What are those reflections on the windshield?
Really makes you think, huh?
What are those reflections on the windshield?
Other urls found in this thread:
The camera rig
>What are camera mounts?
Dotards believing spaceLARP 2018
Prepare for nuked threads, we've hit a nerve exposing israeli orbital death platforms being launched by spacex
>this isn't how it should look, this is how it should look
>he's wearing scuba suit
I will never understand how these assertions sound like proof.
>bubble; not something drifting across the screen
What's wrong with this one?
Can you 3rd world countries stop shitposting fake space bullshit? Youre just as bad as the flat earthers who believed people trolling. It makes me want to commit mass genocide.
They are submerged in water
Spot the scuba tank in the hatch in the webm
The external "hatch" is made of silly putty
People think everything in space should be 5 inches of steel
Wire grab. Astronaut in the back also grasp for something. What happens off camera?
>That gravity pulling the flap down
>That flap bending due to air resistance
this desu
More wires. Leaf astronaut Chris Hadfield involved in the fraud.
>cloud looking camera mounts
dear edgelord, take a look at that video yourself and explain what it is
More grains there than in the Sahara. Provide non-potato proof.
tons of hairspray on the girl.
hairs dont move as they are expected in lowgrav....
OP here, can anybody actually answer the fucking question instead of trying to derail the thread with your shitty """evidence"""?
hairspray longhair
doesnt act like its supposed to.
Please explain how that tent hatch is supposed to withstand the pressure of space and not leak radiation and survive re-entry?
Staying clean in space is a struggle.
do satellites ever survive reentry?
a camera rig floating like clouds? skip to 41:39
>a struggle.
Der Kampf (English: The Struggle) was a weekly newspaper published in Luxembourg by the Communist Party of Luxembourg between 1920 and 1922
You don't really get radiation, do you?
nigger he grabbed him by the belt loop
he grabs his pocket with his pinky actually. Ive seen this many times and always thought it was strange until now.
Goku detected
Kubrick did it.
>Lithuanian Education
still better than ameridumb's ;)
too bad the mic cable is experiencing gravity though
Fuck, is this really real? A swimming pool and adobe after effects?
>tfw this is what it would be like if we didn't have a flat earth
This is the issue with these webm's; there's no real issue with anything shown here, and being paired with unintelligent people who blindly believe with whatever some nobody tells them is true because it goes against the narrative is even more dumb than blindly believing science.
>pressure of space
>Sup Forums has gone back to falling for baby boomer conspiracies
looks like a space suit in a shadow.
and here come the mocking psycho analysis posts like clockwerk
that has to be a bait post
JFK was shot from the front asshole
Okay, this one got my noggin jogging for a moment, but then I realised it's not accelerating, and is nowhere near the terminal velocity of a drop of water, which means it's not being pulled "down" by gravity.
The thing I hate is she didn't even get naked to take a shower
Fight for the survival of European civilization.
Stop trying to discredit the achievement of whites.
Its the footage of inside the shielding before it was launched in space.
Too bad replicating lunar lighting conditions in a studio would be financially impossible
Why? He's right, "pressures of space" sounds fucking retarded, it's called vacuum.
My god you are retarded.
momentum from a correction burn maybe?
ok, ill go make more white babies, how many kids do you have? Let me guess you are still a virgin.
Look at it sway back and forth when it gets suspended by the wire.
ITT: a handful of anons pretend to have the slightest idea about the almost incomprehensible science and dynamics of space, being such experts to call any and all footage jewish fakes
Ignorance must be bliss, if they weren't SEETHING
Yes the beginning of lunar orbit burn is wires...
Those lighting conditions weren't possible in the 1960s if you were using a studio.
How did the driver get back home?
Being this retarded.
Look at all of these dust particles they individually put on wires to make them look like they're falling in a vacuum
stepped off the car into the stage.
>ANOTHER flat earth fake space cgi rockets thread
jesus christ go back to youtube
That was the photo op for the press prelauch literally a picture from an article.
Take your meds you deluded spaz
that's how dust works what were you trying to prove?
I was only asking for someone to explain that
But if he was in space could he fly the car back home? Right?
You wanna try to form an argument against me or are you just gonna be a seething child? CGI didn't exist in 1969. The brightness of the moon and the perfectly downward shadows aren't reproducible in a studio without CGI.
>what are parallel sun rays without diffusion
>what are diffused and bent stage lights
Its an mannequin
>CGI didn't exist in 1969
not true
No you can tell it is a real person, the way he has his arm setting open the window. Also you can see he waves in other videos.
>not understanding how reflections work on curved surfaces
>computer generated animations in a time where punch-cards were being used
>He thinks drawing lasers onto film reels and limited model/lighting ala Star Trek work is comparable to creating artificial lighting,something we've only pulled off in the last 15 years in any convincing fashion
then where did the clouds come from?
its not a real person
>he doesn't know about black projects
who do you think invented CGI?
What is the point of putting a not real person in a car in space?
>Last time I use Apple Maps.
Oh yes, because the Government and the Computer Industry that actually made the Computers themselves were 40-50 years apart in technology, a theoretical development cost that would've been more expensive than Apollo itself. What a fucking marvelous intellect
you have.
publicity for the test of the falcon heavy? Also get to test the suit?
it's a self driving car. humankind, pardon me, peoplekind is become obsolete. it's a psyop technique the elites use to first confuse then control the peasantry.
Okay retards, let's say the leaders of the world all come out tomorrow and make a global announcement: The Earth is flat, the moon landing was faked, SpaceX is a fake government psy-op and Elon Musk is a CIA Agent, 9/11 was fake, Pizzagate is real, Podesta is a pedo, Hillary is a lizard frog person and kidnapped kids from Haiti, Jews are brainwashing anti-white messages into commercials and movies and books, etc. etc. etc. Every single conspiracy theory was 100% true and they admit it.
What does that fucking change? What do you gain from them admitting they lied? What grand sweeping event will happen across the globe? 99.98% of people will just shrug their shoulders and move on with their life. I don't know why you all are so obsessed with this stuff - even if you're right, nobody fucking cares.
But it would evoke depression because now we know that man never made it out of space and back home to his family.
friendly reminder to all non LowIQ visitors of this board
what's going on with spacex right now is called guerrila marketing