according to some all the way to Khazaria.
Hitlers biggest mistake was not acually gasing the jews. Btw.
The wars couldn't have happened without trade. All sides of the war needed fuel, rubber, steel, and so on to continue fighting. Who provided Hitler with the raw resources and finances to buy them? Bankers.
Jared Taylor gets it right.
As far as the Jewish Question is concerned, I think that whites need to take responsibility for what they do themselves. I think that it’s not useful to blame our failure on the machinations of others. People who are constantly talking about and complaining about Jewish influence remind me of blacks who think everything that’s ever gone wrong for blacks in the past or ever will go wrong for blacks in the future is because of white racism. I think that blacks need to be responsible for their successes and their own failure, and I think that the whites have to as well. At the same time, I think that although many Jews are on the wrong side of questions of nationality and questions of race, I think that some Jews are on the right side. And I think that it would be wrong simply to exclude them from the efforts of any kind of racial sanity in this country simply because they’re Jews.
The point being, these conspiracy theorists are niggers trying to explain Hitler's failure by his murdering the white race.
It destroyed germany as antithesis to capitalism and also its nation-centric national bank, which was independent from jews money.
Because kikes will kill their own to get an advantage (eg Josephus)
>Elchanan Rothschild lived in the 1500s
They weren't a big deal back then
>all the way to Khazaria
I'll redpill you on the Jews and Khazar kingdom now:
Khazars were a Turkic tribe that converted to Judaism and started using Hebrew but real Jews shunned them and they converted back in a generation. They were Jewish LARPers, an entire country of them. Kinda like Ethipian Jews or Black Hebrews in the USA today.
This is why they're confusing: They did exist, but they weren't real Jews.
On the other hand, most populations expanded from small populations. Some nigger country could start from a 1000 person tribe and become 2 million, and then those 2 million become 40 million, etc.
Asheknazis in particular moved to Europe in 1200 and they all share the same 300-400 ancestors. They analyzed many Jews at Colombia in New York in 2014 to confirm this, they all descent from Levantine (east med/greek tier half-whites) migrants to Europe who came similar to syrian refugees in 2015. Except they turned out to be the most successful ethnicity
>How many people tried to fully exterminate Jews and were close to doing it? It was only Hitler.
The NSDAP's goal was never to exterminate the kikes dipshit, it was to deport them. The gas chambers didn't happen, but they should have (or a .38 to the back of the head).
Have y'all looked into Frankist Jews and Rabbi Marvin Antleman's book - To Eliminate The Opiate? If so, then what are your thoughts on his claims there?
jews jewing
Because he not only exposes the jewish plan but gives the perfect blue print for taking it down. So if people who are already red pilled in the JQ dont value his works it will be harder for them to oppose ZOG.
How nazi germany, under heavy foreign observance built up an army?
>Muh one workhour equivalent state issued currency
Raw materials? Energy? Strategic metals? Germany is shit tier in these.
So the almighty sea dominating great britain and france just watched pathetically as a large force assembled mere miles from their borders and didndu nuffin?
>The NSDAP's goal was never to exterminate the kikes dipshit, it was to deport them
It was to wipe them out, read Mein Kampf dumbass
Hitler wanted them all gone, he knew they would get him if he let them go/ship them off outside the Reich
>The gas chambers didn't happen
The 6 million was a real story, that wasn't fabricated.
How many flew germany on "counterfeit passports"? Were the nazi such idiots to allow millions of "counterfeit passports" without noticing the counterfeiters and punishing them?
Could the Star Of David be forced as a false right wing symbol
gas yourself kike
Only shills and retards actually believe that shit.
I've had people try and tell me that the SS and Hitler were all gay men who liked to fuck kids.
It's more disinformation and slander.
Hitler looks like Merkel here.
stfu nigger
Palestine was a irrelevant outpost in the Ottoman empire that the British empire hijacked after it dissolved for the oil in the region
It's always been useless, except as a place that Jews wanted to get back for historical reasons, to be rooted.
They didn't need to self-genocide to get a tiny blip of land in the levant. Your whole graphic/thesis is horseshit
Reality cant revolve solely around a single question, that itselfs wrap natural events to its weighy. You claim to be a natsoc, still dont really feel nature. The "jq" nazi-style is naive, suspicious simplifying and smells marxist-tier cover-all conceptual lollipop.
stfu kike
Kike shilling
>Sure, and killed millions of Whites, destroyed Europe
no, you did that
>Israel is relevant meme
Kek. All significant Jews live in Western power centers.
Silicon Valley, LA, DC, NYC, Europe, Russia.
Israel is just a defense strategy/back up plan. Israel is developed and a nice place to live but it's not the reptile hideout you imagine it to be.
Why would (((they))) create natsoc as well. Nazism is just an authoritative system for germanic people, that panders to their psyche more, just as communism for slavics.
The part about not being a big deal is what I meant to highlight. In the past I oftentimes got the impression that they look to even those days as a would-be confirmation of pedigree in their power plays, because it technically does mean they did exist for quite a long time even before the influence. Nevertheless I appreciate what you said and will read up on it - thanks.
1940: Hansjurgen Koehler in his book, “inside The Gestapo,” states the following, of Maria Anna Schicklgruber, Adolf Hitler’s grandmother,
“A little servant girl…….came to Vienna and became a domestic servant…….at the Rothschild mansion…….and Hitler’s unknown grandfather must be probably looked for in this magnificent house.”
This is backed up by Walter Langer in his book, “The Mind Of Hitler,” in which he states,
“Adolf’s father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber…….Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home…….where Alois was born.”
The Bund der Gerechten (League of the Just) was an illuminati front run mainly by Jews who were Satanists. This Bund financed in part by the Rothschilds paid the Satanist and Mason Karl Marx to write the Communist Manefesto. The Jew Gumpel Oppenheim was in the inner circle of the Bund. His relative Heinrich Oppenheim masterminded the communist revolution of 1848 in Germany. The Communist Party’s official histories even accept the Bund as the predecessor of Communism.
coz they are trying to shill truthers into accepting the image of hitler they were taught. hiding the fact NatSoc>>>>>>>kikemunism/globalism