Sargon Meltdown Addition:
Aditional content for Britons:
Sargon Meltdown Addition:
Aditional content for Britons:
Ecelebs are gay
So's ya ma
/lolcow/ general
that was the best part of the stream
venti figuring out roosh is a fucking manlet takes the second spot
> W H A T
> D O
> T H E Y
> K N O W
> O F
> E N G L A N D ?
E-thots are fucking cancer but Roosh is a dumbass. The way he freudians his shit out of anything is ridiculous.
I wouldn't call it a meltdown, more of a comment on how larpers are the niggers of the white race.
roosh telling that rando woman that she will be thinking of him while fucking her cuck husband. that shit was hilarious
Kumite is on
muh dik is a classic double digit shitskin mind set.
Calling Spencer a nigger is literally retarded though?
He's a well-spoken bourgeois, multi-millionaire that drinks gin and goes on skiing trips on the weekend
I wouldn't call spencer that, the natsoc spergs in the chat and on the board are though (relatively speaking)
>no such thing as white people
>white people are supposed to be polite
almond status: activated
I don't think he was serious, I think he was just trolling her. It looks like she was about to cry towards the end. She seemed agitated, probably because he was spot on about her husband.
And that Venti girl is insufferable. She has absolutely nothing of value to bring, she kept doing gimmicky stuff like burping or random shit to attract attention on her. Pretty much proving Rooshv's point that a 20-yo dropout girl with no life experience has absolutely nothing to bring to the table except for her boobs.
That was definitely an entertaining show, though.
Reminder that if you look like this you're not Sargon's child
>I wouldn't call spencer that, the natsoc spergs in the chat and on the board are though (relatively speaking)
That's fair, although I'd expect most people are like me. Med-student, from middle-class family, just want a to have a country that's stable for me to raise children with my wife in - however, I act like a nigger in the chats and on the boards because it's just... funny
You're attributing scheming to a shitskin brain
>Spencer: "You're still too weak. You don't have enough hate, and you know something...?"
>[leans in to whisper in Sargon's ear]
>"You never will. Even the most radical of centrists always has a weakness."
>[to Sargon] "Go away. You don't interest me at the moment."
You're doing the same Freudian bs as him, though. When someone does that to you, it's impossible to be right: if you react against it, it's whatever sexual desire/insecurity they ascribe to you; if you don't, you are implicitly agreeing. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Roosh is always doing this.
>sargon wasn't relevant since vidcon
Reminder that the "garbage human" thing was a collective action, as sargon attending alone wouldn't mean shit.
How much junior doctors make? Is it really collapsing
So how's Sargon going to spin this?
>"heartfelt apology"
>"well what IS a nigger really?"
>"Sup Forums was right. Gas the likes, race war now!"
>How much junior doctors make? Is it really collapsing
It's not good. Hours are shit too. Just holding in here until I can go in the private sector and become a consultant. Then - comfy manor in the countryside, 12 kids I can take horse riding and hunting. Can't wait tbqh
>Sargon Meltdown
Wait I stopped using the internet for months, what happened to him?
i don't like brittany venti and never watched her stuff, but i honestly think she figured that dude in the first minutes. imagine if a real chad would ever need all that psychology to think about fucking girls?
not a single man i know who used to fuck a lot in college failed to be in a stable relationship by their 25s. if you're a chad you basically fuck the woman into submission and she accepts your ideas and opinions as factual. he honestly talks like someone who never been in a serious relationship, so how can he hope to understand honestly how women are?
of course there are vapid cunts, but that's not how you're supposed to go about it. you're supposed to either turn one of the vapid cunts into a trad woman (not tradthot, honestly trad) or get one of the good ones that do exist, if you're not a sperg you would have found hundreds of them by the time you're 30.
he's a beta who go laid, not a chad who fucks.
Is there even anything to talk about anymore?
>check into these threads every couple of weeks
>it's always new 'literally whos' in stream all ganging up on the one lib they goaded onto the stream
I dunno if these are worth having post kraut
Sargon crashing and burning
Who cares what he does if hes right? Also you can guess the character and the general history of the people you talk to if you aren't socially retarded.
is JF a manlet? looks like he has short arms and small hands. signs of le manlet
Is this like Trump Curse by proxy? Has it moved to the point where anyone who counter signals the self determination of whites is meet with career crushing bad luck?
Not sure how he'll handle this...
Maybe he'll just double down?
Spencer made fun of him for being a pseudo-intellectual, so now he's apparently on a tirade against image board culture & youtube chat for being mean to him.
It's kind of like tripfags being assblasted after being called out for their narcissism.
He’s like 6’2 though
Holy hell, time to dig in! Thanks user
What's your point? Everyone has a different starting point, somebody is born rich and somebody tries to become rich. Somebody is born a Chad and somebody strives to be one. Neither is better than the other and second one deserves way more respect for the hard work.
Also there's absolutely nothing about being a Chad that makes him dependent on being in a relationship. He doesn't define himself through the women in his life. Unlike betas, who are by definition are needy. So maybe your college buddies are insecure and dependent betas after all?
Reminder that Sargon at one point proudly called himself a "shitlord" and encouraged his fans to troll Feminist SJWS.
Hes just a thin skinned narcissist.
>...That explains everything, he's a manlet!
I don't even like Venti and I kek'd.
Could it be that Sargon is generalising a large group of people based on the actions of a few?
Also it's blatantly obvious he was instigating it, since at any stage event people in front row are going to be the most visible. He planned on getting her agitated and very likely prepared for a Youtube crusade in advance, considering how YT cliques always collude on what topics to discuss and even the times when they release their content. Which is the reason why it feels like nobody within the septic community has any original ideas of their own, because they all look to the collective for guidance.
>calls the alt-right white niggers
>other guy in stream says that he intends bringing on a few alt-right guys on
>Sargon pulls the "oh, I'm getting sleepy guys" card the very fucking moment the guy says that
>says "I don't care at all about what people think" and then proceeds to talk for 20 minutes about it
>10 minutes are dedicated to the sole fact that YT chat keeps talking shit
>"oh yeah and the liberalists are the only people doing anything against the SJWs"
>he then proceeds to double down on that statement by asking what the alt-right have ever done against SJWs
>gets extremely butthurt at a singular comment in chat that compares him to Anita
Sargon started a cringe-worthy "political movement" and is taking literally every single fucking thing said to him seriously. He got his ass handed to him in a debate with Spencer and as a result is doubling down constantly.
Since she stated she is around four inches taller than him, that would make the other female streamer in the debate 6'6 tall.
I knew that mutt face reminded me of someone.
>tfw you want to write a guide on how to bang Argentine girls
>tfw you get rejected by all of them so you sperg out and REEE in your blog
>"Argentina is a very nice country, but trying to crack their women is a waste of life. I don’t plan on ever returning."
>tfw someone points out in the comments that the reason of your failure is because you're a mutt
>"You have to admit, though, that part of this is because you don't look white."
Why is there this constant stream of sargon threads?
Who gives a fuck about this cuck?
Can he at this point? I'd imagine after all these debates with Spencer and them imagine all of his remaining "liberalists" followers must firmly believe race is a social construct.
He went from "you can't even define what white is" to "there is a clear and distinct difference in the behavior of niggers and white people. White people are civil and niggers chimp out." Within a couple weeks.
He's thin skinned so the more we attack him the more deranged he gets. It's hilarious desu
He'll ignore it and make a "SJW OWNED #6,000,001" video
wow someone got hurt. don't worry ivan, i'm not hating, i don't even know the man and i was saying my read on him.
>Somebody is born a Chad and somebody strives to be one. Neither is better than the other and second one deserves way more respect for the hard work
by definition a chad does not try to be one, but i'll give you this one, if that's your opinion on chads, i respect it and can see where you are coming from.
>Also there's absolutely nothing about being a Chad that makes him dependent on being in a relationship [...etc]
If you don't understand how chads get women and marry, I can't help you, buddy. go ahead and be a nihilist, if that's what you think a chad is. it's not about defining or being defined, it's about having fucked and done shit, and get your fucking life in place when the time comes.
Skeptic community on constant meltdown, since they are doubling down pretty much daily.
He'll trawl through a thousand comments laughing at him until he finds a single comment making a shitty argument, then highlights this one and makes a response video to it that goes off into the weeds for 30 minutes.
>alt right BTFO!
>This is the same guy that criticized Anita
That swarthy goat fucker got REKT by a 3 chicks.
I never watched him before this thread.
>it's not about defining or being defined, it's about having fucked and done shit, and get your fucking life in place when the time comes.
Its exactly about that. Chad is stronger than a society pressures, including expectations. If you do whats expected of you when some arbitrary "time have come", you're by definition is not a Chad, but a beta who does what's expected, instead of what you want.
And what's nihilistic about it? Was this attempt at sounding smarter than you are? Dont use words meaning of which you don't understand.
Argentina confirmed huwhite.
That debate was fucking atrocious
>”I have never had a steady relationship with a woman after 20+ years. Let me tell you why I am the expert on them. Also you can’t say anything to counter this because everything women say is inherently invalid. In fact, I’m too good for this. This is a waste of my time.”
>(thots screeching)
Warski needs to get some actual fucking debaters on. Ben Shapiro or something, christ
Ben Shapiro vs Kevin MacDonald on the JQ.
That's the point: he doesn't know shit, he simply assumes, and he takes the fact people get pissed about his assumptions as proof that they are right.
You are stuck in a circle.
Would be great, but it will never ever happen. The kikes are too smart to know that if they engaged on a level playing field, they'd get BTFO
It nicely shows the beta nature of MGTOW, whereby they act like them not reproducing has some sort of grand ideal behind it and not that it's literally just fear of rejection. I mean, if he struggles having a good argument against the tittybitches, which is already a pretty low bar, then even his supporters will see he is a retard.
Not caring about shit and never establishing a family and a future for your genes is pretty nihilistic, but I understand that soviet education can make complicated to grasp the simple concept of applying that to what I was talking.
a society of chads and stacies who don't do what's expected is the western society now. stop being so cheeki breeki. are you mgtow? you seem to be offended by the common sense opinion i expressed.
>>”I have never had a steady relationship with a woman after 20+ years. Let me tell you why I am the expert on them. Also you can’t say anything to counter this because everything women say is inherently invalid. In fact, I’m too good for this. This is a waste of my time.”
Nothing of this is technically incorrect. However absurd you make it to be.
If you had 1000s of cars but ride each one only for a week, you know more about cars than if you ride one car all your life.
Everything women says about relationships with women is indeed invalid because they're biased side, who also ruled by the emotions more than conscious though.
The only difference is that he’s motivated by self-righteousness and abject narcissism to the point where he can’t even disarm a thot in an argument. It’s pathetic
Nah, Roosh's advice is valid as long he keeps it to the "how to identify sluts", which seems to be what he is doing. This applies both to people who want to fuck them and those who want to avoid them. He expands, then, a lot on the former and just a bit on the latter. This is what you would expect from a PUA who's clueless about long-term relationships.
>If you had 1000s of cars but ride each one only for a week, you know more about cars than if you ride one car all your life.
If you have driven 1000s of cars but have been unable to drive one without crashing for over 20 seconds, then it doesn't matter how huge of a variety of car crashes you have made, you are still a shit driver.
>Everything women says about relationships with women is indeed invalid because they're biased side, who also ruled by the emotions more than conscious though.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to believe this?
>I like A, B and C thing about men
>I don't like X, Y and Z
>my intentions are also I, J and K
>and I also know what other women thing of all of the above
>"haha, you don't know anything, me putting my penis into the loosest girl in town means I know you better than you know yourself"
The part where she joined the debate was the best moment. Notice how Roosh immediately loses his spine when the person he’s been shittalking for the last hour finally enters the room.
Just because you don't have a wife at 25 doesn't automatically mean that you chose to not procreate.
In an ideal world you everything would be as you say, but we're not living in it.
When you had many women you know what you want and you know what to expect, that can severely limit your choice and make it really hard to find a girl who fits your standards. For example i don't want to marry a roasty or a reformed slut. That already excludes most modern women on the spot. And that just ONE thing i don't in my wife.
On the other hand, thirsty fool with no real experience has no idea what problems some girls could bring as a wife and will gladly jump into any girl who're willing to marry him. Then we have 50% divorce rate and cry that women are whores, when you just picked unfit wife and that was your own damn fault.
Jim is legit too good for this world.
What happened to le smug sargon laughing after his opponents every remark
Wasted beta male quads
how are you today my fellow niggers?
Pay a visit to Vee's gyspy ass and smack him for me.
he had like three cunts ganging up on him
Dude, I don't disagree with anything you said, and nothing I said counter balances that. I used the 25 age because in my small city that's the age that me and most of my friends got married. I agree we don't live in an ideal world too, but sleeping around and being part of the problem is not the solution too.
I also don't think you should marry the first girl who gives you the time of the day, I specified that chads fuck and do shit before getting their shit together. Nothing of what you said is against of what I think, I was just pointing that a 38 year old dude who never had a serious relationship also has no fucking clue how it works. Sleelping around gives you a different perspective than having a single woman, and if you think you can understand women without having both, you haven't had a serious relationship too.
What I said, and I still stand by, is that Roosh comes out as a beta overcompensating for his failures with the opposite sex as their fault completely, even if other men who acknowledge the women problem can still fuck and not have all those problems. That's what I said. I also presented it as "my read" on him, I honestly think he destroyed that Anika and the mudshark Lauren, but Brittany is /ournig/ and is a little above his paygrade.
I don't think you got what I said in my first post, Ivan, I agree with what you said, mostly.
next time i go to Iasi i will gather a lynch mob for him will livestream it
Why the hate for Vee? I think he did alright dismantling Todd in that one debate
>what do they know of england
ugly women, rude, bad humor, recessive chins,
muslim country,
Dude, no. I like Britannia but she did awful in this debate. Never was a fan of Lauren but she probably did better than the other 2
>then it doesn't matter how huge of a variety of car crashes you have made, you are still a shit driver.
Maybe you just like new cars every week. Or maybe those 1000s of cars were all shit. The possibilities are many, you just grasping at the one that makes your argument seem right.
>How fucking retarded do you have to be to believe this
>I like A, B and C thing about men
>I don't like X, Y and Z
>my intentions are also I, J and K
>and I also know what other women thing of all of the above
>"haha, you don't know anything, me putting my penis into the loosest girl in town means I know you better than you know yourself"
You might as well called yourself a virgin or a woman at this point. Any men who had more than 2 girls will tell you that women have no fucking clue what they really want or that they will never admit it. Logical reasons is not how they either attracted to men, or make any decisions in a relationships. If you're a guy i suggest you to actually get some experience with women before you ever try to talk like an authority on a subject. And if you're a woman i suggest you to never engage men, because all you do is pollute their brains with harmful and delusional ideas.
Only thing Jim has ever mentioned about his current profession is he is writting a book. He refuses to attach his online persona because he "wants it to succed or fail on its own merit." God damn. How can one man have so much integrity.
Sargon doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to apologize.
Vee is one of the best blood sport people. He triggers alt-kike fags so much.
Alt-kikers complain about "muh free speech" but the moment anyone who disagrees with them appears in a stream they spam the chat with requests to kick them.
He's a fundamentally disingenuous piece of shit who purposefully misconstrues and strawmans people so that he can fit them into his horseshit theory and compare everyone to feminists and communists.
For example, rather than debate Ryan Faulk or even respond to any of his relevant videos on white nationalism or the liberalist+ party, he instead digs back like 6 fucking years to find a video of Faulk lampooning manchildren who sit around autistically playing minecraft rather than building anything real, and does a response video where he just shows the title page of Faulk's video and goes off on how "the alt right wants to ban muh vidya" or some shit that Faulk never said.
Same shit with willfully pretending that Spencer was arguing for literal feudal monarchy when Spencer was just talking about how aristocratic class divides naturally form, and then goes off on how horrible Spencer is for alllegedly wanting fucking feudalism. Vee is a piece of trash.It's fucking pathetic.
nigga u srs
well i need to listen to it again, then, cause roosh mostly seemed deflective with britanny, even if she's not an excellent debater
with lauren, i have a huge bias against, fuck that mudshark, so it's probably me.
Deplatform Vee!
Nigga its Vee he's not that deep.
>I don't think you got what I said in my first post, Ivan, I agree with what you said, mostly.
And i just think i proven you wrong and you trying to weasel your way out of admitting it, with "yo i agree but that roosh guy is a loser" even tho my argument was never about him specifically but rather about relationships in general.
There is literally nothing wrong in calling out Spencer. His ideas are basically half-formed daydreams. Like, I’m not saying that white people shouldnt have their own country like anyone else, but Spencer wanting to whiten America is pretty delusional and likely genocidal
You asked why people hate him, I explained why.
agreed, I love watching him get stomped live in front of everyone and then throw out batshit freudian claims about whoever disagrees
Check the ids i wasnt the one who asked
>ugggh not another eceleb thread REEEE
You dumbfucks do not realize that winning the war on YouTube is quite possibly one of the most important milestones on the road to white advocacy.
should ecelebs who repeats what they read on pol be quoting us at least? its getting old to hear them repeat what is said here
I never said it's wrong to call out spencer. He says plenty of dumb shit. The problem with Vee is that he purposefully misconstrues arguments to fit his narrative, as previously explained.
which is especially pathetic with regards to Implicit Dick, because he says plenty of dumb shit in-context for someone to lampoon without needing to lie about what he's saying.