Who was she Sup Forums? I literally fell in love with her just by seeing her photo.
General Philippines thread too i guess
Who was she Sup Forums? I literally fell in love with her just by seeing her photo.
General Philippines thread too i guess
How much of a faggot are you?
Since I'm in love with a girl I would say less than you
'she's' hiding half of 'her' face you fag
>12 = 13 = 17
I thought they were supposed to be good at math.
No shit
This is a muslim-free thread Mohammed
That thread seriously convinced me that most of Sup Forums has no interest in keeping the White race alive. I haven't seen a thread on Sup Forums hit the bump limit that fast in ages.
It didn't hit the bump limit. And hapas are superior.
Let's rip that leaf out of the flag and make Peru great again.
Would gladly rip it myself and replace it by a star, circle or a fcking triangle. Just no leaf
Unless you are a wizard that's not love that's degeneracy.
You must have seen a repost then. The first one that went up hit 300 posts in minutes. Most of them contained shit like "be my asian gf please". Not really sure why anyone here still larps as WNs, when it's obvious that they're not.
OP... I hate to be the one to break it to you, but... that's a male.
quick rundown? she a pollack?
thats fine with me.
Some random Asian girl
Qt philippine girl did a thread on Sup Forums last december. Posted this one pic. Sup Forums pretty much went crazy over it.
>replace it by a star
hello shekelstein
we need more data
Pol is a hapa-fascist board. Sino-semitic Jewish samurai is the new master race.
140 average IQ
nuclear mutant tentacle penis
Gundam pilots
I remember farming you in one thread when some roastie actually posted her tits with maya written on them.
Those are the moments that keep me going.
US has 50 stars
P-pol is p-p-pro white
>Those are the moments that keep me going.
We will create the Eurasian master race.
>most of Sup Forums has no interest in keeping the White race alive
Well duh, they'd be too busy working for their current/future family to spend all that much time shitposting. I'm the black sheep of my family, got two sisters that probly have ten kids between them. sage
40% white, 60% asian is the perfect mix tbqhf
asian gf > white race
She has pretty eyes
Tbh they are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen
go outside leaf
no no, i'm a doctor that studies these asians and i can confirm this one is a female of the asian species. you can tell by the jaw and the light colouring around the gills.
fucking leaf
some flip bitch that wanted to be a nun and wouldn't heed my suggestions on how to mae the philippines a better place
asian but can't into math
>most of Sup Forums has no interest in keeping the White race alive.
this seems to be more serious problem in the US. it seems to be only amerimutts that are into the whole asian pussy thing. sad
>be burger
>complain about math
Has to be about 50/50. We need the Asian IQ just like they need the white creativity.
Aussies too.
can someone post the archive link?
if you need IQ, why not just breed with jews? they have the highest IQs
are you sure? 'cause it's been my impression they HATE chinks since they're taking over the country
>General Philippines thread
Imma be real, I wanna try out some lbfm before I look for a woman to marry, advice? I like talking to Thai women, but Filipino women are actually pretty hot sometimes. Right now I only meet them through apps, which is ok, but not great, where else do you go? Or do you just show up in some SEA country and start looking for boom boom?
retarded leaf
She was paid by someone to write that and take a pic
Asians are our greatest allies, there is no shame in mixing with them. White is a state of mind. They need our admixture to take the next evolutionary step with our creativity. You are prometheus, and your semen is fire, go give it to some asian girl.
There is nothing more hideously sad than a flabby, middle-aged whiteman marrying and living his life with some pinoy that he can't even fucking understand. Can you imagine that? They can't even speak a fluent conversation together, and this dude is devoting his life to her.
Can't understand any women in all honesty
>Sup Forums pretty much went crazy over it
no Sup Forums didnt. betamax faggots like you did. go back to wherever you came from, faggot
>implying china doesn't fake their IQ data
so by asians you mean koreans and japs right?
Easier to do than you think.
t. married to chinese qt
The earth is also flat and the illuminati are real. Also reptileans.
>Asians have the higher IQ
>Most feminine women
Marry a white bitch goy, a-asians r bad
I'm really not. Ideology really is more important to me than race. Contrary to popular belief, even Israelis are starting to not care. Israeli girls are going out with brown guys and vice versa.
I see it with them almost as much as Americans on here. I don’t think they’re thrilled about being entirely colonized, but a lot of them can’t seem to resist Asian women. I think someone said it’s the most common interracial pairing there.
>in love with some fugly shit complection soulless slant eyed chink
Kys plebian.
>asian pussy thing
Well, it is pretty delicious.
Filipinos are fucking hideous overall. Japanese and chinese can be alright.
The Jews fear the samurai
really? 'cause all the interracial mixing i've seen are from faggots like this even canada's fed up with chinks. any aussie want to weigh in here? what's with the dating situation and how do you feel about interracial marriage?
>muh dick
yes, we know you're pale niggers. next point
>marrying and sticking around
Look at the facts, roastie.
you fucking leaf
just die
>thinking with your dick
Americans take the cake on it for sure. I honestly think it’s a remnant of some sort of post WWII and Vietnam hangover.
If I was thinking with my dick I would worship white whores like the betas here. Plenty of those whores to go around.
i don't think so. i think it's because asians appear in a better light next to spics and niggers, so they don't seem as bad. this is in contrast to canada and australia where asians are the majority minority. just a theory
well whatever you're doing, you're not thinking
That’s a great point. There’s also almost selective immigration from those countries.
So what would be thinking, in your opinion?
My wife was virgin and is Christian. I should have given that up for some white whore because she's white?
>triggered white bitches feeling insecured
It's too late now, go fuck Ahmed and hope he doesn't beat you this time
It's a mix of that and shit culture to be honest. Everyone crows about white men needing to fix white women, you're not a man if you can't land a whale, you're beta, worthless etc etc. I mean, when all that comes at you and you look down the barrel of marrying a fat white woman who WILL divorce you, and then when you get divorced, get called a retard by the same faggots who memed you into marrying a white woman, why would you bother? Especially since we KNOW there's a huge untapped market of decent women who actually care about a man, his family, his personality, success and life. Fuck it dude, it makes NO sense to try for white women. If some anons can make it work, cool. If some anons say you know what? Asian women are nice to me, they're interesting, they want families, then that's cool too.
Stop trying to wheedle support from a group of people while deriding them at every turn, christ
yes, because only two white parents can make white children. and only two asian parents can make an asian child. instead you're fulfilling a selfish desire to destroy both races to create empty kike vessels. anyways, whatever. people like you are beyond hope. go live your hapa family life
>implying i'm a white roastie
i'm not, but anyways, it's irrelevant. everything i've said is true
t. dies alone in studio apartment paying alimony to Stacy while she raises his 3 kids with uncle Jamal
>fat white woman who WILL divorce you, and then when you get divorced
Do you really buy that? You honestly think that’s the only kind of white woman you can land?
t. yellow fever fag
i'm happily married. to my race
>you want to destroy people
>why won't you sacrifice your entire person for some whore?
>you're selfishly creating a happy family
>weak babyman
>you're hopeless
wew lad, roastie is toasty
>i'm happily married. to my race
In other words, you're not married at all.
Bro. Seriously. I'm not stupid. I'm white. I grew up around white people, I have nothing but white friends and damn near 100% white coworkers. In 27 years of life, I can count, on one hand, the number of successful marriages. I don't care what you say, the numbers are there and marrying a white woman will land you a divorce.
>hurr durr b an alfalfa
I am, faggot, I'm not listening to yapping dogs who think you can shame a real man into doing something stupid
You too, bitch, you aren't married. Just some fucking shill.
pick one
An Iphone X could not tell you who she is.
>In other words, you're not married at all.
how did you come to that conclusion?
>You too, bitch, you aren't married. Just some fucking shill.
are you saying what i've said isn't true?
>ad hominem
anymore nigger logic?
Hapa is a term invented by half jews, like Tenda Spencer. I'm happy, my wife is happy, and my children will be happy.
So, will your child be white or asian?
>whole thread is you roasties demeaning white men for making wise decisions
>muh ad hominem, how dare you say anything back!
Whiter than you, Mr Guerrero
My kids will be mine. They will have a father and a mother that stay together until they die.
lol, and people wonder why western civilization is dying. whatever, enjoy your life
Im NoT, EvErYtHiNg I sAy Is TrUe
You didn't answer, white or asian? It may not matter to you, because you're selfish and have no foresight, but it will be a question in the back of your child's mind the second they learn what race is, until the day they die.