Race of the Romans?

What race were the Romans?

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Same race as Italians, you worthless raisin head.

And that picture is stupid. Basically drew a nigger and coloured him blonde lmaoo.

Are you really so retarded you think modern Italians are the same as Ancient Romans?


One drop dictates blackness. So they are "black".


Are you really so retarded you think Modern Italians are the sole product of foreigners raping their women and browning them? There have always been europeans with darker features, they simply have more anatolian farmer DNA than yanmaya or early neolithic farmer DNA.


Greek/Aryan/Egyptian/Persian. Nord Aryan, not Goth Aryan.

Are you so fucking retarded you think I don't already know that?

What even gave you that idea? Literally nothing I said implies that. You are one dull fucker.

We wuzn't only gypshuns, we was dem Row-maing ass muhfuggas too n sheit. Dem crackas beez raciss, an trynna ah-pro-pre-ayte weez culcha n sheit.

answering this question creates ALOT of discord amongst Sup Forums southern European, so its better off if it isnt brought up until the jew problem is solved

why do whites hate science?


>One drop rule.

You do know that romes north east border only existed because germania beat their asses right?

They are. The Hittites were indo European.

Modern italians are the descendants of people who lived in the roman empire, retard.


Anatolia and western China were the first 2 places that indo Europeans migrated to. Most of them migrated elsewhere at a later date.

memes aside. This is how i would imagine alot of them looked. Maybe the blue eyes were rarer. But something around that complexion

Genetic research has proven it. Are you really so retarded that you make statements on matters you know nothing of?

I thought I looked Roman but the other day Sup Forums unanimously told me I looked like a Mongol rape baby

Arminius the Germanic patriot ambushed Varus legions destroying them and ending August's invasion plans and Romes conquest of Germania.

>be snownigger
>be envious of the fact that european culture was practically invented by greeks/italians
>call italians and greeks non white
>mask your inferiority complex by saying that ancient greeks and romans were snowniggers too
>dna testing disproves this retarded claim completely
>snowniggers backed into a corner and forced to admit they were civilized by non whites


Just as southern europeans have 1% north african admixture, most northern and eastern europeans have 1% asian admixture. If you really think that 1% can make someone non-white, no one is white. And btw, when europeans hear retarded amerimutts such as you claim they're not white you really just confirm the stereotype about your country.

Genetic evidence simply does not support that.

Memes aside, a trip to Italy will tell you how they looked.

>what race are the Romans
>shows pictures of Egyptian stellas

Who you calling snownigger commie mongrel.

If they maintained any level if logical consistency and objectivity, and didn't let their inferiority complex dictates their thinking, they wouldn't be so easy to cut down.

Germania civilized its damn self.

Pic related modern Greek
Heavily similair in terms of look, Gerard Butler would not be rare or atypical in Southern Europe (of course there are some darker specimen)

The problem with Sup Forums is there's a lot of mongrel rape babies that see pics on here and call people mongrel rape babies. That's why it's not constructive to post an image on an anonymous board.

God told Noah to built an ark, and he did.
Soon 3 couples came to the ark at god's direction.
They were Japeth, and his wife. Ham, and his wife. Shem and his wife. Each chosen by god, because they were the pure of their race, and had not intermixed.
Soon they were followed by animals 2x2, and a great flood, which killed all life on earth, except those on the ark.
Japeth was White
Ham was Asian
Shem was Black
Their children went on to repopulate the world.

nordics are subhumans

The NERDic female exists to be impregnated with med seed

Indo European race same as Germans.

The one drop rule has always defined blackness. Which is why people like Will Smith, TI, and Steph Curry are black. And genetics support that Romans had far more than 1%.


Look at you. Proving my point. You ugly fucking mongrel. Of course you want something pure.

>Beard doesn't connect.
You're a fucking native American

lol that's what I thought when I seen it too. Rome conquered Egypt, which had already been conquered many times, which caused tons of interbreeding.

>And that picture is stupid. Basically drew a nigger and coloured him blonde lmaoo.

That's the joke.


Nice try Shlomo.

You people only have these threads because you've never read a book in your life and the only information you've on migration is coming from memes

>You ugly fucking mongrel.
>greater israel flag

The irony


To hell with you.

Literally 56% mystery meat


Is there any genetic evidence? If there is anything we've lost learned from ancient Egypt, it is that self-portrayals are to be taken with a big grain of salt.



Even your ID says your a wuss

dunno but I'm e1b1b and paternal ancestors are from near hadrian's wall, so I larp as julius caesar


The Romans knew maintaining garrisons and developing Germania east of the Rhine would be more costly than it can provide in benefits. There was no point annexing it. The Romans were however, capable of a full scale invasion considering Germanicus launched a full scale war against the tribes most responsible for Teutoberg where he unleashed unparalleled destruction on the Germanics, recovered the eagles lost in Teutoberg, defeated Arminius in battle and dissolved the alliance of tribes that fought against the Romans at Teutoberg.
And much after that, the usual response of Roman emperors to Germanic raids against the Rhine was to send expeditionary forces to devastate the lands of the tribes responsible.

My Step Father is Roman, he has blue eyes.



Southern Italy and Scilly are darker haired, naturally.

Meds aka white.

Also don't forget to sage slide threads.

>he fell for the "north is white" meme

No, I actually travel outside my state

Look at this sicilian half nigger. Disgusting.

The one drop rule dictates blackness.

Do you guys have any genetic evidence to back up your claims?


We don't, niggers like you rely on us to come up with new scientific discoveries

>We don't

Then stfu until you get some facts.

that guy is the same complexion as meds nigger. what do you mean genetic evidence doesn't support it

>amerikike falls for the silver screen jew


Step father used to make robes for The Vatican.



Italians and even sicilians have less nigger dna than the average amerimongrel. The us is about as anglo as nigeria.

Translation: you're angry that you're poor and inferior to "snow niggers"

Yes. We're inferior alright.

Hmmm the south also make better Pizza.

It's you all who are being razist

Stop projecting your obvious inferiority complex. You know we're better than you

It's supports the idea that the world used to be darker/blacker. Along with that recent brit discovery.

Blackness is determined by the one drop rule which is why you have alot of lightskinned niggers with Mediterranean complexion and features.

Thanks for showing everyone you're a retarded shitskin. Remind me again of who it was that basically invented the modern world? Oh that's right, not shitskins like you

Glad you admit it, although it's obvious anyway because you're so much poorer than us


ok but the guy the swede posted looks like most meds. and then you post irrelevant stats when the guy already looks how most meds look

Your god forgot the Australoids :-(


Yeah. Id say germanics and romans were equally good killers. But rome had a bigger empire. More people. More soldiers. That seems to be a reoccuring theme with germany. Their enemies always have more cannon fodder than they know what to do with. I remember reading about some battle where the romans tried to invade germania and the germanics killed a bunch of romans and the romans left and came back and the battlefield was still covered in bodies. Thats how you defeat the germanics. Just throw cannon fodder at them until theyre burried in bodies.

Mm what was britain in the 1600s?
In the 1700s?

Industrial advancements occurred throughout Europe not in britain, netherlands did the printing press.

There never was a med race, we are all part of the Aryan race.

My ancestor


We don't go off of "looks" for Egypt so why would we do it for rome? Genetic evidence is all that matters.

Mediterranean master race. Nordcuck snow nogs need not apply

You have that pic of that mulatto legit 56% guy always taking selfies of himself?


that's Decebal, retard
he was Dacian not Roman
and besides, yes, both us and Italians are the exact same people as ancient Romans
Sup Forums revisionist """history""" by Mohammeds using memeflags is irrelevant to real documented history

Romanians are displaced italians.

Where is the genetic evidence?

One drop= not white.


la aberraciĆ³n...

>post picture of Decebal, king of Dacia
>retards with memeflags think he was Roman
if all Sup Forums users did an IQ test it, the average would be lower than Sub Saharan Africa

>said the mutt

So silly. I'm not American. Also, I don't take having higher DMT production as an insult

Giovanni the Moro

Burning Bushes.

He was trippin