Does any other leftist come to laugh at the retards in this board or is it just me?
Does any other leftist come to laugh at the retards in this board or is it just me?
I do it too
checked, fpbp
legendary bread
everyone in the world laughs at leftists. so.....welcome, i guess.
You're both in denial.
If what you said was true your life is fucking pathetic.
Many do. Of course, if you stay, you'll be turned.
Based faggot
Legendary bread XD
Glad I'm not the only one
Sure ya do Chang
Yes. Where else can you find a group of people who torture themselves by resisting masturbation to feel self-righteous while simultaneously supporting political candidates who lure 13 year old girls into the woods.
we thought you finally killed yourself after that memo
The average IQ of this board dropped dramatically after Alex Jones started shilling his shitty conspiratard webcast on here, and it does frustrate me that the Infowars retards think they're welcome here
Colorado politics thread. Sage and report
you can keep laughing nervously and we'll keep electing right wing politicians and removing you from power sweetie ;)
Leftists are the real Nazis.
Fuck off, Gaydolf hortler
I basically come here to try to understand the mental gymnastics of people who actually (still) support Trump. I realized long ago that they're all basically just idiots. Not sure why I still come here; it's pretty tedious.
I pretend to be a lefist to trigger redditors.
You can't come here and not get redpilled at least on jewish tricks. Well, unless you're a jew.
>shareblue sample #1488
Too obvious, 0/10.
Obamaleaf, we entered Obama economy again, hurrah!
No, we won't. You need to be a particularly stupid individual to let yourself be brainwashed by Sup Forums memes (a.k.a. "redpilled")
That's the joke, retards from the_zionist respond no matter what.
Of course I do. The people who get the most laughs from me are the ones who believe they are smart for taking the redpill and follow cucks like Sargon, Stefan Molieneaux and the likes.
Nice digits bro
>self hating fag
>i come here to laugh at idiots lol
And that's how they get you.
You'll be one of us.
>Not sure why I still come here; it's pretty tedious.
Good... good.
Soon your training will be complete.
And you'll take your place at our side.
Lol that used to be me. Oldfag Sup Forumstard here, was left wing anarchist with marxist sympathies about 2 years ago. You should actually try proving pol wrong, it might change your viewpoint. Remember faggot, you're here forever
THIS. OP if, for whatever reason, you value your normieism and aren't low IQ, you're gonna want to leave while you can. The arguments aren't as bad as you think they are at first glance. It's kind of a terrible journey honestly.
lefties get BTFO every day here. then again you guys are into all that cucking shit so it makes sense you'd come here to get abused
I know.
Yeah, because it's somehow much less pathetic if you post in here unironically. Who do you think you're fooling?
Right. This is all made up.
Leftist here. I've been waiting to pop this redpill for a long time but cannot do so until I get clarification on one thing. We are supposed to call out jewry and those who fall for the Jew tricks but we are also supposed to praise the orange dotard even though he sucks the Jew dick constantly. What do huh
It's ok when The Based God Emperor Donald does it
You have to have a high (((IQ))) to not get redpilled just like rick and morty fans or late night talk show hosts!
Natsoc is aligned with some Trump interests but not nec Trump himself. Sup Forums is not one person also
its like a lunatic asylum.
remember this moment. it's the last joy you will feel. Welcome brothers.
yeah I come here to see how delusional people can become and I'm never disappointed in how hilariously true it ends up being.
That dude is most likely making shit up, but if he really was retarded enough to get brainwashed by Sup Forums, then I feel sorry for the poor cunt.
I guess have fun while it lasts. I can only wish you well.
>Leftist saying retard
Nice try
pic related
I'll give you a (You) because I feel bad for you user. Hope the gulag is cozy tonight.
You can do whatever you want with this information, but you'd be wiser if you heeded it and backed away from the chasm you're toeing the edge of. There are days I wish I would have.
It's not brainwashing, retard. It's putting on the "They Live" sunglasses. You'll see things posted here and think it's a joke, but then you start to notice things in daily life more often (like the pushing of interracial couples on TV) and eventually say "Pol was right." It's inevitable.
Yeah, it's really funny to come here after presidential elections. Be sure to come back in 2020 too.
reminder that liberals aren't left wing. if you unironically support any sort of poststructuralist identity politics, faggot rights, feminism or racial quotas, you are a right wing retard kowtowing to globalist capitalist interests. if you get your news from any mainstream media corporation, you are directly enabling oligopolies and their control and commoditization over the dissemination of information, directly bought and paid for by globalist capitalist interests, and thus you are a right wing retatrd. if you unironically support american alphabet agencies and the """intelligence""" community, you are quite literally pledging your support for a global elite hegemony whose entire existence has been dedicated to the oppression of the working class, and thus you are a right wing retard.