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>A 71 year old man doesn't have a lot of hair
How controversial
Nice Haircut, Mr. President.
hes way too told to be president
don't forget that he's fucking retarded
WTF, i cannot believe this hairless buffoon commands our thermonuclear arsenal, what an absolute mad person!
This just confirms that Ted Cruz should have gotten the 1,237 delegates he needed, #IMPEACH
Says the Canacuck.
At least with our system, the "retard" had to beat out every other opponent, which means either they were more retarded, or you're just full of shit.
Don't get me started with Trudeau.
>Don't get me started with Trudeau.
Please do. How 'bout his hair?
I think Donald Trump got an early form of a hair transplant. This would explain the consistency in his hair.
With newer hair transplants you can't even tell, I imagine he wouldn't do that because it'd be open admitting he had tampered with his hair
It's a bit pathetic how he clings to presenting as still having full hair. Just go all-in bald, man. It looks nice and doesn't have that air of desparate vanity.
People are dumb
This. But in Amerifatlandia, everyone is plastic.
he's 70
so is it a wig or a crazy combover
wtf i hate trump now
None of you fags are going to have hair past 50 anyways. Then again, maybe you will with all that soy you ingest along with some nice supple tits.
>Hey guys, ignore the memo! Check out this porn star he consensually banged while he was married, a decade or so back!
>Hey guys! Ignore the supporting memos of the previous memo, and the newly revealed text messages between Strzok and Page that confirm the entire former administration was involved in an attempt to subvert Democracy, including the previous President himself! Check out Trumps head--he's bald/ing!!!!!
The absolute state of the mainstream media.
Drumpfy is a 71/2 yo twitter trained monkey. He's about to keel over anytime. JUST drop it.
the absolute fucking state of this mong
>Be 71 year old man
>Hair thinning
>Comb it in a way that mask said thinning
>Just like any balding man trying to salvage a full head of hair
What am I missing here? I though everyone knew this already?
the fuck even happens in croatia?
sure thing peoplekind
It's a hair transplant, it's his actual hair it's just taken from one part of his baid and grafted onto a bald spot of his head and after some time it then grows back in "naturally"
the fuck happening in Canada?
guy is a fucking retard. hillary is even worse than drumpf. she's a bitch. but she would at least ensure nuclear war with the gooks by now. but this orangutan? he's a fucking bozo, autist spawnbox, a nigger, retard, kike loving krautmutt
also; fully searchable fecal depot: trumptwitterarchive.com
>the sissy ducking
wat da fug man :::
Forgets to wear his MAGA hat on the tarmac one time, and this is what happens.
I'm more curious how the hell his comb-over works now that it appears the bald spot goes all the way to the back. He must have an incredible amount of side hair to comb it all over the way it does.
>Daddy's Roommate
I don't want to know what that's about...
Don't bump this shit tier thread samefag, saged.
nobody goes bald on the back of their head like that, he must be shaving it
no it just means he has hair transplants. hair transplants take the hair from the back of your head and move it forward thus making you bald in the back.
would you still support him?
>regularly eats fast food
>is compared to a bald eagle
Can he get any better?
More so.
Holy shit he should just roll with that instead. Looks way more serious and like he's actually intelligent.
The man needs a stylist ASAP.
Probably more
>"oh look he's 71 and his head is bald ahahahah"
pic related is the typical 71 year old
>no facial hair
gay, homosexual and fag
Holy shit a 70 year old man has hair loss? Omg.
Trump should go for the Ike look and either shut the line up or watch them make asses of themselves for making fun of bald men
fuck yes, he evolved from us president to nod commander
Looks like lex Luther
without lex. and luther
Now I understand why he hates Mexicans
is this real
>all these magapedes saying things like "SO WHAT HE'S OLD" "I-I-IT'S N-NOT THAT BAD"
reminds me of leftists after Hillary collapsed or had her coughing fits.
It's fucking disgusting and hilarious and you all know it but won't admit it. Realizing this is key to understanding Trump as a person and the true frailty of his ego. It humanizes him. He's not a strong, alpha male with great genetics. He's a fat, soft, balding old man.
This is fake
>typical 71 year old
yeah, maybe in muttland
wtf im a leftist now
i'm gonna need this in high resolution.
any webm or video available?
If you call a man who has 4 healthy and successful kids, made a hit reality show, has his own products, a boeing 747, several buildings as part of a real estate empire, married a swimsuit model, diagnosed as mentally stable by a whitehouse psychologist and $2 billion net worth...."retarded," then you must be a spastic paraplegic mentally retarded epileptic schizoid
This. Libshits are always trying to find nonissues to bitch about.
Some days his hair looks beautiful.
We have a fucking car orbiting the sun. It will be available
I hope he goes full Lex Luthor in his second term.
That's Bruce Willis head.
So yeah, looks a lot better.
KEK this
His head would look a lot more fucked up.
lol k
Yea but how does it feel to be below a fat, soft, balding old man you degenerate faggot?
Devastating if real
Those taco niggers are in their early 30's.
>Be Swede Cuck
>laugh at old man for not having much hair
>live in Country that is considered a meme
Lack of hair is a sign of low testosterone, low sexual libido, low sex drive.
What a shame.
I think Trump would look decent bald, he's ugly compared to trudeau but i still think it's cute that he tries to work with all 12 of his hairs on his head. If he can't manage his hair then how is he qualified to manage the united states???
He is confirmed to not have a wig but he has some crazy ass combover anyways, but then ain't no nigga balding on the back they head like that. Probably fake unless he has alopecia.
Trudeau is gonna look a lot worse after 70 if he keeps railing blow off ISIS fighters' dicks
No it isn't.
It works reverse high testosterone is more likely to hinder hairgrowth on the head and boost it everywhere else.
It's not fake, this is the surgery he's had and why it looks that way. The hair from the back/side is taken and put on the top. This leaves permanent scars and bald spots forever. Trump got these procedures done before hair transplants were a viable alternative.
holy fuck