we have a fucking potato as head of state but you leafs are on another level
wtf I love Piers Morgan now
holy fuck what is wrong with Canada
Your country literally has an insane pm.
He's a fuckin faggot. Fuck Trudeau
>returning Jihadists can be rehabilitated into "powerful" voices against radicalism
He might actually be right that the can be rehabilitated into "voices against radicalism". But the problem is that they won't be, unlike for example in China.
fuck canada
I agree that reformed jihadists would be some powerful propaganda tools in terms of mitigating domestic sympathizers.
But we all know Castro Jr's idea of reforming jihadists is to open your borders to them and arrest anyone who tells them their ideas are bad.
Just yesterday while i was driving i spotted 'CBC is fake news' spraypainted on an electrical box. That small sign was somehow reassuring even though that same day i literally had to explain to this dumb bitch on Tinder that gender isnt a spectrum and that if you refuse to have kids cuz the worlds overpopulated maybe you should start with Africa lol
Lol yeah we're not quite as cucked as your country buddy. We're not at the point of sex crimes and acid attacks being glossed over as part of every day life.
Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Trudeau
Dragging your whole country down
Ev'ry guy here'd love to beat you, Trudeau
For turning white Canada brown.
There's no man up North as reviled as you
We all kinda wish you would die
Ev'ryone's, frankly, disgusted by you
And it's not very hard to see why
No one talks like Trudeau
No one walks like Trudeau
No one gobbles down immigrant cocks like Trudeau
For there's no man up North half as sissy
It's no secret he's probably gay!
You can ask any Sam, Jess, or Missy
And they'll tell you which man makes them vote CPA!
No one's kind to Trudeau
Asinine as Trudeau
No one's lacking as much of a spine as Trudeau
>As a specimen, yes, I am quite pathetic!
God what a fag, that Trudeau!
Cant you Canacucks do something about this faggot already
He's a handsome dude but such a diseased disgusting cuck. How can this happen, maple leafs? What the fuck is going on
People voted in which guy they'd like to fuck. That's what happened.
sorry bro, pic very much related
I don't know what's worse, Canada, with Trudeau as a leader, or Sweden, with Trudeau as her populace
>ah OK people that fought against Isis...
our country is full of libtard cucks
We just started importing migrants. Sweden had for a while. We will get there if something doesn't change.
Canada, rake your fokin piece of Merkel out of PM you maricones. This putaso is seriamente damaging your country with a smile in his puta cara.
I need you stable, I want to go there and find a band to play prog metal with my flamenco licks hijueputas, dont ruin it.
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
No, but she could.
Not til next year.
Hash tag Scheer2019
I'm in no position to give Leafs a hard time about their PM. Our PM is a virtue signalling unmarried pregnant roastie.
Piers understands hes a white male...
White male is the most hated thing by far in this world in this era, probably more than ISIS.
The Soy is strong with this one
Maybe there's nothing wrong with it as a demonstration of why canada needs to be annexed.
I'll protect your women when you're gone Muhammad.
>Powerful voices
>shouting 'Allahu akbar!'
Actually I agree.
My sides
Has there ever been a case where a jihadi has been rehabilitated? Can any Euro anons comment on this?