Is it a crime to post holocaust denial facts to a German police stations Facebook page from the United States?
Asking for a friend.
Is it a crime to post holocaust denial facts to a German police stations Facebook page from the United States?
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You are perfectly fine: the US will never deport one of their own to a foreign court.
I wish you burgers would fuck up more European police force pages (twitter and facebook).
I have broken the law by posting this, btw.
enjoy getting blacklisted by the Verfassungsschutz. If you ever want to visit Germany i would be careful.
>If you ever want to visit Germany i would be careful.
American citizens hardly ever leave the US because they don't have to: it's so vast that there's plenty to see.
US patriots could easily do a type of "project chanology" on European police stations from the comfort of their homes - i.e. destroying their social media presence.
Yeah its ok just dont forget about doing it and then going to germany.
You should also consider posting racist and sexist comments on the twitter pages of various Members of Parliament: it would really be two fingers stuck in the face of the British establishment, who currently are trying to bring into effect laws that will make criticism of MPs online practically illegal.
Come on America, start exporting some freedom on twitter accounts of ineffectual members of parliament.
>I wish you burgers would fuck up more European police force pages (twitter and facebook).
We do it all the time, but the pigs just get those fags Jack and Shekelberg to delete our accounts.
Go on, but post these instead
Post away, there is nothing they can do if you are not a german citizen.
There is no chance in hell that any german law enforcement would attack an US citizen for practicing their right of free speech. Heck, we recently had an american jewess screech insults at german police at an airport and instead of hitting her with a hefty fine like the law demands, she was let go and went to the embassy in an attempt to have the policemen fired.
For a german court to find the balls to go after US americans they need to commit something serious like theft, assault or murder, otherwise the US embassy would intervene.
>There is no chance in hell that any german law enforcement would attack an US citizen for practicing their right of free speech.
US law does not apply in germany. Also if he send hatemails to the police with things like gas all kikes or lynch all niggers he is breaking the law because he is announcing a crime.
Not a bad idea. We could from the comfort of our hemisphere fuck with their anti-free speech laws. Of course it will only increase foreign meddlement in our political system. I imagine if there is enough concentrated effort over long enough time online in doing this we'll see lobbyists pushing same sort of shit laws here at home.
German law applies to german citizens, even outside of germany. American rights apply wherever they can invade. We lost the war. Technically you are completely correct; practically this does not happen because police, judges and especially politicians value their careers over the letter of the law.
An american sending a text message is protected by their constitution. Facebook is not german territory. He is not commiting any crime whatsoever even by german standards, because he is neither a german citizen, nor residing in germany. When he starts denying the holocaust in germany in public, the USA might make an example out of him, but the germans will only take him down with their permission.
>I have broken the law by posting this, btw.
doubt.jpg but I understand the sentiment
oh that sounds like a great idea
prove their point!
nice false flag faggot
nice try coward.
they can't fucking touch US citizens, and their right of free speech trumps Diana Jabbots tears. The entire UK Parliament could be reduced to even more of a pathetic shambles than it is already - all the more the better to get rid of them.
One correction:
"Holocaust denial" is a word used by jews which implies a priori that the holocaust happened and all evidence against it is fake. Its a type of circular logic.
Holocaust revisionism is the actual phrase.
Friendly bump.
Can we get some infographs written in German to post? Nothing too inflammatory; just the facts please (which incidentally will be so inflammatory it would constitute a crime for a native German to even think).
I suggest also finding the most annoyingly liberal police forces in Germany, i.e. as bad as UK ones that paint their police cars pink and provide police cells with dildos and lube.
Can OP and pretty much anyone with sockpupped twitter acounts drop redpills at "@CDU @CSU @FDP @spdbt @Die_Gruenen @AFD @dieLinke" (German Political Parties)? It might just prevent some politican to do something stupid, de-moralize the left and actually redpill people reading the tweets.
all the main social networks (twitter, faccebook, google) use the EUs code of conduct in their terms for people globally, US citizens wont be arrested but the cant claim the first amendment if using their services.
effectively they have free speech to say things that would be illegal here but theyll lose their accounts instantly
Is it illegal to post statistics?
we oughtta work together and spam the shit out of these police departments, maybe we can guilt them into actually fucking doing something
ive no idea, i wouldnt have thought so?
I have been wanting to troll Sadiq Khan with stuff about Islam and Muslims. Would I get doxxxed by goat lovers though?
Not using a burner twatter and a public WiFi when trolling foreign police.
hmm what is this?
Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
no, fuck off.
Posting "racist" and "sexist" shit LITERALLY proves their fucking point. It's possible to have a dissenting opinion in favour of free speech without making their (not an) argument for them.
t.amerilards now the eu is gonna introduce these here aswell
That would be Berlin. They recently made it into the news because they are now forced to take in recruits that don't speak proper german and have known ties to criminals. Otherwise german police is pretty redpilled but they have to stick to the official narrative. All their social media stuff is controlled by government PR operatives and political commissars, not actual policemen, so you are always argueing against shills no matter which one you speak with.
Being cut off from your social networks is not a crime, which was the original question. It should be obvious that they are going to block and censor him if he commits wrongspeak, but that is the whole extend of their power. They can't prevent him from spamming them with sockpuppets by going after him in real life.
>Would I get doxxxed by goat lovers though?
No, they're thick as shit: do not overestimate them. If anything you can dox them and ruin their lives: plenty of gay Muslims that are easily ousted...
Just demeans everything you had to say, too.
Completely self defeating. Only a false flag faggot or literal mouthbreather would suggest such a thing.
Post "racist" redpills by all means but calling Diane Abbot a nigger is just going to gain her sympathy.
>Posting "racist" and "sexist" shit LITERALLY proves their fucking point.
Go home Paki.
>Is it a crime to post holocaust denial facts to a German police stations Facebook page from the United States?
>Asking for a friend.
He can only possibly get in trouble if he has European citizenship.
They cannot do anything to you in the US but you may be arrested if you ever visit Germany.
Nice try, glow in the dark cunt / vice "journalist".
>They can't prevent him from spamming them with sockpuppets by going after him in real life.
true, its risk free aslong as you dont mind jumping through hoops to sign up again.
i feel like a co-ordinated effort could only be a one off event though, rather than trolling random police forces why not wait until an election cycle when interest would be peaked?
>but you may be arrested if you ever visit Germany.
Wont even happen, don't believe all the hype.
Just look at the number of criminals that the EU allows into it's boarders on a daily basis: there is no boarder control in any real sense (I even know of Americans illegally living in London). Unless you're a big public figure or an eceleb there's very little chance of you being caught.
>true, its risk free aslong as you dont mind jumping through hoops to sign up again.
Best start making lots of accounts now.
This definition was agreed upon by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) of the European Union on March 16, 2005.
In a slighty changed form, it was adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance on May 26, 2016.
As such, it is supported by the governments of 31 countries. These are: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.
we are fucked
>Nice try, glow in the dark cunt / vice "journalist".
Nice try "Young Conservative"
our BND is basically part of the CIA
Trump will never deport one of his own to a German court.
>being afraid of the Eurocuck police forces
You're a retard, off yourself
It should be illegal not to.
>Protection of the Constitution
I wouldn't be too worried about them, they're clearly not good at their jobs
I would imagine it'd be outside of their jurisdiction.
Use a Chinese VPN and I'm sure they wont even bother trying to backtrack it. Just make sure your friend changes his mac address to be safe