Can someone post that picture of all the Jews within our media?
Can someone post that picture of all the Jews within our media?
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Kikes are literally all hideous.
They should have been genocided.
I don't know what it is about Jewish women, I really don't, but I want to fuck every jewish woman I see, young old, fat skinny. I just want to fuck my hate of the jew right into them. I want to infect their jew cunts with my pure Aryan hate.... Uhhhhhgghh.... Yeah...
He looks like such a faggot, holy shit. I wonder how Haitians really feel about this. It's like a soldier bleeding to death with severe hemorrhaging and a blue haired medic tells him he's fine
With all these delusions people are fabricating for the sake of political correctness, it's really irritating
Have you guys ever heard of the phrase "correlation is not causation"? So what if the majority of people who run the media are Jewish?
thas a lot of jews, amazed you could fit so many in that crammed space
>Multi-national corporations who have a very large amount of people working for them
>Racist internet losers are triggered that occasionally some of these people are jews
Why are the alt-right such a pathetic, laughable bunch?
Hilarious because majority is white by a huge margin. Jews just beat other minorities by a lot. Probably because they are more like white people in America and Europe than blacks and Brown's are.
How many times can it keep happening until it's no longer a coincidence
The hilarious thing is that none of them would say a word if they were Christian. I'm as right-wing as the next guy, but I've yet to hear a shred of intellectual honesty for this shit.
That shirt settles it, Haiti is great, no reason to keep sending them foreign aid, their shit is all sorted out.
Some of these (((chosen people))) are jews
Name the goy
>I'm as right-wing as the next guy, but I've yet to hear a shred of intellectual honesty for this shit.
There's enough of it posted here. Stop the misdirections.
>haiti is great already
awesome, than they are no longer in need of assistance,
all the best in the future
I've lost any respect I ever had for Conan over this shit.
Haiti is the literal definition of a shithole.
What's next? Conan in Sierra Leone? Conan in the slave markets of Libya?
>You know Conan, Haiti is an environmental and economic disaster where every living thing gets raped and people subsist on cookies made of mud.
How about 20% of those people would be, say hindu, or native, or even south korean.
When its jews suddenly nobody seems to mention such an obvious correlation between media and being jewish.
>How many times can it keep happening until it's no longer a coincidence
This talking point sucks. If the majority of them were Christian, what it still be difficult to believe that it's a coincidence?
I can fit a lot more into my ashtray
It's hilarious that you nazi losers have to make uip portraits to feed your own thought bubbles
>obvious correlation
This says nothing on its own. In an argument, it's your job to add context.
Wow that went right over your head did it? How old are you?
No, because the majority of America is Christian, you dunce.
What the fuck does religion have to do with it?
And if they followed any other religion or belonged to any other ethnic group?
So you're arguing from an ethnic point of view? What's your collective point exactly?
>if pro sports are dominated by blacks it is because of merit
>if jews dominate media, finance, and banking it is because of merit
>if whites succeed it is privilege and should be taken away
ah yes that's why those subhumans keep coming to my country
I don't know if I understand what you're asking, so let's try some scenarios.
>majority of america is christian and majority of media is christian
>majority of america is jewish and majority of media is jewish
>majority of america is christian and majority of media is jewish
>>if pro sports are dominated by blacks it is because of merit
>>if jews dominate media, finance, and banking it is because of merit
>>if whites succeed it is privilege and should be taken away
it would be if the christians in the media were spreading degeneracy and globalism
>people in Haiti die of cholera and have to eat mud cookies to stop the crushing hunger from lack of food
>they have no public services like education, health, safety and rescue
>violence is normal and people sleep afraid every single night
>most if not all people have at least one close relative or a child that was either murdered or died before the age of 30
>malnutrition is a common disease
>first world assholes that haiti is a great place to live, completely disregarding the immeasurable human suffering that everyone there goes every single day and practically mocking it just to post on instagram
For fuck sake is there anything more soulless than a liberal?
Correlative assumptions are not arguments, I'm afraid.
What do you do for a living?
2% to 20% is enough context I'd say.
hes got a guitar, with a little screw to the wall guitar holder. oh shit i see the electric guitar.
Egualidy of oudgum :D :D :D
Start your own media, the Jews are subversive cunts, but they're doing it the by the rules. We can't cut off our face to spite the nose. Destroying the whole structure of a society that functions well without the Jewfluence is counterproductive. Fight back, don't just blow the whole thing up.
>a zionist
>talking about intellectual honesty
tip top kek
t. nigger Jew
I'm not a Zionist, merely a skeptic trying to encourage you people to think. You're giving the right-wing a terribly disingenuous name.
Wrong. You're free to try again if you want though.
it's time for a jam session gugugu guguggugu gugugu gugugugu
Tell your mom I'm sorry her child has autism
> I'm not a jew I swear!
>Martin Luther was a Protestant
>So are the KKK
well imagine my shock!
skip to 2:24 and enjoy
>You're giving the right-wing a terribly disingenuous name.
At least shill with some style pls
>tfw no masturbation machine
It's okay to be wrong sometimes you know. Maybe you should learn how to solidify your sociopolitical beliefs before you actually hold them as ultimate truth.
Can't blame the man for making honest statements.
That's not an argument. You aren't making an argument.
So those 40,000 Hatians won't mind going back.
fucking BASED Martin Luther. Im converting to Protestantism NOW
why doesn't the electric guitar have on? couldn't afford it poor boy. poor boy.
>unironically thinking 'sociopolitical' is a grown-up that commands authority.
Aaah sociology, the pseudoscience of your kind. Zionists with their damaged intellect are so adorable.
>unironically thinking 'sociopolitical' is a grown-up that commands authority
What are you even saying with this? Learn to type.
Back to plebbit, megaphone jew.
oh what's this, the jews tried to fuck up the 1st ammendment and failed. Wonder what that must feel like, to root for a nation the size of a peanut which needs the support of another nation to even survive for a day. I'd piss myself if I were an israeli.
>the jews
>more correlative arguments
You seem to be a sufferer of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Good luck with that.
>Doesn't even have a basic understanding of the theory he's trying to use.
Dunning-kruger indeed, hah.
>even Conan is fucking gone to the other side
why do I now have to hate all the people I used to like?
oh yes, that's right. Because of who they work for.
Because they are getting desperate now
Because we are slowly gaining ground.
well, I suppose trading Conan for the future of the world isn't such a bad deal after all
Did anyone see his special a few years back where he lost it on some kids who used the term "being jewed" when they got their money taken? I remember it like 10 years ago, and even though I was pretty blue-pilled I wondered why making fun of Jews was so taboo.
>watery gaslighting
Manipulative, too, very attractive. Bet that convinces a ton of people.
All you guys have to present to me is correlative argument upon correlative argument and it's really disappointing. To reiterate: this is why normies see the right-wing as a bunch of Nazis and that's it.
How about we spread something like
Clearly Haiti doesn't need aid since Conan says it's already great.
Make Conan post up, or buckle.
Christian jews get called out as well
Nowhere near to the extent of ethnic ones, though.
I'm not entirely sure in what alternative universe you exert authority or even a similar level of intellect. It's a shame my jew-folder is already empty as I come here mostly to troll trumpkins. I can tell by the shocking lack of contents in your posts that you'd make a good addition to this board though.
Dont forget to send back those on refugee status.
That's not an argument. You're boring.
As are your pretenses you've got a secure nation for your kind.
>more and more deflections
Name one pretentious thing I've said thus far. I'll wait.
aside from trying to sound smart by lobbing in a theory that had no real connection to what I was trying to say, creating pretty much an inverse effect to maximum irony?
Your words are filth, which makes sense considering what you are.
>aside from trying to sound smart by lobbing in a theory that had no real connection to what I was trying to say
Where and what?
>creating pretty much an inverse effect to maximum irony?
Do you speak this awkwardly too?
>words hard, me no understand me am chosen race
hahahah, silly jew
itt: jidf
So you're not even willing to solidify your points here. Very dishonest.
And your grammar sucks, which is what I was pointing out.
I'll ask you again though.
>>aside from trying to sound smart by lobbing in a theory that had no real connection to what I was trying to say
Solidify this.
me: israel is reliant on the us for its continued survival
Since you need this explanation, I'm pretty sure you won't understand just how funny you are to me. So much for that famous jewish intellect, hah.
>manipulates context that anyone browsing this thread can see
I don't think that's how it happened. You're definitely the most disingenuous person I've argued with all month.
backpedalling like a jew walking to the oven, pathetic.
Why did Conan cuck out so hard over Haiti? I really don't understand it.
>more manipulations
I'll ask you a final time.
>aside from trying to sound smart by lobbing in a theory that had no real connection to what I was trying to say
Elaborate on this.
did your jidf manual teach you this 'pretending to be retarded' tactic? That's pretty sad, even for an untermensch.
>"Haiti was great!" said Conan from the safety of the resort he never left while being surrounded by his security crew to make sure no non-network approved "natives" got near him
>Conan declined to tell us if he ever thought of going back again