Taxation is AUTHORITARIAN robbery

Taxation is AUTHORITARIAN robbery.
Taxation is the cancer killing our nations.
Taxation is the origin of foreigner's benefits.
Taxation is the ultimate Jew.

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Who builds the roads?


You get to move to where ever you want and pay no taxes there. If you stay here an pay taxes, (1) you're a lame hypocrite and (2) you have given your tacit consent, which mean your "theft" screeching is a lie.

You consent to taxation by staying in a country by using its protections and services.

private companies. Like its done now and has been for the past few hundred years, at least for the US.

what you mean to ask is who finances the private companies to build the roads?

What makes birth legal then? I never consented to being born.

>gib me dat for free

Lolberg logic

Why are contracts and signatures binding?
I never consented to agree that signing a piece of paper means anything.

So we can trust companies to make highly advanced vehicles to safely take us to our destinations at lethal speed but not the flat things they drive on?

R u a lawyer?

by using the internet you are consenting to taxation sorry hun

>roads and other infrastructure just magically appears in a world with no taxation

grow up you stupid little communist kid

Thats exactly correct. Without roads car companies wouldn't pay for raods they would merely make monster cars that can easily travel through rough terrain.

Doesn't matter still making profit. Hey I have an idea, lets re build the monument to Lincoln out of plastic.

You fucks are so superficial.

You were illegally squatting in your father's testicles and he ejected you for trespassing. What happened afterwards is your problems

The answer to your image OP is consent. You consent to taxes by living and working in the nation that taxes you. This has been pointed out to libertarian cultists a million times but they lack the mental capability to process it.

We can't trust companies to do that without government regulation in the first place

nobody is forcing you to live in a country with taxes

>What makes sex not rape?
What the law says
>what makes your job not slavery?
Whatever the law says
>what makes a transaction not robbery?
Whatever the law says
>what makes taxation not theft?
Whatever the law says



Capitalism in general must die
>inb4: muh free market
No, it's all shit. National Socialism needs to return

No consent =\= bad
Or one can say that you consent for taxes if you decide to lice in society.

> 1 post by this id...

ok. so who orders the roads? who decides where to pave the road? There are so many roads to build, the communist community wont have time to decide and order all the roads from private companies.
In the end, the community will appoint a person in charge of ordering the roads.

AND BAM the minute you appoint someone to do a certain task you have your first member of the (new) GOVERNMENT

"TAXATION IS THEFT" sounds like my 12 years self. babies first "revolution"

How are you planning to fix the nigger problem ancaps? And no, as soon as the governments gone people wont start randomly killing niggers at their own expense

>free market is capitalism
Lurk more retarded child

Without taxes, you'd have a mugabenomics economy with endless inflation....

I’m just going to play devil’s advocate here.

Almost every nation on the planet has taxes. You can’t go to another country to avoid taxes, and the few places you can are total shitholes and are highly dangerous. And isn’t it kind of like walking around doing stuff while a robber follows you, and takes some of your money whenever you buy or sell anything?
They would of course build roads for transportation in order to make it easier for people farther away to travel to where the company resides, and can therefore draw in more employees and customers. They could make them toll roads as well.

>They could make them toll roads as well.
So instead of paying taxes for road maintenance you pay a for-profit toll.

In that case you wouldn’t be forced to. You could just take another road.

dont bother op, theres no intellectuals on Sup Forums anymore. just ad homs and nazi larpers.

RIP Sup Forums's RP 2012 / ancap days.

how's being

The irony is that fucks like you and the rest of Sup Forumshaven't read their state laws nor federal laws at law libraries and are paying taxes they're not legally obligated to pay. No in govt would tell the dregs they're paying certain taxes they legally need not pay. Half the fucks here don't realize they don't legally have to pay income tax. Nor would they understand how to battle the IRS in court and win.

>Almost every nation on the planet has taxes. You can’t go to another country to avoid taxes, and the few places you can are total shitholes and are highly dangerous. And isn’t it kind of like walking around doing stuff while a robber follows you, and takes some of your money whenever you buy or sell anything?

That means jack shit, what is this crap about fairness? You fucking crybabies need to either find your own place to live or change the laws here. Since no one fucking agrees with you, I would suggest you get the fuck out.

You consent to living in collective society, as defined by that collective's ability to exert power over a geographical location. Taxation and the responsibility to participate in that collective when necessary are the prices you pay for choosing to live among civilized people.

>people consent to job slavery.

Dat idealism.

Solution: leave the state if you don't like the collective decisions.

You also must follow laws regardless of your consent. You have a government that acts independently of your consent (inb4 "muh representative..."). There are many things that will occur in life regardless of your consent.

The anarchists fallacy is equivocating consent with the moral good.

> 1 post by this ID
> op chooses to live in country with taxs, i.e. not siera leone
post pic of u and your family in siera leone with time stamp or gtfo

there are lots of countries with no tax rates, particularly in africa. OP should get the fuck out of taxed country and go live with the niggers in their taxless homelands.
enjoy your new neigbours.

If you're an ancap you're by default an anti-intellectual.