What's up with young people acting like dogs, cats or pets in general are their children? Why can't they just make a real child? This is so cringey.
What's up with young people acting like dogs, cats or pets in general are their children...
>marrying a woman
>having a child with a woman
>living with a woman
Because all three of these things are basically delayed-release cyanide pills.
I know, right???
Why don't they just fuck themselves in the ass and poop a babyegg and hatch it?
Part of their plan. Pic related
people are losing their ability to connect to each other, so they're connecting to pets instead.
Its hard to connect to others when you're afraid of stepping on an anti pc landmine when you talk about any subject. our society destroys most chances of intimacy between people.
Speaking of, mirin them fucking ceps and forearms. I wish I had the money for gear. The gear itself is relatively cheap, it's just that the PCT is fucking expensive.
>real children = real responsibility
>dog children = hurrrr durrr play pretend, im grown up nao!!! durr!!!
get it? good..
Do you really expect chad to have real human children in his prime?
Also they're way more expensive and most young people are busy trying to achieve an income for future babjes
People are artificially filling the void within
yes because im sure this man making a joke with his dog is cringier than the man posting a screenshot of a dudes instagram on Sup Forums to the common person
I don't act like my pet is my child, I trained it to kill people if the time arises in which case I can get away with murder because I am technically not the person acting it out. You're puny brain doesn't recognize that you can have as many weapons in an arsenal without ever having to raise a finger. You are the epitome of stupidity unless you're solely talking about small and puny dogs like a Chihuahua. As for my breed, my dog it is a Neapolitan Mastiff. Fucker was trained to defend and conquer 6'3" standing upright you lesser chads, fucking manlets would be trumped by it and raped to death.
What do you think you're laughing at, boy. I know where you live.
What do you think you're laughing it, boyo
he had a gf but they broke up, I think she had a moral panic over him using roids
That dog looks scared as fuck. Think he will be ripped apart any moment
Needy faggots need dogs.
>Needy faggots need dogs.
Quick Story Time
>when I was kid I had many dog
>they kept getting hit by cars
>we kept getting new dog
>never allowed in the house and never washed
mfw I learned other people let their dogs inside their house and bathe them AND brush their teeth.
That painting is fucking sick bro thanks.
I fucking hate people who have pets
>they name them
>buy them foods, candies toys
Fuck off, they are animals, they are only tools to humans. If you want affection and love make a baby you fucking lim wrist faggots.
Isn't this said to be the best painting ever? Or am I confusing it with another?
>Get married
>Buy a house
>Evicted from the house
>Move to shitty apartment
>Pay mortgage, alimony, and child support
So thats what happens to /fit/ posters in the end
Couples should only be allowed to have pets after they have at least two children.
men R such Dogs
They always choose the ugly ass pug thing.
I know a wimmen, professional stock broker/investement advisor, multi-million dollar family empire in other businesses.
Got a car, got her own house and even have a boyfriend! Boyfriend is white.
She her children and her grandchildren would never have to work.
Isnt married.
Doesnt have kids.
Maybe isnt even fucked.
Has that stupid ass French terrier.
Ugly as sin. (as in the terrier the girl is a qt.)
Isnt liberal, isnt gay, isnt stupid.
Getting over 30 soon.
What is going on?
The only thing I know is that recently she had to retire from the company she was working for because she suspected they were going to use her to launder some illegal political party funding and have her as the fall guy if things go sour. They made up some bullshit about her bing sick.
Still why no kids? She could retire right now, she has more than enough money even without her family support.
addicted status/prestige/ambitions regarding their career
Fucking French Bulldogs.
Pugs and toy dogs are abominations and should not be bred.
>"I'm ready to settle down now"
my sides. I want this now.
She fell for the career woman meme. She'll wake up at 40 wondering why it went south. She'll will even still wonder till death and likely will blame men.
t. Been around enough of those. They all made that bed. All of them.