What's the kikery?
Why are (((they))) hyping him so much?
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what the fuck is wrong with you fags? elon is trying to save the human race
Yeah exactly like this kike. What's are (((they))) gaining out of this?
He runs a cult. He's going to be found out to be a fraud sooner than later
The Jew want the public paying attention to this guy instead of Trump and all the ass kicking he's doing
hes the replacement for steve jobs. hes meant to act as a symbol for american enginuity to stroke the ego of the average america to create the sense of invulnerability and a limitless future so you go die for some jews faggy dreams of "muh holy land" believing you will be safe and murica can do anything
Who do you think has the money to buy the first tickets to mars and leave all the goyim behind for good?
Elon is just a selfish genius>elon is trying to save the human race
no xD he just wants to go to mars
Hes a dreamer and I respect that
If I were a businessman, I’d queeze the gov for shekels too. I can’t hate him.
Nothing. Religious people are selfless people.
Remember OP you are why Sup Forums is going to shit.
even in this gutter board looks like it's paid shills trying to sell his scam act
>meme flag
>post about some celebrity
Neck yourself
Go read how he treats shitty employees and you will worship him too. Nothing is better than a boss who fires idiots.
Chief Kek could sell a monorail to cuba
> be elon
> none of your companies are turning profit
> have the gov fund ALL your ideas for free
It must be great being this guy
I wonder how easy it'll be for the Jews to convince everyone Mars is their original Holy Land kek.
They already laid the groundwork in those "declassified" CIA remote viewing docs.
>not knowing the Redest, Masonic pill is their Martian origin.
not made a profit in 10 years
musk is a welfare baby living off the hard work of everyone else, fuck him and his gay hyper loop
Do something great
Get hyped
wow totally a jew plot!
Imagine having such a sad and empty life that you blame every success someone has on the Jews
Look at this textbook goy
Look at this stupid white motherfucker, watch him clap at the way his money is being siphoned out of his pockets..
He's in the UK but there's no shortage of suckers posting under US flags
I think he's just been dreaming about a planet without kaffirs ever since his south african childhood
>Everyone that has been successful received tons of media attention everytime they clipped their nails like Elon does.
I'm pretty sure even retards here at Sup Forums would do great things with a few billion dollars from the government.
>singlehandedly brought space travel to a new generation of people
>singlehandedly revived the electric car, literally makes them have supercar performance while being practical and literally the safest cars ever tested.
I don’t like his dick riders that are all praise all the time but let’s be real he’s had some significant accomplishments
>launches a rocket that can deliver a payload bigger than any rocket in history and puts a Tesla in space for a billion years
>clipping nails
Let’s hear some of your accomplishments, user.
how are (((they))) hyping him?
I legit dont even understand the premise.
He builds rockets the biggest ones flying today, made in america, the most made in america cars you can buy, solar panels made in america, and thinks AI is an existential threat to humanity.
Dude is right up our alley.
Give me billions of dollars and I'll show them to you.
It will only take a planetary SHOAH. It's a worthy sacrifice.
name one thing Musk has invented. This man's no genius. He's a charlatan. Basically a project manager at best. Anybody can have dreams. Using other people to your own ends is only the mark of the jew.
Because (((they))) want the taxpayers money to be spent of sending shit into space instead of more gibbs for de hungry niggas
that doesn't add up
Science is designed to make humans only believe in the material world we see around us. Space shit is there to convince people their lives are meaningless and that the earth is insignificant. Nothing is easier to control than a society that is nihilist and doesn’t believe in anything higher than self gratification. The time period we live in is very similar to in ancient Egypt when the priesthood of Amun was corrupted, Ahkenaten tried like Hitler to fix this, but to no avail. We used to be ruled by societies of wise men who tried to guide humanity in the best direction, but now like in ancient Egypt these societies have become entirely corrupted.
Imagine people are so fucking stupid they can't see a textbook ponzi scheme.
Agreed. Especially SpaceX.
>make thread about how ((()))) hype him up
>the thread becomes swamped with shills saying how much elon is a fraud and a conman
you faggots do realise hundreds of usn see right through your poo-tier anti elon phsyops ?
hes /ourguy/ and there isn't shit you can do about it :)
Make a billion dollars like he did first
you dumb shit
I’m sure you would user, I’m sure you would. With a mindset that launching s rocket is child’s play, how could you ever let us down? I’m sure you’d do wonders
Not really, he took in billions of welfare. Thats the point u dumb amerimutt.
much like tesla, spacex is getting hyped for the impending sell-off
launching shit into space on tried and tested engines is serious business that countries assign to serious people
when you get the equivalent of a bottle rocket to stuff that's already been launched 60 years ago and try to put a new spin on it, you're tricking people
the added benefit of spamming memes about "spess exploration" when there are actual humans doing SCIENCE on the ISS right now, and you haven't done a manned mission yourself is pretty funny as well
never mind the fact that if anyone is going to space anytime soon for a bunch of space mining, it's going to be robots
also musk got a hair transplants, good luck trusting a guy with those
because his show is the best selling show.
>also musk got a hair transplants, good luck trusting a guy with those
>Make a billion dollars like he did first
get out
Thanks, that was nice.
But it's the other way around, the possibility of reaching out into space can be a sort of Manifest Destiny for the whole of humanity. It's the exact opposite of meaninglessness and insignificance since we're laying the groundwork for humanity bringing life to the cold dead stars.
can someone post that USMC pulling on the string in space
Jews would never leave the goyim, retard, they are parasites. They cannot survive on their own.
This shit?
>I like rockets that land vertically and save $ and make getting to space a more reachable dream
Hmm I guess I'm a shill then. More like anyone who irrationally hates SpaceX is a ULA booty bothered contractor who's mad they can't rip off the US tax payer with cost + BS contracts and saying that landing rockets is impossible for 70 years now. Then some S African Paypal merchant BTFOs you. Some rocket scientists you were getting blown out by a used cars salesman.
Jews can't live on Mars without goyim. Who would produce the air, food, and water? Who would build the habs and suits needed? Bankers and Journalists can't do any of that.
someone who hates conspiratards debunk what the string is for
>Nu Pol is too autistics and spergy to have any empathy to put themselves in Elon's shoes like this.
Seems like you get it though Swede bro.
New Mexico fag here I feel both your pain.
Seriously though we have to find a way to keep minorities out of space or they'll just ruin it too.
Blood dumps from right atrium to the right ventricle due to our particular gravity, how are they still alive?
Solyndra got billions it went down
What would you do with your billions cutie patooty?
He's stabilizing his momentum by hooking a pinky finger in his pocket. Being a marine, it was the least gay way he could think of.
He's not the only one who makes electric cars, he wasn't the first either. There are other manufacturers, even Justin Beiber drives one made by a rival of tesla
The difference comes down to publicly funded advertising, such as yesterday's publicity stunt paid for by the people. He makes headlines and is winning the popularity contest, you talk about teslas being so great but you can't afford one
These vehicles are for rich people, you've never driven one in your life
>more expensive on the commercial "launching shit into space market"
>already funded by government gibs and unironically uses those gibs for a free tesla ad
america's approaching the end times if you don't see what's wrong with this
you've been fully sitcom'd, fast-food'd, mongrelized, blacked, autismo'd, 21+drinking age'd, school shootered, mtv'd, nba'd etc
The government would have just wasted that $ on missiles or feeding niggers. At least this way we finally get some value for our $ and it doesn't kill any kids. Win fucking win.
>newfag telling me to get out
Are you even aware that musk became a billionaire way before Tesla or SpaceX dumdum
von braun was a project manager too, do you think he single handedly invented the saturn v?
>And they landed
Don't forget he put up a huge payload and recovered all 3 boosters. ULA fags will NEVER EVER recover. There are a lot of contractors in a lot of states whoa re going to lose their jobs. Other then Pol being contrarian little brothers to Reddit this is the only reason I can see for all the SpaceX hate ITT. He's white and doing amazing white things and that just makes spics and government workers mad.
okay never mind I see the pocket being pulled by the finger.
I legit believe that the kikes decided to abandon their "American Empire", especialluy after the Trump stunt, and their society will start to die slowly. I wonder who's next
But user why would you use these words, and achieving money using kikery isn't called earning money
BLUMPF also has hair transplants so..
Sup Forums, meme me into presidency. I'll declare space free game. Cut military funding in half. Give the other half to NASA and tell them they need to find a way to monopolize space. Everyone will immediately start trying to get to space. Once we can spread out, people can do whatever the fuck they want. Islamists can have their own planet, Christians can have their own planet etc. Everyone can do whatever. But we have to get to space and figure out how do gather the resources.
Who else can do this? Maybe Musk didn't build the rocket but he put the team together. He's the boss.
Yeah come on eco friendly cars, getting us to Mars and saving us form the matrix
To make people think they have hope of leaving this planet to keep em supporting pedo crats
He's the next Steve Jobs
>except Jobs never used the publics money to resell them on something they've already paid for
hey space-expert
why do you think space agencies don't put up HUGE payloads these days?
Well the cars are out.. go buy one
What's stopping you? I mean he's all about helping isn't he?
Wait, creating a company that directly competes with banks on money transfers is kikery nowadays?
Guess that meme flag has made your brain rot
>when you get the equivalent of a bottle rocket to stuff that's already been launched 60 years ago and try to put a new spin on it, you're tricking people
that can be said about every rocket though. Nothing has ever launched with close to the payload of the saturn v. And nothing bigger than the Falcon Heavy except the saturn V has ever made it to orbit.
>the added benefit of spamming memes about "spess exploration" when there are actual humans doing SCIENCE on the ISS right now, and you haven't done a manned mission yourself is pretty funny as well
no private company has ever launched a person to space, spacex and boeing will both likely be getting their ratings for human transport to the space station around the end of the year.
>launching shit into space on tried and tested engines is serious business that countries assign to serious people
continuing from my last point its interesting you say this, because the safety regulations put on spacex and boeing are far tighter for space station transport than the SLS/orion human rating requirements.
>never mind the fact that if anyone is going to space anytime soon for a bunch of space mining, it's going to be robots
I dont think he cares about mining, he wants to become a 2 planet species. If you look at each one of his companies, they all develop technology that is directly applicable to space exploration.
>boring machines
>battery packs
>electric cars
>solar panels
dude is committed.
True, but at least he admitted to using medicine for hair loss
If I look at each one of his companies I see a guy going for government funding.
But don't you know after the chinese invented rockets in the 14th century, nobody has done any innovation in rocketry, it's all pretty much the same shit
Please ignore the fact that as you size up rockets the problems increase exponentially
Isn't his business flopping? I would assume people just like him for his ideas and efforts.
it's not that they're going to live there, it's that there's going to be a 98% tax for living in the ancient jewish holy land
Hair fag here. Another thing that's weird about these is the hair. If she's bouncing up and down shouldn't her hair as well? I'm almost convinced the women have their hair gelled up in these vids. If so why? Why would you bring hair gel to space and wear it?
Too expensive lol
You're making a fool of yourself dude
Lol so ecofriendly haha sabe da worl. Musk my hero m8
Nah I just want to be free from the matrix
They're not even eco friendly. The process of making them and having to change and throw away the batteries is awful. If musky wants to do something useful find out a cheap way to launch waste into the sun. We could do it for uranium and move towards nuclear plants as well. Do something useful, stop putting your fucking Tesla into orbit.
We get it you'd rather see all that money he's getting spent on more gibbs for the niggers and neets
Haha he save globel warning
Only 1%er can buy his car :(
Still hero lol
solar city was near insolvency before it merged with solar city.
spaceX has plenty of business, spacex alone launched as many falcon 9's last year as all of china.
tesla has a waiting list of like 2 years for delivery after you pay.
I think there is some worry about subsidies running out, but I dont think hes really worried as a whole.
>only 1%ers can afford a $70k car
>These vehicles are for rich people, you've never driven one in your life
Holy shit this. I got in an argument with my brother over this while the SpaceX launch was going on. All of these people that suck Elon's cock are poorfags who will never afford a Tesla in the first place, and think that merely worshipping the car without owning it gives them some sort of social position. It's sad, really.
model 3 is $35k before any government rebates.. its ballpark with a prius, and its the most made in america car you can buy.
Thanks. Even Elon Musk is lobbying to end corporate gibs but you have to remember this was back under Obama. To not feed at the trough out of some sort of weird sense of honour would have been a stupid move. I know Pol rolls its eyes at wikipedia but they say that
>A 2017 industry-wide view by SpaceNews reported: By 5 July 2017, SpaceX had launched 10 payloads during a bit over 6 months—"outperform[ing] its cadence from earlier years"—and "is well on track to hit the target it set last year of 18 launches in a single year."[5] By comparison, "France-based Arianespace, SpaceX’s chief competitor for commercial telecommunications satellite launches, is launching 11 to 12 times a year using its fleet of three rockets — the heavy-lift Ariane 5, medium-lift Soyuz and light-lift Vega. Russia has the ability to launch a dozen or more times with Proton doing both government and commercial missions, but has operated at a slower cadence the past few years due to launch failures and this year’s discovery of an incorrect material used in some rocket engines. United Launch Alliance, SpaceX’s chief competitor for defense missions, regularly conducts around a dozen or more launches per year, but the Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture has only performed four missions" through mid-year 2017
It doesn't say how much the Frenchies and Russians charge though.
>already funded by government gibs and unironically uses those gibs for a free tesla ad
It was a joke. Something I'm sure you can't understand. When he launched his first rocket they had a giant cheesewheel in it the man's a goober.