>it confirms the Nunes memo and blows up the Schiff talking points, which the media ran with

>It is confirmation that the FBI's FISA application relied on the dossier and a news article, and worse, on the credibility of a source in the employ of the Clinton campaign.

>It is proof that the FBI did not tell the Court the extraordinarily partisan provenance of the dossier.

>It provides evidence that the FBI presented the FISA Court with materially false evidence, in the claim that Steele had not talked to the press. And then shows that even after Steele admitted under oath that he had, the FBI did not tell the FISA Court in its renewal.

>It provides evidence that Steele was getting information from the Clinton team itself! Via the State Department! So now, not only do we have a dossier based on unnamed shady Russians, but on Sidney Blumenthal.

How much of this was engineered by the Clinton campaign from start? Gowdy is already talking about this, particularly the information regarding blumenthal

I haven't seen this posted yet here, mostly just the old memo.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shills are at 9000% overtime at this point, user. Don't take it personal that no one has noticed your thread yet.

Holy Slowpoke Batman



Because Obama just went full Watergate.

The shills are working overtime. Bump.

I feel the most sorry for Patrick Davis. The whole world has his number now.

Q said that would happen. Q predicted this.


Nothing as usual.

begone thot


>muh memos
>muh never ending
let me know when someone gets swat teamed

wtf is she wearing?



So one of the many FISA extension used the dossier and the latest FISA extension on page happened when trump was president?

>this memo is the real one
>this time they will all go to prison
The republicans definitely found the right button to push to distract their voters.

this, we know they are dirty since day one who cares about these "revelations" who span into literal "who?"s, trumps enemies are trying to blow up trains and kill them all while republicucks talks about memos and gets obstructed by judges the very same the ask permission to stop having the jews destroy the country. biggest fucking lame duck president ever imho its getting really pathetic

>what is building a case
neck yourselves shills

She had surgery, thats all.

>building a case requires daily public drops by politicians
Cases are built behind closed doors and then traps are sprung when the accused least expect it

These releases are happening because there is no case being built and they're trying to just trying to play partisan games yet again.

Grassley is a boss.

This is it
It’s over
Mueller is finished

>Donald Duck Ducks his taxes!
bump m'niggers

There is some interesting stuff in Grassley/Graham's referral to DOJ. Here's what the G/G referral tells us. \

>(1) The October 2016 FISA warrant application seeking surveillance of Carter Page disclosed that Steele compiled the dossier at the direction of a political client.

>(2) At the time of the October 2016 warrant application, FBI believed Steele had not previously disclosed dossier information to anyone but FBI and his client.

>(3) FBI came to learn Steele made a media disclosure in October 2016, broke off its relationship with him, and noted this in its subsequent warrant renewals.

>(4) FBI believed that was Steele's first media disclosure, and the agency continued to represent as such in the application renewals.

>(5) In litigation documents made public in April 2017, Page is revealed to have made media disclosures prior to October 2016.

>(6) FBI did not, subsequent to April 2017, include in warrant renewal applications this new information that Steele had previously lied to the FBI about media disclosures prior to October 2016.

>(7) The G/G referral states, "Instead the [post-April 2017] application still relied primarily on [Steele's] credibility prior to the October media incident."

As before, the solution to the partisan he-said, he-said is disclosure of the warrant application and the committees hearing transcripts, with appropriate redactions.

We shouldn't have to take anybody's word for it, not when there are primary sources just hanging out.

Heres the grassly referal to the DOJ

In b4 the 1000 "im sleepy whos feeling sleepy, we should all take a rest this is nothing" and "I am a government contractor I take 1000mg adderall and analyze documents daily with my top clearance and found nothing" bot posts

who dat lady?

nice boot
when/where is this pic from?

Do you feel it? The event horizon shrinks even more.

holy shit. I just noticed Steve O wears a veneer.
>his teeth must be really methed out.

I sure am tired. Anyone else getting tired?

Does anybody remember gowdy interrogating hillary about her correspondence with blumenthal on libya?

>thats all
sure, ok.

uh uh uh okey doke!

Anyone else energized as fuck!? Haha, I just tucked in the shills. Now put on some coffee and let's go!


I feel so energized. Monster energy mmmmmm!!! Down with the murderous child raping occultist cunts.


>Cases are built behind closed doors and then traps are sprung when the accused least expect it
well, when your entire DOJ is compromised... paging Jeff Sessions... how many little kids has he fucked?


One of the biggest things in all of this is Carter Page. He was uncover for the FBI busting Russians. Then gets employed by the Trump campaign, then they use his Communications with Russians during his undercover work in order to justify getting a Title 1 fisa warrant. They use their own agents Communications with Russians, that they knew about, to get a fisa warrant on the president

Or we want to avoid a violent backlash so the people need to see a step by step development before we incarcerate the former president and secretary of state?

If Trump just rounded them up you would shit yourself and claim all the evidence is fabricated after the fact.


good point, why didn't he appoint someone to the DOJ actually committed to draining the swamp?


Trump should hire his buddy Epstein

>implying leftists care about logic, facts, and memos released by republicans

The fire rises. The media pulled out all the stops with the last memo, that their shilling and corruption is now on full display. You would think they would have realized there would be more and would stop trusting the forces marching them to their demise, but I think at this point they are certifiably insane along with the rest of the DNC and all it has corrupted.


This is worse than Watergate. The nigger must hang.

We talked about the Grassley memo two days ago when it came out and then again yesterday when it was unredacted. Where the fuck were you?

Have a bump

Don’t let this be slid


I've seen one thread about it in two days

Can we get some cheese pizza too?

It's WAAAAAAAAAY fucking worse than Watergate

This mother fucker weaponized AT LEAST 3 major federal institutions to spy on political opponents and he has dozens of accomplices

Why'd he cc Inspector General Michael Horowitz?

President will never go to jail.
Obama will get a pardon from Trump. He pretty much has to otherwise Trump risks being incarcerated on bullshit terms after he leaves office.


There are a lot of scandals worse than watergate that never even got prosecuted.

Saw some FBI texts on the way to work, they didn’t look too big to me, but someone gimme the rundown. No bullshit Sup Forums predictions or wishes. Is this thing a true happening, or is it republicans trying to pretend like they’ve got balls?

I want a happening so badly, but they never do anything. Obviously they committed a shitton of crimes, but is this giving proof of what the dems did? Is this thing finally gaining some speed?

Which is why this one must be prosecuted, or America is doomed.

sharon stone shot incoming

pic related were some of the new texts

>implying they wouldn't start any fuckery anyway.
Where have you been?

I feel like the deep state is too deep and the swamp will never really be drained. Nothing really happens without media pushing it and media is clearly controlled by deep state. >Inb4 but Trump won

has the alpha bank story come up yet again, btw.??

Grandma shoes

It should be I agree, but Sessions practically defended the agencies called out in the memo and he's the AG. I don't really have much hope for this thing to produce any charges.

What Jason?

Sleep is what you need user, log off of Sup Forums for the day and rest, I'm feeling very tired right now, I'm going to sleep

and we would have gotten away with it if .....

if trump ends up in prison, i will personally break him out.



Wtf. I thought all this boot shit was CBTS larping but there's so many people with the boots. Is all of that just a cohencidence?

jackie speier

That's the shitty part. The swamp protects itself. If one get opened up to trouble for their crimes, it opens up the others

Then you haven't been paying attention.

>good point, why didn't he appoint someone to the DOJ actually committed to draining the swamp?
he either genuinely didn't know or it was a deep state concession as some others have said. I actually thought Sessions was legit based on his stuff about the TPP and such, but it is plainly obvious that he is literal controlled opposition.

Was Jason chavits compromised? Is that why he quit?

Coincidence. Its because of the way the health benefits kick in. These elective surgeries are expensive, best for them to work around their Health Savings Account.

pretty sure it's Chaffetz - Representative - Utah Democratic conversion 1990 to Republican.
Jason Chaffetz hasn't heard from James Comey yet about testifying
by Pete Kasperowicz | May 18, 2017, 7:47 AM


meh, if you're going to concede your DOJ to the deep state why even bother running for president on draining the swamp?

whoa I hadn't seen that one yet. wtf?

that's Trey Gowdy in an oversight hearing on the Hillary email investigation on the same day as those text messages... I'm at work, I have no sound, but there must be some good nuggets in that hearing.

Interesting, but hating republicans is par for the course in these gov agencies. That head of the IRS had emails calling republicans assholes while the IRS was denying nonprofit status to conservative groups. I have no doubt the FBI is corrupt as shit, but i’m not seeing the bombshell in the texts yet.

At work, but is this new dossier going to change anything? I like that Trump is calling out the FBI texts, makes me think he has something, but the republicans seemed determined to make this go nowhere. They still suck the FBI’s dick everytime they talk about them.


>Was Jason chavits compromised? Is that why he quit?
well, maybe. but they're talking about Jason Herring. FBI acting assistant director for congressional affairs (at the time anyway)

he's the one Gowdy is grilling that day in testimony

Yes, and these texts are referring to one of the Hilary Clinton investigation hearings, it was streamed, someone posted the link to it before.

another related is another new text btw

>I have no doubt the FBI is corrupt as shit, but i’m not seeing the bombshell in the texts yet.
did you miss the one where they discuss the need to brief Comey so that Comey can brief "potus?" Obama hasn't even been brought up until this morning

Read this text then

>Yes, and these texts are referring to one of the Hilary Clinton investigation hearings, it was streamed, someone posted the link to it before.
that was not about Chafetz. that doesn't make sense, Chafetz would not be the one answering questions. it's a guy named Jason Herring.

that being said, Chaffetz probably was compromised

Schiff is related to the enemy Soros

He will face Justice for treason

Chaffetz Obliterates Stunned FBI Official; Serves Him With A Subpoena During Testimony
Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Sat, 09/17/2016 - 05:30

If it's Jason Chaffetz, I'm trying to wrap my head around "sticking to the script." Are they crying that he is telling the media the truth about how shitty the FBI is instead of dodging questions?

I guess I need to look into what was happening Sep. 12, 2016.

We talked about it in depth earlier when it broke and Fox had their first show on it...


Is there any proof Carter page was an FBI asset?


>When trump leaves office