Just saw the saddest fucking shit ever piggy4swine2fuck.tumblr.com
What can even be done about this
Just saw the saddest fucking shit ever piggy4swine2fuck.tumblr.com
What can even be done about this
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Nothing, just let them kill themselves.
Drop a needle filled with bleach outside of his home and wait for the inevitable?
The problem is it isn't just big scary drug gangs (who are illegals) importing and distributing drugs. You have these manlet shitheads who can't speak English brewing meth and selling it.
Nothing, more dead crackers is a great thing.
Give them guns, and tell them that the niggers on the block have ounces of meth.
Safemode? I'm not makinga fucking tumblr account for meth addicts.
The answer is addicts have to:
1. Be removed from their environment and put some place they can't get drugs.
2. Break off all contact with the people from that environment.
3. Given space to work on something productive for at least 3 months to a year, while dealing with the withdrawals.
In a day, I went cold turkey, moved out of my former apartment without telling anyone I was leaving. Got a new phone number, destroyed my old phone. Started reading philosophy.
The scary part was the withdrawals. 5 days after cold turkey, I thought people outside my apartment were my former neighbors looking for me. Trying to fall asleep was a challenge because I heard screams that would start quiet and gradually become deafening. Had to listen to waves on a beach as ambiance.
Ohh yeah, fish oil, solid diet, brain teasers. But even still, there is something that will be permanently lost. My IQ dropped from 138 before 3 months of meth abuse to 130 current after 2 years sober.
someone post a mirror to the video
I'm not signing up to watch it
How fucking retatded do you have to be to inject yourself with that shit
Meth feels fucking great, but it will destroy your life.
t.meth addict
nah I haven't done it since 2014
He die?
in americas drug addiction, particularly meth is an epidimic in white majority suburbs, I have siblings in west virginia and all of them look like groggy motherfuckers all the time. Narcotics are a plague for america, at least in Europe laws are very strict.
Ohh some guy slamming clear? I always snorted it, always hated needles.
boring as fuck
it's just some tweaking homosex injecting his arm while he makes meth faces
dont even get to see him fucked up or fall or anything
Like seriously, why is a video of some guy slamming clear on Sup Forums? Sage.
You feel like something was lost or you are judging by this IQ test.. Seems like an unhealthy mentality to hold two years on..
i am about to leave my house and travel 2 hours to go buy H... Hoping this is the last time.
Why the fuck do you have tumblr account.
With Heroin it's always the last time. It's never the last time.
>> 4 years finally clean 6 months
Still have the odd thought or dream about H use.
8 points of my IQ were lost. Meth permanetly destroys some brain cells. I'm back to being a fully functioning member of society though and happy with the direction of my life. Good luck with being sober, follow my advice of removing yourself from your environment and breaking off contact with addicts and dealers. Take subs instead of methodone for sobriety, you can wean off subs. Good luck!
Expect it to be forever user. I hope you have the resolve on staying clean.
Why is the needle smoking? Are we entering Cyber-Punk drug timeline?
t. not a druggie
Why do meth when I got Sup Forums ?
It wouldn't work like you think. Typical fiend would trade those guns for meth, get jewed(DAT'S RITE) and come back the next day to have his gf suck Tyrone's cock for another hit.
how do you come across this video you degenerate?
Thanks. Yeah I definitely do. Life rebounded after getting clean. Car, job, etc.. Just too much to lose now and scary knowing just how fucking easy it is to go back.
i was off a weaker opiate for 5 years before this... I was doing so fucking good in life. Now im fucked on this shit. I really need to quit. The lack oof sleep always gets me.. Ive been sitting here just waiting to go pick up. Its 5:30am and if i leave now il get there about 7 and then probs have to wait another 2 hours... fuck this existence.
why the test the same? i mean im sure you could score differently on the same test dependent on other factors..
Do you feel different? and are you 100% its not psychological...?
i built myself up so much only to let it all fall.
I was addicted to heroin and crack for about 5 years.. I didn't noticed any difference in terms of intelligence, neither did the people around me.
Perhaps it's all the chemicals in meth that fucks up your brain ?
depends... I had an overdose once and nearly died (the other addicts around me were already discussing where to dump my body I've been told)
After that I never ever used again..
maybe.. Heroin makes me very dull and unable to plan things out but once im off for a few days i feel pretty normal less the withdrawal symptoms.. Ive been off the shit for about 35hours now.. feeling pretty fucking bad..
I know the feel all too well. One quote while playing Mass effect really got me thinking one day about it.
>> The Cycle MUST continue
Waking up the next day with no gear sets your whole day for you. I cant offer real advice without knowing what the particular situation one is in but once I realised I want the ride over it took me a visit to a psych and a prescription of klonopin, seroquel to initiate sleep(perfect for this Ambien was first choice and really was just the junkie in me trying to get away with another high, seroquel works 100 times better in getting your ass to coma) and of course suboxone. Had one month of eash and no cash to go back to psych so I made sure to make it count.
I used the subs for 4 days each day tapering down the dose, the klonopin for the "altered state craving" candy, and the seroquel to help with sleep. TO this day I still have 23 tablets of suboxone left. Hardest thing was using my last money I collected for the doc instead of gear. I was literally one parkway exit from picking up again. Steel resolve user.
What did you do to get off? Or was the fear enough for you to just do it?..
Rise up from the ashes once more. I've seen people addicted 30 years get clean. I didn't want to be that person though. 4 years wasted is enough.
i was thinking of tapering off H and just cold turkey after that... I get bored though and that "altered state" craving really makes sense but always leads to worse things.
Good to hear that worked. I needed the extra insurance of subs and meds. Thing is I didn't substitute the meds. One month no refills. Now 6 months later no meds.
so nobodys going to post a webm? you guys all uniroincally have tumblr accounts? jesus christ
>I was addicted to heroin and crack for about 5 years
>I didn't noticed any difference in terms of intelligence
You smoked crack m8 of course you didn't.
>neither did the people around me
Nobody has high expectations for a fucking crackhead.
true. There is no other option...
It's was not so much fear, but more the will to live... I didn't want to die in some dirty rat infested drug den.
I'm not going to die that miserable way if you get what I mean
user you know how a Heroin taper is gonna go. The gear will be gone by day 2, 3 if you save that last little bit to make you feel like you still have some.
That boredom is one of the biggest enablers. I made sure to get a temporary job right after the 4 day withdrawal, the klonopin really helped the cravings. I really was in a bad hole. One of my last escapades was driving around random dealers I barely knew around Newark while they fed me more poison. Luckily I managed to get 5 bucks to drive home and got out alive and not in prison too.
Took me a full 5 years before the residual damage was repaired and i could think normal again.
>You smoked crack m8 of course you didn't.
It took me a year to "feel" like I was back to normal. I used to sit at my computer for 6 hours at a time focusing on projects. I can't do that any more. Also, coffee doesn't perk me up like it used to. It makes me feel energetic but not necessarily think "more clearly" like it used to.
Opiates are different from meth. Your IQ is probably fine, but I know snorting sudophede + drain cleaner for 3 months wasn't good for me.
Yeah but i really dont want to have any record of this addiction.. (doctors records etc) I know what you're saying though.. I will still try to get as low as i can and then just deal with the wd..
Iv'e been in situations like that... i really hope today i can get in and out quick.. the area the dealers hang out really makes me fucking sick and i hate associating with the scumbag cunts..
fuck me.. Well glad to hear you are all good now mate.
Stims alter your Psyche harder than Opiates. Opiates are really just a AFK drug. Really away from life, statuss quo feels good no matter even if it's standing still.
True haven't thought about the impurities doing the real damage
maybe the topics dont interest you anymore. What im saying is thinking like this without hard proof is probably doing you the most damage..
Also i intend on a 3 day taper... I know il get withdrawals.. Im just hoping i can blast through them.
the only thing keeping you fucktard niggers alive is crackers you fucking dickless retard nigger cunt
clean needles?
I understand. However after a point you have to weigh in when a Record vs actually getting clean comes.
Plus think of it this way, a Record of you seeking help from the addiction looks way better than that record mugshot of you getting booked for a gram or two.
Hope everything goes well for you bro. Just once you get done doing the gear, don't brush off everything said here. I can see you still have that spark of getting out of the cycle.
If you can maintain a strict discipline with the gear for the taper then your physical withdrawals should be pretty minor. The psych withdrawals level off after a good month. Don't fret though, the Psychological side is really piece of cake if you have your mind set. The physical side is what fucking makes you running back I know. Amphetamine psychosis was horror compared to Heroin psyche changes.
It's the dreams that get me sometimes. Getting some money, going to pickup, doing the gear....etc.... Sometimes I wake up and feel a little like I just done the gear.
Thanks man. I will really try an i i fail i will consider going to the doc.. Im going to leave myself without a single dollar though.. So i will have 5 days without any means.
yeah the feeling can linger on fro a while after you wake up.. Iv'e had similar dreams.. Fuck to think this was all over a damn girl too.. It had a crazy life change.. Was living in Europe with the first girl id ever loved and one day it all just fucking ended. Really caught me off guard and iv'e been pretty fucked up over it.
>need a tumblr account to view
>the people in this thread can view it
Damn. And here I thought we had a reddit problem
No problem user. Remmember keep that boredom at bay. Doing anything other than sitting home makes the process much easier and quicker. That Feeling at the end of the withdrawals is good bro. You wake up and no more runny nose, no runny shit.
Good luck brother
Funny how I started due to a relationship with a crazy bitch I had no clue was crazy until the "love blindness" faded away couple months later. Don't let your life be ruined by a Girl.
Everything starts falling into place once more when you start trying again.
haha was thinking that too
>Everything starts falling into place once more when you start trying again.
Fucking needed that man! I have doubted if i would ever feel normal again.. It feels like i have lot all of my interests and passions. I used to define myself by those things, now its just a cold dark.. I feel hope though, in pieces. I will get off this shit im capping your posts for inspiration! thanks again man.